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Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union

Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus Pirchner Head of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1. Bruxelles, 20 November 2009 ITUC Training Seminar for NMS Trade Union Organizations on External Assistance Instruments of the EU.

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Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union

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  1. Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme of European Union Markus PirchnerHead of Sector EuropeAid / Unit F1 Bruxelles, 20 November 2009 ITUC Training Seminar for NMS Trade Union Organizations on External Assistance Instruments of the EU

  2. 1. Part: What the EC does:Programming period 2007-2013: Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) • geographic programmes • 5 thematic programmes (complementary to geographical programmes) • Investing in People • Environment • Non State Actors and Local Authorities (NSA & LA) • Food Security • Migration and Asylum • Support to sugar production

  3. NSA & LA in Development Budget & specific Objectives Obj 2. Awareness raising and development education in Europe (126 m € = 14%)

  4. Objective 2: DE & AR Objective: • Awareness raising and development education in the EU and acceding countries for development issues Priorities: • Public support for MDG agenda, in part. Sub Saharan Africa • Coherence for development in areas of public interest: migration, trade, security, social dimension… • Media and development

  5. Implementation of Programme • Through Call for Proposals(Cf), • last CfP: EuropeAid/127765/C/ACT/Multi, published 18/12/2008 • Where to find info: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1258626749850&do=publi.welcome&userlanguage=en Reference: 127765 • Next CfP March/April 2010

  6. Implementation of Programme • Through Call for Proposals(Cf), • last CfP: EuropeAid/127765/C/ACT/Multi, published 18/12/2008 • Where to find info: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1258626749850&do=publi.welcome&userlanguage=en Reference: 127765 • Next CfP March/April 2010

  7. Statistics last CfP • 2 Stage: Concept Note – Full Proposal

  8. Two interesting projects as examples:“Jobs Jobs Jobs, Decent work for all, the key to eradicating poverty” • Partners: Solidar, War on Want, Olaf Palme Centre, Progetto Sviluppo • Budget: 1,4 MEURO, EC contribution 75%, 3 years • Overall Objective: Creation of decent work for women and men as a key factor to reduce poverty in developing countries. • Activities: • 1. research & materials: case studies (informal economy in Zambia, Agriculture in South Africa…) • 2. dissemination: website, presswork, electronic newsletter • 3. advocacy: roundtables, international conference

  9. “Enhancing the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) ability to deliver on development goals through awareness raising on its current and potential role in developing countries • Partners: CEE Bankwatch Netwok, Les Amis de la Terre, Urgewald, ActionAid UK, Mani Tese • Budget: 1,5 MEURO, EC contribution 71%, 3 years • Overall Objective: To ensure a strong and coherent framework that guides the EIB’s agenda to eradicate poverty, foster sustainable development and achieve the millenium development goals (MDGs). • Activities: • 1. publications and educational materials • 2. studies • 3. meetings, workshops and conferences • 4. dossiers for decision-makers, dialogue • 5. internet, press

  10. Thank you for your attention! • Markus PIRCHNER • European Commission – EuropeAid Co-operation Office, AIDCO/F/1 • Unit "Relations with civil society and coordination" • L-41 02/166, B-1049 BrusselsTel: +32-2-29 87016, Fax: +32-2-29 66044 • E-mail: markus.pirchner@ec.europa.eu • http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/what/civil-society/index_en.htm

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