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Dive into the world of Japanese art and Buddhism through the works of Hokusai, the Laughing Buddha, and the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. Discover the profound connection between creativity, joy, and spiritual enlightenment, transcending through centuries of wisdom and artistic expression.
A fallen flower Returning to the branch? It was a butterfly. --HAIKU POEM. Japan. by Moritake (1472-1549), high priest of Ise Shrine.
Mt. Fuji is a 10,000 year old still active volcano depicted by Artist Hokusai in the Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji (1831).
Suggestion Perishability Irregularity Simplification Utamaro. Woodblock printmaking.
From the age of six I had a mania for drawing the shapes of things. When I was fifty I had published a universe of designs. but all I have done before the the age of seventy is not worth bothering with. At seventy five I'll have learned something of the pattern of nature, of animals, of plants, of trees, birds, fish and insects. When I am eighty you will see real progress. At ninety I shall have cut my way deeply into the mystery of life itself. At a hundred I shall be a marvelous artist. At a hundred and ten everything I create; a dot, a line, will jump to life as never before. To all of you who are going to live as long as I do, I promise to keep my word. I am writing this in my old age. I used to call myself Hokusai, but today I sign my self 'The Old Man Mad About Drawing. -- Hokusai Artist: Hokusai.1760-1849, Tokugawa period)
Portuguese Jesuits, merchants and African slave arrive in Japan, 1542.
Edgar Degas (French, 19th c., Dancer Hokusai, peasants dancing
Cover, New Yorker magazine. Utamaro. Three Beauties.
Seeking the Tao In the Autumn Mountains. N. Song. 10th c. By Juran. Hanging scroll, Ink on silk.
In China he is known as "the laughing Buddha" and is usually represented as a rotund figure with a happy disposition. Originally a fertility figure, he brought "goodies" in his bag to local townsfolk, especially children. In Japan, called Hotei, one of the seven lucky gods. Most people encounter this figure in Chinese shops and restaurants and confuse him for the historical Buddha. The common tradition is to rub his belly for good luck and prosperity, this is because his big figure is a sign of abundance. BUDDHISM: ABOUT THE Laughing Buddha
BUDDHISM. A world religion or philosophy based on the teachings of the Buddha* and holding that a state of enlightenment can be attained by detaching oneself from worldly desires. *Buddha: One who has awakened. Founder of Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama (family name)(563?-483?) meditation--> enlightenment-->nirvana (recognize that atman and brahman are reunited in this life) Practice: Middle Way between extremes knowledge of 4 Truths 8-Fold Path (right thoughts and actions)
WEST, Classicism: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Things are not what they appear to be. Cave: World of Illusion. EAST, Buddhism: Nirvana Moksha: release from Maya or Samsara (daily life, lives) Karma: deeds Dharma: the Way Enlightenment (satori) Emptiness
“right”: seeing and acting in accordance with things as they are. The Four Noble Truths 1. Life is full of "suffering". 2 This suffering is caused by our desires. 3. There is a cure. 4. The cure is the Eightfold Path. enlightenment: West: cognitive knowledge, rational understanding. East: awakening, transcending desires and acceptance of the way things are.
BUDDHISM From HINDUISM Founder: Siddhartha Gautama ca. 500 B.C.E. Meditation Other forms of Buddhism: INDIA MAHAYANA THERAVADA/ TIBET: VAJRAYANA (Great Vehicle) HINAYANA (little vehicle) skill-based method: Bodhisattva individuals must seek visualization exercises: Prayers and rituals wisdom and nirvana(Mandala) CHINA KOREA JAPAN on their own. Mostly CHINA: Chan monks and nuns MAITREYA: JAPAN Shintoism in SE ASIA Buddha of the Future ZEN AMITABHA: Buddha of the Western Paradise VAIROCHANA: Supreme Cosmic Buddha
Dream of Maya,Birth of the Buddha The Buddha - biography + history
Stupa of Sanchi ca. 3rd c BCE-1st c CE Egg Mandala Jakatas vs. aniconic representation
Kushan controlled Gandhara:Gandhara Style Shows W->E Greco-Roman influence. Robes, Naturalism. Terms: Iconography Wavy ushnisha urna mudra
Gandhara Mathura Style Prana filled Buddha w/ ushnisha top knot Red sandstone Gandharan: Model of a Stupa. Grey schist, 2nd c.
East-West: Architectural and Functional Similarities Santa Sabina, Christian Church, Rome, 423-432 Ce Section + Plan: Chaitya hall, Karli, India CE 50-70
Naturalistic Ajanta murals: Prince Distributing Alms+ Padmapani(Lotus Bearer).Think of : rasa
Buddhist Expansion into China2nd-7th centuries CEVairochana Buddha Colossal Buddha ~40ft high, cave carving, Yungang, China, ca 450 CE Longmen, China, 6th centtury
Vairochana Buddhas.7th c., China 49ft high 2-5th century Bamiyan, Afghanistan. 180 ft high.
Parinirvana of the Buddha, Sri Lanka, 11th-12th c. 21’ x 46’ long.
Seated Buddha. Iconography (symbolism): Meditation: act of concentrating mind on something deeply and carefully.
Map of Thailand Kowloon urban night scene (samsara).
Wat (temple) Si Chum, Sukhothai, Thailand. Access to Enlightenment => on path to Nirvana
Origins Hinduism Buddhism Taoism Shintoism Essence Koan practice ZEN AND BUDDHISM Mu Ch'i "Six Persimmons" Painting Southern Song Later 13th c. Ink on paper. 14 1/4". Elemental.