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Sarah Lart Sustainable Development Officer for Education and Awareness Raising

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Sarah Lart Sustainable Development Officer for Education and Awareness Raising ( slart@cardiff.gov.uk or 02920873103 ). Contents of this session. Why do we need ESDGC and what is it? Estyn and ESDGC

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Sarah Lart Sustainable Development Officer for Education and Awareness Raising

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  1. Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Sarah Lart Sustainable Development Officer for Education and Awareness Raising (slart@cardiff.gov.uk or 02920873103)

  2. Contents of this session • Why do we need ESDGC and what is it? • Estyn and ESDGC • Examples from Cardiff schools • Governors role in ESDGC in Schools • Where to find more information

  3. Think of an apple…. …and ask some questions…..

  4. Globally connected • economically through trade, banking etc: • environmentally through sharing one planet, and one atmosphere: • politically through international relations and systems of regulation. • socially through the media and telecommunications: • culturally through movements of people, music, food, arts, etc:

  5. Can you imagine the pupils in your school when they are 30...40…50? • Do we know what will their world be like? • What about: • the environment • the economy • technology • quality of life • society • What are the implications for their learning needs now?

  6. Activity • What do you think is the most unexpected thing that has happened in the world or been developed, invented or discovered since you were in school?

  7. We need something to …. …prepare learners for the changes and challenges facing Planet Earth and its inhabitants in the 21st Century, and their role as Global Citizens. ESDGC

  8. Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship enables people to develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes and needed to become a Global Citizen and to participate in Sustainable Development.

  9. Recognising our interdependence Understanding and care for the environment Respect for diversity Promoting global fairness and justice Some of the big issues in ESDGC and much more….

  10. About links and interdependence It is about taking action; trying to change the way we live and if necessary trying to change the world. ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’ Nelson Mandela ESDGC is …

  11. The challenge for schools • To embed ESDGC across the curriculum, through all subjects and at all ages • To give learners opportunities to develop their own global awareness • To understand that the concept of interdependence is central to ESDGC ESDGC is more of an ongoing journey than a destination, you don’t have to do it all at once.

  12. Activity Evaluation of Progression in ESDGC – from Common Understanding for Schools (from WG) • Discussion of progression

  13. Strategic Context in Wales ESDGC A Strategy for ActionSeptember 2006 updated January 08 and Sept 09 • Covers all sectors within Education and Lifelong Learning • Schools • Youth • FE and work based learning • HE • Adult and Continuing Ed • Seewww.esd-wales.org.uk

  14. Some useful publications ESDGC: Common Understanding for schools ESDGC: Information for Teacher trainees and new teachers in Wales Out of Classroom learning All these documents can be downloaded from the website www.esd-wales.org.uk or http://ESDGCinCardiff.wordpress.com

  15. ESDGC and Estyn Common Inspection Framework • Key Question 1 - Outcomes • Key Question 2 - Provision • Key Question 3 – Leadership • 2.1 Learning experiences • 2.1.1 meeting the needs of learners, employers / community • 2.1.2 provision for skills • 2.1.3 Welsh language provision and the Welsh dimension • 2.1.4 education for sustainable development and global citizenship

  16. Activity Every Estyn School report now has a comment about ESDGC in the school. • See guidelines for Estyn inspection and the table with examples of development of ESDGC in schools. • Briefly read either primary or secondary section. Any reactions to these comments?

  17. Wealth and Poverty Choices and Decisions Identity and Culture ESDGC Natural Environment Health Climate Change Consumption and Waste Seven themes– a convenient way of dealing with ESDGC

  18. Different routes into ESDGC Thinking skills Citizenship Curriculum Awards Teachers’ and children’s experiences in other countries Linking Whole School ESDGC School Policies (eg Fairtrade, energy, ESDGC, procurement, waste, travel etc) Ethnic make up of the school and local community Environmental education

  19. Examples from Cardiff Schools • Energy Monitors – checking lights and computers are off at break and lunch times, naming and shaming energy wasters. • School Gardens, growing vegetables, cooking and eating their own food, orchards, woodlands, sensory gardens.

  20. Examples …. • School linking – links to schools in UK, Europe, Africa, America, Australia, Asia. Link can be as simple or complex as the partners want. Can have themes, exchange information, prepare common schemes of work, exchange teachers, pupil visits, link with one school or several… • Teacher visits to partner schools bringing back resources and experiences. • Visits by teachers and pupils from partner schools bringing new insights and challenging stereotypes.

  21. Examples …. • Cooking projects eg Tredegarville Primary, ethnically mixed school, got parents in to cook different dishes with the children. • Herbert Thompson School have some web cams they used to watch bird nesting boxes in their grounds. • Peterlea Primary have set out on their website how their activities fit into the 7 themes. http://peterleaprimaryschool.com

  22. Examples • Spring bulbs project – looking at flowering times over several years. Through National Museum • Millbank have a textile bank and have been learning about the amount of waste from clothing and fashion, (also have lots of other activities going on). • Christ the King – “Respect Week” • Used 5 themes for a week of activities across the school, one theme per day. Classes rotate around different activities.

  23. Support available for Schools for ESDGC • Advisory service and resource boxes at Howardian • Monthly update on information • http://ESDGCinCardiff.wordpress.com • SE Wales Consortium website –CPD OnLine and ESDGC www.sewales.org.uk • NGfL Cymru Website www.ngflcymru.org.uk • Any amount of teaching resources on web • WAG ESDGC panel – producing curriculum maps and other documents www.esd-wales.org.uk

  24. Activity Consider the role of the school governor in supporting and promoting ESDGC in school. - Brainstorm • What do you think would be the most important things to do? • Can you identify any barriers that particularly apply to ESDGC?

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