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Community Business Intelligence Project

Community Business Intelligence Project. Full Roll-Out Implementation Kick-Off HSPs with Validated Vendors December 2013. Agenda. Introductions CBI Project Overview, Objectives, and Scope Technical Overview Privacy and Security Overview Implementation Overview Questions Next steps.

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Community Business Intelligence Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Community Business Intelligence Project Full Roll-Out Implementation Kick-Off HSPs with Validated Vendors December 2013

  2. Agenda • Introductions • CBI Project Overview, Objectives, and Scope • Technical Overview • Privacy and Security Overview • Implementation Overview • Questions • Next steps

  3. CBI Project Team

  4. CBI Working Group

  5. CBI Overview and Background

  6. CBI Project Background • In 2012, the Toronto Central LHIN determined the need for a business intelligence solution • The CBI Reference Group was formed to: • Recommend the scope of the CBI Tool • Identify the required data elements • Determine an appropriate tiered approach • The TC LHIN supported the recommendations

  7. CBI Project Objective The Community Business Intelligence (CBI) Project will enhance Community Sector data quality and reporting • Improved data quality and reporting will: • Increase decision support capabilities • Enhance key functions of planning and system management • Serve as a foundation for organization, sector and system planning and performance • Provide benchmark reporting to Community Health Service Providers (HSPs)

  8. CBI Project Scope In Scope Out of Scope Community Support Service (CSS) Community Mental Health (CMH) Community Addictions (CA) Individual health records and viewing of personal health information Central Data Repository Reporting Tool Standardized Report and Query Tool for TC LHIN and HSPs

  9. CBI Tiered Approach Additional data elements Additional data elements identified as required through sector consultation Common assessment and access hubs data CSS – interRAI preliminary screener, interRAI CHA CMH – OCAN Addictions – ADAT Access hubs – Access 1, CASH, RM&R Hospital utilization data CBI data elements linked to hospitalization records(ICES, CIHI, etc) Community Sector demographic and service utilization data by functional centre (FC) Demographic (Name, DOB, Age, Gender, etc) FC (Referral, Admission, Initiation, Discharge dates, etc) Existing data in client management system and as reported in MIS/OHRS, CDS, and DATIS only

  10. Current State • Limited capacity for analysis and reporting • No ability to track client(s) within or between sectors • Inconsistent data quality • Duplicate reporting Community Support Service (CSS) Community Mental Health (CMH) Community Addictions (CA) HSP 1 HSP 2 HSP 1 HSP 2 HSP 1 HSP 2 Client A Client A Client A Client A Client A Client A Reporting (OHRS/MIS, CDS, DATIS, TC LHIN, etc)

  11. Future State • Ability to track client(s) through the system • Understand service utilization and capacity across sectors • Enhanced data quality based on consistent definitions and fields Community Support Service (CSS) Community Mental Health (CMH) Community Addictions (CA) HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP Client A

  12. CBI vs. IAR • CBI Tool is an aggregate reporting tool that : • Collects demographic information (IAR shows assessment record data) • Is for use at the HSP and LHIN level (IAR is for use at the client level) • Has cross sector and query reporting capabilities • Will ultimately link to other data sets

  13. Technology Overview

  14. Central Data Repository • DATIS was endorsed by the CBI Working Group to be the central data repository because it: • Holds Community Addictions data already • Is a non-profit (provincially funded) • Meets project privacy and security requirements • Has an existing relationship with ICES • Already has infrastructure in place (repository, dashboard for reporting, etc)

  15. Data Elements Data elements collected for CBI Tier 1 include: • Demographic information • Functional Centre information • Admission information No additional elements are required to be collected by HSPs in order to participate

  16. Movement of Data

  17. What about Community Addictions (CA) HSPs? Being that data from CA HSPs already resides within DATIS, the CBI Project looks different for them: • For CMH and CSS HSPs, data is transferred directly from your CMS to the CBI database using CBI web service client • For CA HSPs, data is transferred from the Catalyst database within DATIS to the CBI database • Both collect the same data and adhere to the same privacy and security requirements for data transfer

  18. Privacy and Security Overview

  19. Privacy and Security Privacy and security measures include: • DATIS is a Health Information Network Provider • Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Threat Risk Assessment (TRA) on the DATIS physical environment • Privacy and Data Access sub-group to oversee HSP sharing agreement, privacy & security and appropriate policies • 3rd party legal review of HSP and vendor agreements

  20. Implementation Overview

  21. CBI Test Group

  22. Timeline –HSPs with pilot vendors

  23. HSP Activity • Review ESPA signing guide and sign ESPA • Review Implementation Checklist and Activity Tracker • Review HSP Testing and Validation Guide • Complete HSP Testing • Complete HSP Go Live

  24. Vendor Activity • Ensure build CBI XML schema according to specifications is complete • Complete Vendor Testing and Validation • Support HSP Testing and Validation • Support HSP Go Live

  25. CBI Support • Website tcii.reconnect.on.ca • FAQ document, testing and validation documents, agreements, etc • Single point of contact CBISupport@reconnect.on.ca

  26. Questions?

  27. Appendix

  28. Tier 1 Data Elements

  29. Tier 1 Data Elements (con’t)

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