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Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs). Ensuring the question fits the purpose. Your aims for the session. Please discuss where you are at with the use of MCQs and what you are aiming to achieve by the end of this session with the person next to you.
Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) Ensuring the question fits the purpose
Your aims for the session • Please discuss where you are at with the use of MCQs and what you are aiming to achieve by the end of this session with the person next to you
When setting up this workshop our aims were to cover: • An overview of assessment principles • How to develop basic multiple choice questions • How to use MCQs in the assessment process • I.e. some theory and some hands on…. • And from your aims…..
Use of MCQs at UH • Paper • In class tests • Written exams • StudyNet quizzes • EVS • Within sessions • Check understanding • Feedback for staff • Assessment • Formative • Summative • Homework function • QMP (Questionmark Perception)
Considerations when creating MCQs Pedagogical UH Assessment for Learning Principles Good practice in Undergraduate Education encourages contact between students and lecturers develops reciprocity and cooperation among students encourages active learning gives prompt feedback emphasises time on task communicates high expectations respects diverse talents (Chickeringand Gamson,1987) • Engages students with the assessment criteria • Supports personalised learning • Ensures feedback leads to improvement • Focuses on student development • Stimulates dialogue • Considers student and staff effort
Considerations when creating MCQsPedagogical • Learning outcomes • Module • Session • SEEC level descriptors • Considering the effectiveness and efficiency of practice and assessment from both students’ and staffs’ viewpoint
Considerations when creating MCQsEffective vs. efficient assessment Waste of time Staff/Resource Efficiency (or 1/t) Educational Effectiveness
Considerations when creating MCQsBloom’s most quoted domain – the cognitive
Revised by Anderson in the 1990’sNouns to verbs and the top two reversed
Considerations when creating MCQsSEEC level descriptorsSouthern England Consortium for Credit Accumulation and Transfer • Level 3-8 • Setting • Knowledge and understanding • Cognitive skills • Performance and practice • Personal and enabling skills • Task for you…. On your tables you have the SEEC level descriptors for 4,5+6 …..without the level headings….which is which….??
Types of MCQs • Simple • True/False • One correct answer • Multiple Response Questions • Multiple True/False • Matching items • Extended matching • Assertion Reason • Marking gets more complex • E.g. Confidence marking/Negative marking
Some examples • To start you thinking • Locate your EVS clicker…….
The main stadium for the London Olympics in 2012 is located in: • Great Britain • British Isles • England • Scotland
Quintin McKellar who was previously VC at the Vet School joined the University in? • December 2010 • January 2011 • February 2011 • January 2020
MCQs • Are reliable • Are easy to mark • Are easy to produce • Can only be used to test the cognitive domain
Components of an MCQ Options +/- feedback
Stems • Considerations • Use clear, straight forward language • Aim to write as a complete sentence • Avoid use of unnecessary content • Avoid the use of negatives. If you must use them embolden them to make them stand out • Avoid giving clues in the question e.g an/a • Avoid veering away from the content/cognitive level that you aimed to address
Options Correct answer and Distractors • Distractors should be worded in a similar way to the correct answer and of a similar length (but not too close to cause confusion) • Avoid repeating the same content in the options – move it to the stem if possible • Avoid ‘all of the above’/ ‘none of the above • Aim to use common misconceptions/student errors as distractors • Distractors should be plausible • There should be a sufficient number of distractors. • A correct statement but not the answer to the question is a good distractor
On each table – using the hand-outCan you write better stems and options for the previous 3 questions? The main stadium for the London Olympics in 2012 is located in? Quintin McKellar who was previously VC at the Vet School joined the University in? MCQs…..
