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Love & Logic

Love & Logic. Session 1-1/2 hour, preview, expectations/syllabus for credit. Apply new knowledge of Love and Logic techniques and submit a 1 paragraph reflection of classroom experience Complete In Class Activities Participate in Discussions. What is Love and Logic? In a nutshell.

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Love & Logic

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  1. Love & Logic

  2. Session 1-1/2 hour, preview, expectations/syllabus for credit • Apply new knowledge of Love and Logic techniques and submit a 1 paragraph reflection of classroom experience • Complete In Class Activities • Participate in Discussions

  3. What is Love and Logic? In a nutshell • Puts Teachers in Control • Teaches Kids to think for themselves • Raises the level of student responsibility • Prepares kids to function effectively in a society filled with temptations, decisions, and consequences • Research: Tier I Structure, Psychological research. • Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay bios http://www.loveandlogic.com/9skills/Pages/0200jimfaybio.html Session 1

  4. Love and Logic helps educators, administrators, and counselors: • Set limits in the classroom without anger • Provide underachievers hope and willingness when the going gets tough • Raise the odds for kids to stay in school • Build strong connections between home and school • Improve attendance • Manage disruptive students • Make teaching and learning more fun and productive • Immediately handle disruptive students • Get and keep students' attention • Build positive student-teacher relationships • Help students own and solve their own problems • Bully proof children, diffuse power struggles, and handle difficult people

  5. It works because: • When adults take care of themselves, they hand the problem back to the student who created it. • When the student has to solve the problem, they have to think. • When students have to think, they learn that decisions have consequences. • When students have to deal with consequences, they learn to think. • When we allow the student to deal with the consequences, they learn to think before they cause a problem. • When the student learns to ask themselves, "How is my behavior going to affect me?" they have learned self control Teacher Testimonials http://www.loveandlogic.com/9skills/Pages/0500testimonials.html

  6. Goals • Write 3 goals for how you would like Love and Logic to help you this year using the list of how Love and Logic helps educators

  7. Purpose of Love and Logic You want your students to know that making it through a tough situation is always an option for them. Intervention #1-p. 311-Getting them to Fall in Love with you Audio tape-23 Tips for Teachers-section 1 about the teacher in Vegas

  8. Application ActivityThe Misbehavior Cycle • The Misbehavior Handout http://www.loveandlogic.com/documents/misbehavior-cycle.pdf The next time you have a student who is in an emotional state because of a bad choice he/she made, pick your empathy response, “Bummer” “This is so sad” “Ohhh no” “Uh oh”. Next, ask them what they will do about the problem. If they can’t come up with a solution offer 3 solutions that you can live with and ask them to pick one. End the conversation with, “Good luck with that!”

  9. Love & LogicSession 2 2 hoursOctober 6, 2010 Consequences, Relationship Building, Enforceable Limits, ChoicesShort and Sweet interactions, Internalized vs. External enforcement

  10. Debrief • The Misbehavior Cycle • How did it go? What happened? What have you learned?

  11. Consequences, Relationship Building, Enforceable Limits, Choices L & L Cards • Love and Logic Tip #2-p. 15 • L & L Tip #3-p. 31 • L & L Tip #4-p. 37 • Words of Gold: p. 29 • Intervention 4 & 5 p. 317

  12. Relationship Building • Betty Geddes-Relationship Building

  13. The Three Rules of Love and Logic • Use Enforceable Limits • Provide Choices with Limits • Apply Consequences with Empathy Practical Applications-video-Betsy Geddes-Empowering

  14. Enforceable StatementsFighting Words vs. Thinking Words • Telling a child when he/she can do something. “Feel Free to go out, as soon as you have finished your work.” • Telling the child the conditions under which the adult will do something. I’ll be glad to discuss this with you, as soon as the arguing stops.” • Describing the choices a child has. “You may sit and listen at the carpet or in your chair.” • Telling the child what to do. “You get to work right now.” • Telling the child what you will not allow. “You’re not going to talk to me that way.” • Telling the child what you won’t do for him/her. “I’m not picking up your dirty

  15. Application Activity Change these fighting words into thinking words. • Get to work on your reading or you can’t go to recess. • I’ll be giving _________________ • Stop talking. • You may ______________ • Keep your hands to yourself • Feel free to touch _______________

  16. Providing Choices • Love and Logic Tip #1-p. 154 • Read these tips and write 3 choices that fit your classroom

  17. More Enforceable Statements • Turn Your Garbage into Gold • P. 29

  18. Apply consequences with empathy • The effective teacher administers consequences with empathy and understanding; as opposed to anger and lecture • L & L #4 • Write your empathy phrase

  19. Rules for Giving Choices • L & L teachers agree that they get the best cooperation when they remember to provide a lot of choices throughout the day. • How do you feel when your boss says… • “I want step #3 of your discipline plan to always be loss of recess” ? • “I can support loss of recess somewhere in your discipline plan or calling home as a consequence”? • Which one feels better? • L & L Tip #3-p. 31

  20. Short and Sweet interactions, Internalized vs. External Enforcement L & L Cards • Intervention 7-p. 319, 8-p. 324, 10-337 • Words of Gold-I message-p.334

  21. Love & LogicSession 3-1 hour December 1, 2010

  22. Debrief

  23. Chapter 8-11 The Four Key Principles of Love and Logic • Words of Gold (Tip 6A-6Bp. 121, #8, 146) Guidelines-p. 168, Magic Words and Phrases-p. 179 • Love and Logic Tip #7, 143, #9, 151, #10-154, #12-189

  24. Love & LogicSession 4-1 hour March 16, 2011

  25. Debrief

  26. Styles of Teaching

  27. Evaluate your goals • How did we do? • Did we accomplish your goals for learning a Love and Logic technique?

  28. Putting it all together • Create a Love and Logic Plan for your classroom

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