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PROGRESS REPORT. ESHA KENI. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, GOA. June 27th june,2013. 1. Contents. Learning the basics Pylumi Code for Nov 12 VDM Data MC Simulation Code for VDM Analysis Task 1 & Task 2 Overlap Plots for X Scan, X & YBeam Spot Data
Contents PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI • Learning the basics • Pylumi Code for Nov 12 VDM Data • MC Simulation Code for VDM Analysis • Task 1 & Task 2 • Overlap Plots for X Scan, X & YBeam Spot Data • Overlap Plots for X Scan, X & YBeam Width Data • Future Scope • Summary PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 2 27/6/2013
Learning the Basics... PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI I briefly read the thesis of Simon White (suggested by Monica Grothe) to get some idea about: • Beam Dynamics , luminosity • Van Der Meer Method for absolute calibration • LHC Instrumentation I also read the thesis of Jeremy Scott Werner ( as suggested by Olga Driga) to more about : • Hadronic Forward Calorimeter • Zero counting & ET Methods for extracting luminosity • Hardware Implementation of Luminosity System • Online and Offline Measurement I installed the Root Data Analysis Framework along with Pyroot libraries to use it for statistical analysis on my laptop. I used various tools like LXPLUS Service, Indico & CMSWBM as an information source PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 3 27/6/2013
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Pylumi Code for Nov 12 VDM Data I went through the code and understood: • How data (HLX & DIP files) are taken as input • How timestamps are chosen based on the Scan No • About various types of corrections used: PileUP, Scale,LDM • How data is analysed to find various values like the no of colliding and non-colliding bunches etc • How various graphs are created ,modified and how their resultant parameters are found • How cross sections, residuals are calculated • How 2D fitting is done, the fitting functins that are used • For all the fitting functions that are used, rewriting them in a gaussian form to check that thet are actual gaussians 27/6/2013 4 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
Data used for analysis PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI I have used the November 2012 VDM Scan data for my analysis. • Fill 3316, run 207871, Nov 23 2012 • There are 5 Scans in this data, whose details are: • Scan 1, Scan 2: X scan, Y scan, no offset • Scan 3: X scan with offset in Y, Y scan with offset in X, offset 148 μm (1.5 σ) • Scan 4: X scan with offset in Y, Y scan with offset in X, offset 295 μm (3 σ) • Scan 5: X scan, Y scan, no offset • The bunch crossings considered for the analysis are 1, 721, 1621, 2161, 2881 NOTE: All the plots in the following slide have been generated only for Scan 1. 27/6/2013 5 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
MC Code for VDM Analysis PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI The code was provided by Nate Odell Going through the code I understood: • How the 2 beams convolve (head on) • How randomly points are being generated • That a correlation term(x*y) is used in the gaussian function to account for some existing correlation between X &Y. ''[8]*exp(-(x-[4])**2/(2*[0]**2) + (x-[4])*(y-[6])/(2*[9]**2) - (y-[6])**2/(2*[2]**2)) + (1-[8])*exp(-(x-[5])**2/(2*([1]*[0])**2) + (x-[5])*(y-[7])/(2*([10]*[9])**2) – (y-[7])**2/(2*([3]*[2])**2))” Parameters: 0-sigma_{x} 1-S_{x} 2-#sigma_{y} 3-S_{y} 4-x_{1} 5-x_{2} 6-y_{1} 7-y_{2} 8-Fraction 9-#sigma_{xy} 10-S_{xy} 27/6/2013 6 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
Task 1 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Overlapping of graphs to plot beam spot and beam spot width data for different bunch crossings for November 2012 Scan 1 I generated Root files for all 5 Nov Scans by executing Beam Spot Code provided by Monika Grothe & wrote a script for overlapping the beam spot and beamspot width data for various bunch crossings Task 2 Overlapping of Beam Spot & Beam Spot Width Plots of Actual Data with those generated by Monte Carlo Simulation & comparing them. I modified Nate's MC Simulation Code so that itproduces a Root file as output & wrote a script for overlapping the beam spot and beam spot width data for various bunch crossings of actual data & MC data. Only the 721 bunch crossing is showed in the following plots. 27/6/2013 7 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
X Scan X Beam Spot Comparison Data for different bunch crossings PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI • Beam Spot position in X moves linearly w.r.t Delta X • This result is expected as we are moving in X Scan. 8 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Sanity check: Comparison with plot from CMSWBM Fill report Beam Spot value in previous plot is compatible with results of CMSWBM. Hence previous plot appears to be correct. • Note: X-axis of 2 the plots are different. Previous one is wrt Delta X and this is wrt Time. • But some correlation exists between Delta X & Time • Also the time windows are different . In previous plot, data was detected per scan point for approx 30 sec where as in this plot time window is not aligned with time window of VDM Scan 27/6/2013 9 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