True/False Two possible alternatives so fair chance of getting the right answer… • Some tips: • As in multiple choice questions generally, use negatives sparingly. • Use statements which are unequivocally true or false. • Avoid lifting statements directly from assigned reading, lecture notes or other course materials so that recall alone will not permit a correct answer. • Generally avoid the use of words which would signal the correct response to the test-wise student. Absolutes such as “none”, “never”, “always”, “all”, “impossible” tend to be false, while qualifiers such as “usually”, “generally”, “sometimes” “often” are likely to be true. • More usually used as a basis for more complex Assertion/Reason questions
Any questions on basic MCQ writing at lower levels of Bloom/SEEC
Higher level of cognitive testing • Multiple Response Questions • Multiple True/False • Matching items • Extended matching • Assertion Reason • Marking gets more complex • Some forms can be used in EVS but not all • E.g. Confidence marking/Negative marking
Certainty-Based Marking • Students rate their certainty on a scale of 1-3 • CBM motivates reflection about the reliability and justification for each answer, since the student gains by identifying reasons either for reservation or confidence • Maximum formative benefit requires immediate feedback, prompting reflection about uncertainties or confident errors
Why use CBM? • To encourage them to really understand the issues, not just to react immediately to a question • To encourage students to think laterally: other pieces of knowledge may help to validate or question their answer • To challenge the students - if they won't risk losing marks if wrong, then they don't really know the answer. • It will encourage the students to have confidence in their knowledgeIt is more fair - a thoughtful and confident correct answer deserves more marks than a lucky hunch • Efficient study requires that students constantly question how their ideas arise, and how reliable they are • It encourages a reflective approach to learning Gardner-Medwin, 2006
Multiple true false Student’s clinical judgement is assessed: A 28 year old woman with one child has taken anti-thyroid drugs for 6 months for thyrotoxicosis. She has a friend who has been successfully treated with radioiodine. She finds she frequently forgets to take her drugs and wants to stop them to have radio-iodine treatment. A. She should be told that because of her age radio-iodine is best avoided. B. The problems associated with radio-iodine should be discussed with her. C. Surgery as a possible alternative should be discussed with her. D. She should be advised that some form of further treatment is required. E. You should find out more about her friend’s treatment. Correct answer: - true, B, C and D: - false, A and E. Examples from Harden, R.M. & Dunn, W.G. (1981) Assessment a Work Manual Dundee Centre of Medical Education in Brown et al 1997 from Loughborough University
More complex MCQ – termed matching Versus Simple MCQ Matching MCQ An otherwise healthy 33-year-old man has mild weakness and occasional episodes of steady, severe abdominal pain, but no diarrhoea. One aunt and a cousin have had similar episodes. During an episode his abdomen is distended, and bowel sounds are decreased. Neurological examination shows a mild weakness in the upper arms. These finding suggest a defect in the biosynthetic pathway for: A. collagen B. corticosteroid C. fatty acid D. glucose E. haem* F. thyroxine (T4) Acute intermittent porphyria is a result of a defect in the biosynthetic pathway for: A. collagen B. corticosteroid C. fatty acid D. glucose E. haem* F. thyroxine (T4)
Extended matching • More complex with multiple questions and answers on a common theme • Basis • A theme • Lead in statement • Multiple scenarios/questions • Options • An example - next 2 slides
Extended Matching For each of the following patients with a myocardial infarction select the most likely complication from the list below. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. A 72 year old man is admitted to the Coronary Care Unit following a myocardial infarction. Seven days later he complains of severe trouble breathing and soon after, he collapses. On examination he is pale. His right leg appears swollen compared to the left. The apex beat is at the 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line. There are no murmurs audible but there are occasional bi-basal crackles in his chest. His pulse is 128/min, blood pressure 98/55 mmHg, temperature 37.7 C and jugular venous pressure is elevated. B) A 62 year old woman is admitted to the Coronary Care Unit following a myocardial infarction. Three days later she has become very unwell. On examination she is breathing noisily and her ankles are swollen. The apex beat is at the 6th intercostal space, anterior axillary line. There is a pansystolic murmur radiating to the axilla. Examination of the lungs reveals crackles at both bases and midzones. Her pulse is 126/min, blood pressure 105/65 mmHg, temperature 37.3 C, and respiratory rate 24/min. Her jugular venous pressure is raised etc.. Multiple questions and multiple answers
Options • Asystole • Atrial fibrillation • Cardiac tamponnade • Complete heart block • Deep vein thrombosis • Papilliary muscle rupture • Pericarditis • Post myocardial infarction syndrome • Pulmonary embolism • Pulmonary oedema • Unstable angina • Ventricular fibrillation • Ventricular septal rupture • Ventricular tachycardia From the Medical Schools Council, 2012
Assertion Reason (ARQs) • Assertion-reason questions are used to explore cause and effect and identify relationships between statements and hence test application/analysis. • When writing assertion-reason questions, keep in mind the following points: • The reason should be a free standing sentence so that it can be considered separately from the assertion. • Avoid using minor reasons. These can result in an ambiguous question. • Repeat options A-E in full for each question.
Example of assertion reason ATrue/True Reasonis correct explanation BTrue/TrueReason Is NOT a correct explanation CTrue/False DFalse/True EFalse/False Assertion High speed is a factor in car accidents Reason Most modern cars can reach speeds in excess of 100mph BECAUSE
Activity • For each table there is an example of a type of a more complex Multiple Response Question • In your group devise a question using principles from last task • At the end pass your question to the next table for feedback…. Asking for: • is the stem clearly worded ? • are the options clear and unambiguous? • what level of Bloom/Anderson does it address?
