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Saddam Hussein And the Crisis with Iraq. The Topography of Iraq. Ethnic Groups in Iraq. Background: The History of Iraq. Faisal, 1 st King of Iraq. Created by the British in 1921 from three Ottoman provinces – Mosul, Baghdad, & Basra. Prince Faisal from Arabia becomes king.
Saddam Hussein And the Crisis with Iraq
Background: The History of Iraq
Faisal, 1st King of Iraq • Created by the British in 1921 from three Ottoman provinces – Mosul, Baghdad, & Basra. • Prince Faisal fromArabia becomes king. • Iraq gains formalindependence in 1932.
Iraq in the Inter-War Era • British maintained military bases. • The Iraq Petroleum Co. created (a joint British, French, & American business). • Iraqi oil helped the Allies during WW II.
1958 Revolution • Violent overthrow of the monarchy. • Creation of the Republic of Iraq. • Reform and dictatorship underPresident Abd al-Karim Qasim • purged western advisors. • centralized authority. • some inclusion of Kurdsand Shi’ites in thegovernment. • some land reform. • public welfare projects.
1963 & 1968 Coups • 1952 Baath Party created. • 1963 Baath forced out of the new government after the coup. • 1968 Baath Party coup led by Major General Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr. His deputy was Saddam Hussein. Violence becomes a vital part of Iraqi political culture!
The Rise & Rule of Saddam Hussein
A Young Saddam Hussein(1937 - ?) • Born in Tikrit. • Peasant family with influential army relatives. • Tribal society. • Joined BaathParty at 20. • Aided in failedassassination ofQasim in 1959. Saddam’s identity card when he was 10 years old.
Saddam’s Early Political Career • After 1963 coup, he was put in charge ofthe security service for the Baath party. • 1979 he became president of Iraq when al-Bakr was persuaded to step down. Saddam at 17.
A Cult of Personality 1989 Victory Arch
Saddam’s Republican Guard The elite presidential security force.
Ali Hasa al-Majid(“Chemical Ali”) I will kill them [the Kurds] all with chemical weapons!
The Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)
August 2, 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait wanting control of oil
Iraq Invades Kuwait August 2, 1990
UN Resolution 678 UN Security Council: Iraq must be removed from Kuwait
U. S. Military Leaders General Colin Powell General NormanSchwarzkopf
Saddam Lobs SCUD Missiles Israel & Saudi Arabia:The fear of bio-chemical attacks.
Allies March to Baghdad Iraqis soldiers surrender. Iraqis cheer Allied forces.
400 Iraqi Oilfields on Fire An environmental disaster!
Saddam suppress Rebellions • Shia’s take up arms against Saddam. • Kurds begin a revolt in hopes to trigger a coup. • Saddam crushes rebellions
Disarming Saddam (1991-2003)
UN Resolution 687 • Formal Cease Fire • Iraq must destroy all or remove all WMD • On-site inspections (UNSCOM) • Trade Embargo of Iraq • Must not commit or support ant act of terrorism and no organization to act in its territory
Material Unaccounted For • Nearly four tons of VX nerve agents • 20,000 liters of biological warfare agents • 15,000 shells for use in biological warfare • 6,000 chemical warfare bombs • Nuclear information
Trying to Disarm Saddam • Iraqis defy UNSCOM inspectors • Saddam's son-in-law reveals biological weapons program (1995) • UNSCOM Weapons Inspectors withdrawn from Iraq (1998) Video link
Oil for Food Program • Trade embargo hurt Iraqi civilians (children) • UN Resolution 986 • Sell limited amount oil for food • UN supervised • Huge corruption • Suffering continued
Containment collapsing • Sanctions against Iraq becoming globally unpopular. • No inspectors in Iraq from 1998-2002 • UN Security Council agrees to overhaul the sanctions regime. (2002)
Crisis in Iraq Project • Iraq Study Group’s (Options) • Group Presentations • National Security Council Meeting • Chair-President • VP, Sec. State, Sec. Def, DNI, JCS • Decision of National Security Council