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How to Involve Your Marketing Team in Modern Digital Selling

Greater alignment with sales and marketing has huge impact on creating more opportunities and business. So involving marketing team with sales is really important when it comes to digital selling.

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How to Involve Your Marketing Team in Modern Digital Selling

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  2. Havingcentralizedandrebrandedsocial profileswillmakeasellerasabrand withinyourbrand. Marketingcanassist withguaranteeingyoursalesteam’s images, summariesandheadlinesare usedtotheirgreatestpotential. Marketingcanlikewiseworktoensure bestpracticeslikeaddingrichmediato profilesarebeingfollowed. 1. Centralizingand rebranding everybody’s socialprofiles

  3. Marketingisalsoinvolvedintopofthe funnelbusinessdevelopmentsincethey havedemandgenerationrollingup andalsocentralizedtriggerbasedsales opportunities. Theycanmonitorjob changeswithinamarket, triggersfor mergersandacquisitions, changesto yourcompetitors, andchangesto vendors/customerbase. 2. Centralizing trigger-basedsales opportunities

  4. Marketingcanworkwithsalesby developingaseriesofsalesplaysand storyboardsthatcanhelpacustomer throughthebuyingjourney. Marketing’s keyresponsibilityhereisprovidingthe salesprofessionalwithavarietyof differentassetsthatsaleswillthenshare withthecustomer. 3. Creatingsales playsand storyboards

  5. Marketingcanassistwiththecontinuing `nurturingofthecustomer’ through havingaseriesofassetsorganizedby buyerpersona, buyerjourneystage, and assettype. Thisallowsthesales professionaltosearchouttheproper assetstosharewithcustomers—assets thatrelatetotheconversationthey’re havingwithcustomers, likenewtrends, newideas, andbestpractices. 4. Buildinga digitallyrich contentlibrary

  6. 5. Furtheranalyzing customers’ content consumption Marketingcanhelpsaleswiththeinsight likewhichaccountsareactivelyengaged, andwhichonesarelessinterested. This willbereallyhelpfulforsalesinfocusing moreontheirkeyaccounts.

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