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FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT<br>www.psy355tutorials.com<br>PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 1<br>PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 2<br>PSY 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Sources of Motivation Paper<br>PSY 355 Week 1 Syllabus and APA Quiz<br>PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 1<br>PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 2<br>PSY 355 Week 2 Test<br>PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 1<br>
BEH 225 TUTORS Education Expert/beh225tutorsdotcom FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy355tutorials.com
PSY 355 Entire Course • PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 • PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 • PSY 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Sources of Motivation Paper • PSY 355 Week 1 Syllabus and APA Quiz • PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 • PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 • PSY 355 Week 2 Test • PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 • PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 • Is it possible to motivate a student to obtain an “A” grade if he orshe does not value an “A” grade more than a “C” grade? Why or why not?
PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 • Please list four things that bring you pleasure, and four thingsthat bring you pain. Which do you, personally, think motivates youmore, trying to obtain the pleasure, or trying to avoid the pain?
PSY 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Sources of Motivation Paper • Sources of Motivation Paper Prepare a 700 to 900-word paper in which you examine the concept of motivation. As a part of your examination be sure to address the following items: • · In your own words, define motivation. • · Identify at least two sources of motivation. • · Explain the relationship between motivation and behavior. • · Examine how motivation is exhibited in behavior.
PSY 355 Week 1 Syllabus and APA Quiz • Syllabus & APA Quiz
PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 • We’ve had some great discussions during Week 1 regarding themotivating power of fear. Many of you, in fact, identified fear ofpain as being a greater motivator for you than is the attainment ofthat which brings you pleasure. Is it possible, though, that fear isalso the primary motivator in the attainment of pleasure? Why or whynot?
PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 • Do you think that innate factors (neurobiological, genetic,homeostatic, etc.) have more of an influence on motivation than learned(environmental) factors, or are learned factors the dominant force? Please provide examples or illustrations to support your response.
PSY 355 Week 2 Test • A test covering the reading materials for Week Two will be posted to your private mailbox day two of Week Two. Please download the attachment, complete the test, and post your answers, as a Word attachment (.doc), in the Assignments tab no later than 11:59 MST on day 7 of Week Two.
PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 • To be clinically diagnosed as “addicted” to a chemical substance or abehavior, a person must demonstrate continued involvement with thesubstance or activity even though that person has experienced or isaware of detrimental consequences to his or her job, relationships,financial security, or health. With this in mind, please answer thefollowing questions: • 1) To what behavior or substance (e.g., favorite food, hobby,activity)
PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 • Personality typology is one means of trying to understand why andpredict how people are motivated to behave as they do. In this week’sreadings, you are exposed to several theories of personality, includingthe 5-Factor Model, the Sensation Seeking personality model, Eysenck’sThree Factor Model, as well as the Adlerian personality model of the #1Priority (posted in the Course Materials folder). Another widely usedmodel is the Jung Typology (often tested with the Myers-Briggs, orKiersey Personality Inventories). Before responding to this DQ
PSY 355 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Personality and Motivation Chart • TEAM PROJECT #1 – Personality and Motivation Chart (75 points) At the beginning of Week 3, the Personality and Motivations Chart will be posted in each learning team forum. As a team, complete the chart and have one person from your team post it, as a Word attachment, in the Assignments tab.
PSY 355 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 • One common problem of motivation is procrastination, or putting offuntil the very last moment doing what is necessary to attain one’sgoals, which is discussed briefly in chapters seven and 10 of thecourse text. According to Clayton Taylor-Ladd (1996-2007), the twobasic types of procrastinators are: • • The relaxed type places littleimportance on the goal, so leaves it to be done until there is nothingbetter to do in an effort to not get stressed over the "insignificant,"but rather doing what brings more enjoyment to him/her. Ironically,the great dichotomy in life eventually wins out and the stress therelaxed type is trying to avoid materializes in spades.
PSY 355 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 • We know that one’s emotions affect one’s facial muscles to produce theexpressions we understand as happiness, sadness, anger, fear,frustration, etc. Is it also true, though that, aside from regulatingintensity of an existing emotion, the muscles in one’s face can createor change one’s emotions? • Before answering this DQ, please conduct all four steps of thefollowing experiment. There are no right or wrong answers, so justrelax, don’t over think what you are doing, and enjoy the experience! You will need a long pencil, pen, stiff straw, or chopstick, and apiece of paper on which to write. You will be asked to complete anaction, and then to
PSY 355 Week 4 Individual Assignment Personal Motivation Paper • Personal Motivation Paper - Being able to understand others’ motivations begins with being able to understand one’s own motivations. For this assignment you are asked to look inward and discuss the following as they pertain to your own personal experience: • • Identify one of your greatest motivational challenges. What is a task or a project you need to complete but haven’t, a personal behavior you want to change but haven’t, or goal you want to achieve but are no closer to reaching it than you were when you first identified it?
PSY 355 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 • As you read last week, stress is not only a great motivator, on along-term or redundant basis, it is also responsible for a plethora ofphysical illnesses ranging from the common cold, to allergic reactions,to heart disease and even cancer. It is also a major contributor tomany psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, cognitivedisruption and learning disorders. Usually, stress motivates one toadopt various coping mechanisms, including understanding the cause ofthe stress, realigning one’s beliefs about the stressors, changingone’s lifestyle to eliminate the stress, and learning how to manage thephysical symptoms of the stress.
PSY 355 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 • Please post your response to the following discussion question byclicking on Reply: • In terms of motivation, what are some possible consequences ofincorrectlylabeling one’s own emotional feelings – or, those ofanother? How can this happen? What can be done to avoid this?
PSY 355 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Motivation and Emotions Paper • Learning Team Assignment Motivation and Emotions Paper • As a team, select one of the following theories of emotion and motivation: • – James- Lange Theory (from chapter 13) • – Cognitive Arousal Theory (from chapter 13) • – Cannon’s Theory of Arousal (from chapter 13) • – Efference Hypothesis of the expression-feeling link (from chapter 14)
BEH 225 TUTORS Education Expert/beh225tutorsdotcom FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy355tutorials.com