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Using the QSA P–10 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators

Using the QSA P–10 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators. QSA online resources for literacy and numeracy. Information statement Literacy and Numeracy Indicators: Preparatory year to Year 2 Year 3 to Year 6 Year 7 to Year 10 Short assessment instruments

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Using the QSA P–10 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators

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  1. Using the QSA P–10 Literacy and Numeracy Indicators

  2. QSA online resources for literacy and numeracy • Information statement • Literacy and Numeracy Indicators: • Preparatory year to Year 2 • Year 3 to Year 6 • Year 7 to Year 10 • Short assessment instruments • These resources can be found at: www.qsa.qld.edu.au/17929.html.

  3. Information Statement

  4. What is literacy? • Literacy involves students in composing and comprehending spoken language, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for a variety of purposes and audiences in a range of contexts. • Australian Curriculum — General capabilities 2012

  5. Elements of Literacy Australian Curriculum — General capabilities 2012

  6. What is numeracy? • Numeracy is recognising and understanding the role of mathematics in the world and having the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical knowledge and skills purposefully. • Australian Curriculum — General capabilities 2012

  7. Elements of Numeracy Australian Curriculum — General capabilities 2012

  8. What do the indicators look like? Build on previous learning and increase in complexity Organising elements

  9. How could the indicators be used? To support planning for: • teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy • assessment • future teaching and learning. • The indicators are published in draft. Please provide feedback or ask questions about the indicators via email: Literacy-numeracy@qsa.qld.edu.au.

  10. Using the indicators in a unit of work Select the Literacy and Numeracy Indicators to support learning in the unit. Refer to the indicators to focus feedback. Plan a short assessment using the indicators. Make a Yes or No judgment about the indicators. Provide teaching and learning opportunities for the indicators.

  11. Example short assessments

  12. Future directions

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