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City of Sedro-Woolley Shoreline Management Program Update

City of Sedro-Woolley Shoreline Management Program Update. Community Visioning Meeting August 16, 2011. WELCOME!. SMA & SMP SMP Update Process Public Participation Inventory and Characterization Next Steps. SMA. Washington State Shoreline Management Act of 1972 (SMA)

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City of Sedro-Woolley Shoreline Management Program Update

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  1. City of Sedro-Woolley Shoreline Management Program Update Community Visioning Meeting August 16, 2011

  2. WELCOME! • SMA & SMP • SMP Update Process • Public Participation • Inventory and Characterization • Next Steps

  3. SMA • Washington State Shoreline Management Act of 1972 (SMA) • Protect shoreline environmental resources AND the public's right to access and use the shorelines • Accommodate appropriate uses that require a shoreline location

  4. SMP • Under the SMA, each city and county with shorelines of the state must prepare and adopt a Shoreline Master Program (SMP) • SMP is essentially a combined comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance, and development permit system for shoreline-specific uses

  5. Shorelines of the State • Rivers over 20 cfs, lakes over 20 acres & marine shorelines • Shorelands extending landward for two hundred feet in all directions as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward two hundred feet from such floodways; and all wetlands and river deltas associated with the streams, lakes, and tidal waters

  6. Sedro-Woolley’s Shorelines • The Skagit River is the only body of water in Sedro-Woolley that is regulated under SMA

  7. SMP Update • State regulations updates in 2003 • Require all jurisdictions to update • Skagit County also updating SMP • Received Department of Ecology Grant • 3 year update timeframe in grant • Completion in Summer of 2013

  8. Update Process • Phase 1: Preliminary Shoreline Jurisdiction and Public Participation Plan • Phase 2: Shoreline Inventory, Analysis and Characterization • Phase 3: Environment Designation, Policy & Regulation Development, Cumulative Impacts Analysis • Phase 4: Restoration Plan • Phase 5: Local Approval

  9. Phase 1 • Identify preliminary shoreline jurisdiction – see report Public Participation Working Draft June 2011 • Develop public participation plan – see report Preliminary Assessment of Shoreline Jurisdiction Draft June 2011 • Both of the above are completed • Detailed reports reviewed by Ecology

  10. Phase 2 • Complete shoreline inventory • Conduct shoreline analysis • Prepare inventory and characterization report • The above actions are completed in draft form in the Shoreline Characterization and Analysis Draft June 2011

  11. Phase 3 • Conduct community visioning process • General goals, policies, and regulations • Develop policies, regulations & standards for shoreline uses & modifications as well as environmental designations & administrative provisions • Prepare cumulative impact analysis

  12. Phase 4 - Restoration Plan • Prepare restoration plan • Revisit draft environment designations, policies, and regulations and finalize maps • Demonstrate how no net loss (NNL) is achieved

  13. Phase 5 - Local Approval • Assemble complete draft SMP • Complete SEPA review and documentation • Hold public hearing • Council approve SMP • Submit final SMP to Ecology • Public participation will be ongoing

  14. Public Participation – ongoing through update • Visioning summer of 2011 • Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) • Hold visioning meeting • Hold additional meetings to gather public input on update products as available • Dedicated SMP update webpage • Public Participation Plan • Comment forms

  15. Shoreline Jurisdiction • The SMP will apply to only lands in the shoreline jurisdiction • The document titled Preliminary Assessment of Shoreline Jurisdiction Draft June 2011 shows the area that will be included in the shoreline jurisdiction

  16. Preliminary Jurisdiction

  17. Preliminary Jurisdiction Reach(not including wetlands)

  18. Shoreline Analysis • Draft analysis titled Shoreline Characterization and Analysis Draft June 2011 • Analysis to be revised as necessary depending on information and input from visioning meeting

  19. Shoreline Analysis Elements • Current baseline condition of jurisdiction • Analyzes existing shoreline ecological functions • Analyzes current land uses and identifies likely changes • Identifies potential restoration opportunites

  20. Next Steps • Continue developing Shoreline Characterization and Analysis – under way • Community visioning (TODAY!) • Begin Draft SMP – Fall 2011 thru Winter 2013 • Deliver to Council for consideration – early to mid 2013

  21. Thank you!

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