Can also use ‘simple’ MCQs to test higher cognitive levels • Application/Analysis and Evaluation
MCQ for testing Analysis • "The story is told of the famous German Organic Chemist AugusteKékulé who was struggling with the problem of how the six carbon atoms of benzene were linked together. He was getting nowhere with the problem, and one day fell asleep in front of the fireplace while he was pondering on it. He dreamt of molecules twisting and turning around like snakes. Suddenly, one of the snakes swallowed its own tail and rolled around like a hoop. Kékulé woke up with a start, and realized that his problem could be solved if the six carbon atoms of benzene were attached to each other to form a ring. Further work showed that this was entirely correct." The above passage illustrates a particular phase of the creative process. Which one is it? 1. preparation 2. incubation 3. orientation 4. illumination 5. verification
MCQ for testing Evaluation Question – define the creative process “The creative process is believed to take place in five stages, in the following order: ORIENTATION, when the problem must be identified and defined, PREPARATION, when all the possible information about the problem is collected, INCUBATION, when there is a period where no solution seems in sight and the person is often busy with other tasks, ILLUMINATION, when the person experiences a general idea of how to arrive at a solution to the problem, and finally VERIFICATION, when the person determines whether the solution is the right one for the problem." How would you judge this student' s answer? 1. EXCELLENT (all stages correct in the right order with clear and correct explanations) 2. GOOD (all stages correct in the right order, but the explanations are not as clear as they should be). 3. MEDIOCRE (one or two stages are missing OR the stages are in the wrong order, OR the explanations are not clear OR the explanations are irrelevant) 4. UNACCEPTABLE (more than two stages are missing AND the order is incorrect AND the explanations are not clear AND/OR they are irrelevant)
Checklist for questions Do all the questions? Do the questions avoid? Repeating text in the question and the answer Double negatives Use of ‘all of the above’/ ‘none of the above’ Giving clues in the question (e.g. use of an/a etc) Cultural etc bias • Test the level that was intended • Have a clear stem • Have only one clearly correct answer • Have a distractor that is similar in wording and length to the correct one • Have plausible distractors
Checklist for questions as a whole • Does the test overall: • Test the range of content? • Test the range of: • knowledge/comprehension/application/analysis/ evaluation/synthesis that was intended? • Avoid giving away answers to questions in other questions? • Have a range of a/b/c/etc correct answers • Consider inclusivity
Pros and Cons of MCQs generallyParticipant's thoughts ? Advantages Disadvantages Time to compile questions Skill and scrutiny still required in the setting process Unable to test practical skills Difficulties in compiling questions for higher order cognitive skills cannot assess innovation/creativity Concerns re guessing Partial knowledge not recognised in more straight forward questions If only used formatively may give students unreal expectations in other forms of assessment Concerns re relatively high marks • Banks of questions created and can be used for reuse/sharing • Reliable (if set correctly…) • Marking is time efficient, no second marking required • Rapid feedback to students and staff • Enables assessment of large range of curriculum
From the workshop flyer the objectives were…….. By the end of the session the participants will: • Be conversant with the assessment principles • Be able to write basic level MCQs • Identify how MCQs may be used in the assessment process • Have we achieved these? if not plans to fulfil them….
References and Bibliography Anderson, L . W., Krathwohl D. R., Airasian, P. W., Cruikshank, K.A., Mayer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., James Raths, & Wittrock, M.C. (eds). (2000). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.Allyn and Bacon Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals; Handbook I: Cognitive Domain New York, Longmans, Green, 1956 Brown, G., with Bull, J., and Pendlebury, M. (1997). Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education. London: Routledge. Chickering, A.W. & Gamson, Z.F. (1987). Seven Principles for good Practice in Undergraduate Education. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 39(7): 3-7. Accessed 2/6/12 Designing and Managing MCQs University of Cape Town Gardner-Medwin AR (2006) Confidence-Based Marking – towards deeper learning and better exams In : Innovative Assessment in Higher Education. Ed.: Bryan C and Clegg K. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London Fry, H., Ketteridge. S. and Marshall, S. (2005) A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education. Enhancing academic practice. 2nd edition. RoutledgeFalmer . Oxon. HEA Legal Centre – how can I write effective MCQs? University of Leeds
References and Bibliography Hornby, Win (2003) Dogs, Stars, Rolls Royces and Old Double Decker Buses: Efficiency and effectiveness in assessment. Accessed on-line 24/6/12 http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/docs/publications/reflections-on-assessment-volume-i.pdf Quinn F.M & Hughes S (2007) Quinn’s principles and practice in nurse education. 5th edition. Cengage learning. UK. A Guide to using Multiple Choice Questions and other Objective Test Questions La Trobe University Writing multiple choice questions Virginia Commonwealth University Constructing Written Test Questions For the Basic and Clinical Sciences (2002). 3rd Ed. National Board of Medical Examiners Designing effective objective test questions: an introductory workshop - Computer Assisted Assessment - Loughborough University Writing MCQs for clickers is different (Pb wiki) - part of a whole section on writing MCQs SEEC Credit Level Descriptors for Higher Education (2010) http://www.seec.org.uk/sites/seec.org.uk/files/SEEC%20Level%20Descriptors%202010_0.pdf Numerous medical books with examples of MCQs used for the medical Membership exams (MRCP)