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Evolution and Natural Selection Project

Create a dynamic lesson plan to engage classmates on topics like Darwin, Natural Selection, and DNA. Present a 5-minute mini lesson, provide handouts and assessments, and use interactive activities to enhance learning. Tips on posture, repetition, alliteration, and personal experiences are provided to make your presentation compelling.

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Evolution and Natural Selection Project

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  1. Evolution and Natural Selection Project Due May 2nd Worth: Summative

  2. How are we going to work on this presentation? • Groups! • Get into groups of two or three

  3. What are the project objectives? • Build a lesson plan that engages your classmates in learning activities associated with your topic and then test their knowledge. • Engage your classmates in your lesson by introducing your topic with an engaging activity. • Present a 5 minute mini lesson on a topic of your choice. • Provide a way for students to keep the information that you present. • Monitor the understanding and comprehension of the class through • a handout. • Create an assessment that you will administer to measure the level of understanding the class has about your topic.

  4. What are the Topics we can choose to present on? • Darwin – History and Biography • Natural Selection • Mutation • Adaptation • Evolution • Selective Breeding • DNA- History and discovery • DNA- Structure and Function • Competition • Symbiosis- Parasitism, Mutualism, Commensalism

  5. What are the project requirements? • 1 Engaging Activity • 2 Presentation • 3Presentation Visual Aid • 4 Hand Out/ Worksheet • 5 Notes (helpful if fill in the blank) • 6 Assessment • Works Cited

  6. Engagement • Game • Interactive Activity • Demo • Interactive Website • It is the job of the presenter to make learning easy for the audience members. • Show commitment and enthusiasm • Without the interest and attention of your audience, you cannot accomplish your objective. • Continue to engage and re-engage attention and interest throughout the presentation. (25 sec)

  7. Presentation (5 min) • There are many things the presenter can and should do to improve the learning and ultimately the effectiveness of presentations. • Audience attention and interest naturally drops during a presentation at about 2 to 3 minute mark. • It is greatest at the beginning and end of a presentation. How far the attention drops depends on the skills of the presenter.

  8. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 1. Learner Prep • Introduction • Topic • State Agenda • Preparing the learner for the learning experience has been shown in study after study to enhance learning readiness. • By exposing learners to the material prior to the learning event, assimilation, thinking and recall time are all dramatically increased.

  9. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 2. Posture and Movement • Stand straight • No fidgeting • No biting nails/swaying back and forth • Make eye contact. • Move around the front to engage audience.

  10. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 3. Repetition • We learn through repetition. Skillful presenters use the technique of repeating key points throughout their presentation. • Naturally, a skillful presenter looks for creative ways to revisit the same point - simply saying the same thing over and over again can be frustrating for audience members.

  11. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 4. Use Threes • People remember the points in your presentation better if you speak in threes. • Consider such well-known phrases: • - Faith, Hope and Love • - Up, Up and Away • What happens when we do this? • - Faith, Hope, Love and Kindness • - Up, Up, Away and Gone • Something is lost in the rhythm, meter and power.

  12. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 5. Alliteration • A sequence of words beginning with the same sound seems to register with us. • What you say does not have to be big, bold and beautiful for it to be as attractive as a warm welcome on a winter's night.

  13. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 6. Inside Scoop • You've got their immediate attention if you can give them the inside scoop on something, particularly when it hits close-to-home. • Show them that they are receiving the most recent, relevant information available on the subject.

  14. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 7. Personal Experience • Support the point you're making with first-hand experience. • enhances your credibility with the audience • proves your knowledge on the subject.

  15. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 8. Questioning Techniques • Your audience will remember more than 85 percent of the questions you ask but only 30% of the sentences you speak. • By asking questions, you deepen audience understanding and conviction. • The best questions are ones that get your audience thinking, shock them to attention or get their agreement. • Ask How or why questions to really get students to think.

  16. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 9. Analogies and Metaphors • Advertising uses analogies and metaphors to get attention and further understanding. • Analogies and metaphors can be single words or expressions. • The more complex your subject, the more important it is to use analogies and metaphors. • Using a complex analogy to support complex material is frustrating for your audience!

  17. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 10. Storytelling • You can get your point across in less time, with better understanding and with longer retention if you use stories. • Stories are so effective that people will sometimes remember them forever. • Stories are effective because everyone has their own story and can imagine or envision themselves participating in the story to which they are listening.

  18. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • Numbers and statistics can lose your audience quicker than anything else. • By handling them carefully you can not only prove your point, but also surprise your audience. • Present only the numbers and statistics that are necessary to make your point. • Where possible, round to the nearest whole number. • Graphs and charts should be simple.

  19. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 12. Humor • Humor can be one of the most effective attention-getting techniques • Humor keeps the audience alert and awake • It is important not to confuse humor with comedy. Nothing is more uncomfortable for an audience than a long, awkward, drawn-out, unnatural joke. • Some of the funniest people never tell jokes. Many of them merely comment on how they see what's going on around them. • It's their unique perspective that's humor. Stay away from sexist, ethnic, religious, political or racist jokes. The only person you should make fun of is yourself.

  20. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 13. Games and Activities • If people sit too long, their brains start to operate in a passive mode, • Get them involved in activities that help them gather information. • Interactive Web Pages

  21. 20 techniques of a skillful presenter • 14. Note-taking • Encouraging your listeners to take notes will also help increase their attention. • Encourage audience members to be creative in their note-taking - rather than simply writing sentences on a page from left to right. • Key words, pictures and color all help to stimulate the brain. • Try providing fill in the blank notes or a graphic organizer that they can fill in to organize the information you will present.

  22. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 15. Handouts • Handouts are a tool to supply your audience with complex or additional information to support your talk. • a tool for getting your audience involved. • Don’t distribute at the beginning of your presentation. • If not too disruptive, distribute them when your audience will use them.

  23. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 16. Be Brief and Finish Early • 5 minute Max • People were once willing to listen to a speaker for 15 minutes to an hour. Not today. (25 sec) • Be aware of time management from the very beginning of your presentation. • Plan how long each stage of your talk should take and stick to it.

  24. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 17. Brand Your Presentation • Treat your presentation like a product you are selling. • How can you brand your presentation so audience members will see greater value in it? • Give a creative title. • What title can you give your presentation that you can repeat several times throughout the presentation?

  25. What can I use to make my presentation interesting? • 18. Show Your Flaws • Enhance your credibility by disclosing something (a flaw) about yourself that makes you seem more believable to the audience. • You are not a professional scientists. • The credibility of your resources my be in question if you only used the internet. • The information may be not be the most recent if found in a text book.

  26. 20 techniques of a skillful presenter • 19. Halo Effects • Dress to impress. • People pre-judge the presentation by the presenter’s appearance. • If you dress up, you may find that students will be more likely to respect what you have to say. • Good posture, eye contact, and speaking with proper volume adds credibility.

  27. 20 techniques of a skillful presenter • 20. Each One Teach One • Each person must speak in the presentation. • When each person on the team presents one topic, the information can be easier to process and remember.

  28. Supporting Materials • Notes • Hand out • Visual Aid • Poster • PowerPoint • Prezzi • Movie made by the group • Props

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