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Superannuation Advisor Melbourne | Superannuation Financial Advisors Melbourne

We are a corporate authorised representative of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd and specialise in Retirement Planning including; Investment, Superannuation, Personal Insurance, Estate Planning, and Centrelink and Aged Care advice.<br>At Smart Finance Advisory, we enjoy helping out our clients through their journey of life. What matters most to you in life? It's a big question. But it's just one of the many issues our financial advisor in Aspendale Gardens will ask to get a better understanding of you, your financial goals and your dreams. Together, you and our retirement plan advisors will c

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Superannuation Advisor Melbourne | Superannuation Financial Advisors Melbourne

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  1. Superannuation Myths Can Impact YourRetirement Savings www.sfadvisory.com.au +61 390344883

  2. Australia Superannuationas Most Systematic & EfficientScheme With an approximate $2.8 trillion dollars, Australia’s superannuation retirementsavingpoolisgettingenormous.Consideredasamodelfor other countries, Australia’s superannuation is hailed as one of the most systematic and efficientretirement schemes. There are a lot of misconceptions about super funds which has apparentlycreatedaversionsamongAussiesandimpactingtheir retirementsavings.

  3. Superannuation Funds Has No Effect on Your RetirementOutcomes AnincreasinglylargenumberofAustraliansbetweentheagesof65–69depend onthesuperastheirprimarysourceofincomeduringtheirretirement.Withthe dependence on superannuation funds escalating and super delivering more retirementincomes,there’sbeenasteepdeclineinthenumberofpeoplerelying on old agepensions.

  4. You Can’t Use Your Super Funds TillYou Retire Super funds is a medium to manage and save your money up until you reach the ageofretirement.Thefactisthatyouhavecompletecontroloveritevenbeforeyou retire. So, in case you are not satisfied with your service provider, you can always switch to a betterone. Scheme for Those Who are Above50 You don’t need to be above 50 to start working on superannuation. Most Aussies enjoy long lives and better health. This means you require additional moneyifyouwanttolivecomfortablyandsustainamoderatelydecentlifestyle post retirement. You might even have to top up the Super to attain complete financial independence throughout your workingyears.

  5. Superannuation Doesn’t Work Well to Get People Off AgePension Large proportion of people have reasonably good superannuation balances that workwellpasttheretirementage.Accordingtoanestimate,since1997thenumber of Aussies above the age of 65 on aged pension fell from 79% to 70%. The trend alsoshowsthatit’sexpectedtodropbelow60%inthecomingyears.

  6. ContactUs +61 402 895593 | (03)90344883 clientservices@sfadvisory.com.au www.sfadvisory.com.au/ 13/11 Narelle Drive, Aspendale GardensVIC 3195AustraliaPO BOX:323Mentone East Vic3194

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