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The Date of Isaiah 56-66. Jerusalem destroyed 58:12; 64:10-11 The exiles will return 56:8; 60:4 Temple has been restored and is functioning 56:5 in my house a monument and a name ~vw diy 56:1, 6-9 Proper 15 A 56:7 a house of prayer for all peoples 66:6 Listen, a voice from the temple
The Date of Isaiah 56-66 • Jerusalem destroyed 58:12; 64:10-11 • The exiles will return 56:8; 60:4 • Temple has been restored and is functioning • 56:5 in my house a monument and a name ~vw diy 56:1, 6-9 Proper 15 A • 56:7 a house of prayer for all peoples • 66:6 Listen, a voice from the temple • A sharply divided community
“Servants” in Third Isaiah • I will bring forth descendants from Jacob, and from Judah inheritors of my mountains; my chosen shall inherit it [Judah], and my servants shall dwell there 65:9 • Cf. 56:6; 63:17; 65:8, 9, 13, 14, 15; 66:14 • No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper…This is the heritage of the servants of Yahweh 54:17
Salvation Judgment Oracle • My servants shall eat, but you shall be hungry • My servants shall drink, but you shall be thirsty • My servants shall rejoice, but you shall be put to shame • My servants shall sing for gladness, but you shall cry out for pain of heart 65:13-15 • You = syncretists (65:1-7, 11-12) • 65:1-9 Proper 7 C
Social Reality of Third Isaiah • A community in which the poor are exploited by the wealthy • Syncretised religion, including mortuary rites and cults, with a strong sexual orientation, is still being practiced, and practitioners include the temple priesthood (57:3-13; 65:1-12; 66:17) • A community under severe stress—hostility between a prophetic group and the religious authorities. This prophetic group was excluded from the cultic community and marginalized socially and economically.
Social justice vs. ritual practice • The fast that I choose 58:6-9 • To loose the bonds of injustice • To let the oppressed go free • To share your bread with the hungry • To bring the homeless into your house • To cover the naked • Then you shall call and Yahweh will answer • Such “fasting” requires greater self denial • 1-9a (9b-12) Epiphany 5 A; 1-12 (Alt) Ash Wednesday ABC; 9b-14 Proper 16 C
Themes in Third Isaiah • Missionaries to foreign lands 66:18-19—all nations will come and see my glory • Ethnic and physical qualifications for membership are set aside (foreigners and eunuchs welcomed [per contra Deut 23:1-8]), but Sabbath observance central. Temple a house of prayer for all peoples (56:1-7; per contra Deut 23:2-9) • God will create a new community, beginning with his “servants”—my chosen ones will inherit the land (65:9-10)
More themes in Third Isaiah • Round-the-clock intercessory prayer 62:6-7; prayer is gaining in popularity at the expense of sacrifice • Redemption is conditional on moral regeneration 56:1 Maintain justice…for soon my salvation will come • Self-indulgent conduct of the community leaders (56:9-12) and those who have settled for the syncretistic option (57:3-13) • Judgment by fire (66:15-16); lurid fate of the reprobate (66:24); new heavens and earth (65:17; 66:22); divine intervention: soon my salvation will come (56:1); reversal of fortunes and roles (65:13-15)
57:3-13 Vs. Syncretism • Vs. the children of the sorceress and of a male adulterer: seeking consolation with shades of the dead, sacrificing children (3-5) • Vs. the sorceress herself. Deviant cults//female sexual transgression. Religious consequences of exogamous marriages (6-13a) • The one who takes refuge in me will inherit the land (13b)
Syncretism 57:1-13; 65:1-12; 66:17 • You burn with lust among the oaks 57:5 • You have set up your bed…you have uncovered your bed…you have made up a bargain for yourself with them, you have loved their bed 57:7-8 • Journeyed to Molech = child sacrifice…sent envoys to Sheol v. 9 • Sacrificing in gardens and offering incense on bricks 65:3 • Eating the flesh of pigs, vermin, and rodents 66:17 (real sin or hyperbole?)