X Scan X Beam Spot Comparison Data-MC PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI • This plot was designed such that MC generated & Actual Data Beam Spot Plots seem to agree fairly well, but it might be misleading. • Caution: But the Scales are different. • Hence the plots may look different after proper Scaling is done!!! • Some offset value seems to be present 10 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
X Scan Y Beam Spot Plots PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Attention: The scale in MC is arbitrary 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 11
X Scan X Beam Spot Width Plots PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI The sanity check with CMSWBM plot appears fine Attention: The scale in MC is arbitrary 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 12
X Scan Y Beam Spot Width Plots PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Attention: The scale in MC is arbitrary 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 13
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Overlapped Shapes Comparison MC Data • The MC plot gives a E=83.532 where as actual data gives a E=125.553. • Hence we can say that the value of parameters chosen for MC is smaller than the actual values. • Hence we need to regenerate MC plots with bigger parameter values(0.9) and redo overlapped plots for beam spot and beam width data from MC.
Y Scan Y Beam Spot plots PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Note: There is a problem for Y Scan. The problem is in n tuples. 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 15
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Comparison with ATLAS results These simulations were produced by Samuel Webb • This data shows that: • beam spot width can change with separation • The change in position of beam spot is not linear We can see that our plots are compatible with ATLAS plots
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Conclusion • The Beam Spot Position might change in Variable of the Scan & there may be a small effect in other variable. • The Beam Spot Width should not change if we have completely gaussian beams. • But the data shows that the width changes. • Hence we may conclude that the beams are not completely gaussian.
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Summary • I have understood & learnt about Luminosity & Van Der Meer Scans • My laptop is fully functional with the required frameworks • I have understood,executed & done simulations for Pylumi & MC code(Nate's) • I need to further work to find suitable scaling factor & offset value. 27/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 18
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Overlapping of Y Scan X Beam Spot plots for different bunch crossings for November 2012 Scan 1 21/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 21
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Overlapping of Y Scan X Beam Width plots for different bunch crossings for November 2012 Scan 1 21/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 22
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Overlapping of Y Scan Y Beam Width plots for different bunch crossings for November 2012 Scan 1 21/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 23
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Sanity check: Comparison with plot from CMSWBM Fill report 21/6/2013 24 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
Sanity check:Comparison with plot from CMSWBM Fill report PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 21/6/2013 25 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Sanity check: Comparison with plot from CMSWBM Fill report 21/6/2013 26 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI The evolution of the position of the beam spot and of the width of the luminous region during a van der Meer scan contains information about the shape of the individual beams • Iteratively simulating these phenomena (assuming a particular model for the beam), comparing to data and then modifying the model parameters one can arrive at a reasonable estimation of the individual beam parameters 3D Gaussian is one of the simplest • beam width in each dimension • x-y correlation (rotation in x-y plane) • crossing angle in 2 planes • The luminous width remains unchanged as a function of separation • property of convolution of 2 Gaussians • The beam spot position can vary
PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI Setting up the Work Environment-ROOT • I Installed the Root Data Analysis Framework to use it for statistical analysis on my laptop • For using Root to analyse Pylumi code, I had to reinstall it with Pyroot Libraries (using enable python option ) and correctly set environment variables(various paths ) properly. • I went through the documentation and tutorials and tried creating some graphs and doing simple curve fitting programs. 21/6/2013 30 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI
Tools & Services that I used... PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI • LXPLUS Service (Public Login User Service) is the interactive logon service to Linux for all CERN users. I used commands like scp( secure copy – based on ssh(secure shell)) to copy data files between local machine and remote lxplus server. • Indico: I browsed through indico pages to read about various documents & presentations related to Luminosity, Van Der Meer Scans etc. • Cmswbm(Web Based Monitoring): I used it to see various plots of November vdm scan data & also as a basis for comparison. 21/6/2013 PROGRESS REPORT -ESHA KENI 31