God spreads out his hands to a rebellious people 65:2, 24 Creation of new heavens and earth 65:17 I will answer 65:24 Offspring blessed by Yahweh 65:23 Critique of animal and grain sacrifices 66:3 On new moon and sabbath all flesh will worship me 66:23 Inextinguishable fire 66:24 Garden cults 66:17--they sanctify and purify themselves to go into the garden Children I have reared, but they have rebelled 1:2, 28 Heaven and earth listen to Yahweh’s lawsuit 1:2 I will not listen 1:15 Offspring who deal corruptly 1:4 Offerings, incense, new moon, and sabbath rejected 1:13 Inextinguishable fire 1:31 Garden cults 1:29—you shall blush for the gardens you have chosen Isaiah 65-66 and Isaiah 1
Isaiah 60:1-6 Epiphany ABC • Your light (God’s epiphany) has come, Zion (v 1) • Yahweh’s glory shines like the dawn, but darkness covers the earth (v 2; 40:5 the glory of Yahweh will be revealed) • Nations shall come to your light; kings to your dawn (v 3) • Your sons shall come from afar; your daughters on their nurses’ arms (v 4) • The abundance of the sea, and the wealth of nations shall come to you by sea (v 5); Countless camels from the east (v 6) • Tribute for sacrifice on Yahweh’s altar (v 7) • OT // to the wise men
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Advent 3 B61:10-62:3 Christmas 1 B • Yahweh has anointed me (the prophet or the servant) to preach good news to the oppressed, to comfort all who mourn (cf. Luke 4:18-19) • To provide for those who mourn in Zion a garland instead of ashes • They shall repair the ruined cities • I, Yahweh, love justice and hate wrongdoing • I (the prophet or the servant) will greatly rejoice in Yahweh for he has clothed me with victory (salvation) garments
I will not be silent until Zion is vindicated v 1 You will be a splendid crown in Yahweh’s hand v 3 Jerusalem no more called Azubah (forsaken; “Yahweh has forsaken me” 49:14; 1 Kgs 22:42) or Shemamah (desolate), but Hephzibah (my delight is in her; 2 Kgs 21:1) and Beulah (married) v 4. 65:15 his servants will be called by a different name Your builder %nEåAB /sons %yIn"+B' will “marry” [possess, master] you; God will rejoice over you v 5 Isaiah 62:1-5 Epiphany 2 C 61:10-62:3 Christmas 1 B
Isaiah 62:6-12 Christmas Day 2 ABC • Sentinels are to give God no rest until he establishes Jerusalem (vv 6-7) • I will never give your grain and wine to your enemies; those who harvest grain will eat it (vv 8-9) • Build up the highway (v 10) • Say to daughter Zion: Your salvation comes (v 11) • New names for the people: “Holy people” (v. 12; cf. holy seed in 6:13); “redeemed of Yahweh” (v. 12; cf. 35:8-9 a holy way for the redeemed); “sought out,” “a city not forsaken” hb'z")[/n< al{ï ry[iÞ
A Community Lament 63:7-19 (63:7-9 Christmas 1 A) • Yahweh lifted and carried Israel in days of old (9) • They rebelled and grieved his holy spirit (10) • They recalled the days of old: Where is the one who brought them up from the sea? (11) • Look down….Where is your zeal, your power, your compassion? (15) • You are our father/redeemer even if Abraham and Israel would not acknowledge us (16) • We have been as those who no longer bear your name (19)
Isaiah 64:1-9 Advent 1 B • Oh that you (Yahweh) would tear open the heavens and come down as at Sinai, and make the nations tremble v (19b [1]) • No God besides you who works for those who wait for him (v 3 [4]) • We have sinned and you have hidden your face (cf. 45:15) and handed us over to iniquity (vv 5-6 [6-7]) • Yet, you are our father; we are the clay and you the potter (v 7 [8])—relationship to God based on his creative acts prior to the saving history. • Do not remember our iniquity forever; we are all your people (v 8 [9]) • [Jerusalem a place of desolation (v 9 [10]); Our temple has been burned by fire (v 10 [11]) • After all this, will you restrain yourself, Yahweh? Will you keep silent and afflict us beyond measure (v 11 [12])]
Isaiah 65:17-25 Proper 28; Easter (Alt) Both C • New heavens and new earth v 17 • No more weeping v 18 • People live 100+ years v 20 • They will build houses and live in them v 21 • Peace among animals v 25; cf. 11:6-9 • Dust will be the serpent’s food. Serpents are the exception to ideal harmony v 25; Cf. Gen 3:14
Isaiah 66 Outline • 1-4 vs. syncretistic cult • 5-6 favor to those who tremble at Yahweh’s word; judgment to Yahweh’s enemies • 7-14 an epilogue to Third Isaiah—population explosion and prosperity; wrath to enemies • 15-16 These verses develop idea of Yahweh’s wrath from v. 14; original conclusion to 56-66? • 17 Those slain = syncretists of vv. 3-4
Isaiah 66 (cont.) • 18-21 broad, inclusive approach to membership in Jewish community. Conversion of Gentiles; some of them even become priests and Levites • 20 Gentiles limited to providing sacrificial material • 22-23 new heavens and earth; all flesh worships Yahweh • 24 excipit to book; worshipers go out to witness corpses of the rebels.
Isaiah 66:1-9 • Heaven is my throne…what is this house that you would build for me? 56:7 a house of prayer and sacrifices; 60:7 Yahweh’s glorious house • I look to the humble…who trembles at my word (vv. 2, 5). Cf. those who trembled at the words of the God of Israel Ezr 9:4 (also 10:3) • Great population increase in Jerusalem: Before she goes into labor she gives birth! God stands behind this population explosion: Shall I open the womb and not deliver?
Isaiah 66:10-14 Proper 9 C • Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad, all you who love her • That you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast, her glorious bosom • Yahweh gives prosperity and wealth to her • As a mother comforts her child, I will comfort you (cf. 40:1-2) • The hand of Yahweh is with his servants; his indignation against his enemies
The Hand of Yahweh • For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand (of judgment) is stretched out still (5:25; 9:12, 17, 21; 10:4) • Yahweh will extend his hand a second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people 11:11; His hand will divide the Euphrates 11:15 • The hand of Yahweh will rest on this mountain 25:10 • Yahweh’s hand is exalted, but the nations don’t see it (26:11) • Yahweh’s hand with his servants 66:14