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Term of Reference (TOR). Mahathir Global Peace School 2014. “Migration, Border and Global Peace”. Yogyakarta, 1-10 December 2014. Theme of the 3 rd MGPS. Mahathir Global Peace School 2014. “Migration , Border and Global Peace” Yogyakarta, 1-10 December 2014. Background.
Term of Reference (TOR) Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 “Migration, Border and Global Peace” Yogyakarta, 1-10 December 2014
Theme of the 3rd MGPS Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 “Migration, Border and Global Peace” Yogyakarta, 1-10 December 2014
Background About Mahathir Global Peace School Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 The number of manuscripts, curricula, and initiatives that grapple with some strand of peace education is increasing. However a dearth of critical and cross-disciplinary that examine peace education in conjunction with war and conflict still an open question. Education about and against war therefore is important to provide a comprehensive understanding about war and peace, as pivotal notion to established a democracy. Based on the spirit to educate society Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Perdana Global Peace Foundation initiate to establish an International School on Global Peace and Conflict Resolution with the name of Mahathir Global Peace School.
Establishment of MGPS About Mahathir Global Peace School Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) established an International School on Global Peace and Conflict Resolution which is promoted with the name of Mahathir Global Peace School (MGPS). The school was launched by YABhgTun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad on 3rd June 2013, at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. This School is designed to enable students from diverse cultures and backgrounds to attain a deep understanding of the central issues of peace and security, which will determine the future of humanity. Through their coursework, participants in the programme will broaden their base of knowledge and engage with the major concepts, themes, and debates within international peace and conflict studies, preparing themselves for work with NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN and other organizations where a deep understanding of these issues is critical.
First MGPS on 2013, conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Second MGPS on 2014, conducted at Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Kuala Lumpur Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
General Objectives of MGPS Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 To explore strategies in order to construct a peaceful world through the education and multi-cultural understanding. The curricula of MGPS is designed to embrace matters on conflict resolution, e.g. war, poverty, racism, non violent initiatives for social change and peace building, social transformation and peace.
Aim of MGPS Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 To provide a comprehensive knowledge and focus discussion surrounding global peace and conflict resolution, including those concerning its definitional scope and its theoretical and practical relevance in a globalized world. To explore the theoretical and practical dimensions of global peace and conflict resolution in an international context where the role of the nation-state is being subjected to significant pressures across all regions. To investigate the political, ethical, legal, and economic implications of global peace and its relationship to cosmopolitanism as an alternative to more traditional notions of nationalism. To examine the role of international institutions, principally the United Nations, in promoting global peace. To examine a range of specific issue areas—including human rights, the environment, migration, security, humanitarian intervention, and gender—through the prism of global peace and associated critiques of global peace.
Target of Participants Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Program is limited for 40 participants only consist of: Postgraduate students from worldwide universities (50%) Undergraduate senior students (10%) Researchers (10%) NGOs in peace and conflict resolution (30 %) Enrollment by Online at http://mgps.umy.ac.id
Important Dates Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 1 October 2014 : First Announcement and Invitation 1 – 31 October 2014: Participant Enrollment by On line Submission in MGPS website (http://mgps.umy.ac.id) 3 November 2014: Announcement of Selected Participants 24 November 2014 : Participant confirmation and visa arrangement 30 November 2014 : Participant Arrival in UMY 1 December 2014: Opening Ceremony 1 – 6 December 2014 : Program 7 – 9 December 2014 : Excursion 10 December 2014: Closing Ceremony
General: Student Learning Outcomes Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Student Learning Outcomes Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 After two weeks training, students are expected to be able to: LO 1: demonstrate an appreciation of the key academic debates concerning the nature and utility of the concept of global peace. LO 2: distinguish between the key concepts and issues that surround related areas: peacekeeping, peace and conflict resolution. LO 3: demonstrate an understanding of those issue areas where global peace can play a role in promoting justice, mitigating and resolutingconflict. LO 4: demonstrate an understanding of the barriers to achieving this in the real world and how far they can be overcome. LO 5: reflect on the requirements and obligations of global peace, international law, humanitarian law and conflict resolution. LO 6: create a global peace society and community around the world as part of peacebuilding. LO 7: be actively engaged with and participate in migration, border and global peace. LO 8: build and strengthen individual and institutional networks for conflict prevention in migration and border
Substantive Knowledge • Understanding of Global Peace, Conflict Resolution, Human Rights and International Security • Improving better society with understanding of interreligion, multi cultures, races, human relation for world peace Structure of Subjects Global Peace Conflict & Resolution International Law Multi-Cultural Understanding & Communication Diplomacy for Peace International Security Humanitarian Human Rights Case Studies Case Studies FGD Case Studies, FGD and Practices Case Studies & FGD Critical Thinking and Applying Knowledge in Studying Cases Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Subject and Learning Outcomes LO 1, 2, 3 LO 1, 2, 3 LO 4, 5, 6 LO 7,8 Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Case Studies and Learning Outcomes LO 1, 2 LO 1, 2, 3, 7 ,8 LO 4, 5 LO 6, 7, 8 Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
a. Maps of the potential conflict areas b. Ideas to design peace project 3, 4, 5 a. Alumni networks & projects b. Project design LO 6, 7, 8
The School’s Future Trajectory Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Subjects Design of the first week Monday, 1st December 2014 Opening Ceremony 09.00 – 10.00 | Remarks • Prof. Dr. BambangCipto, MA – Rector of UMY • Tan Sri Norian Mai – Chairperson of PGPF • Muhammadiyah – Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin PublicLecture Migration and Borders: Challenges and opportunities for Peace Promotion 10.00 – 10.45 | Prof. Dr. SusiloBambangYudhoyono 10.45 – 11.30 | Dr. Tun Mahathir Muhammad 11.30 – 12.00 | Question & Answer 13.30 – 16.00 |Lecture Overview Migration, Border, and Global Peace Tan Sri Gen. (Rtd.) Mohd. Azumi 16.00 – 17.00 |Introduction, Program Explanation and Training Contract 19.00 – 21.00 |Welcome Dinner Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Subjects Design of the first week Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Subjects Design of the first week Saturday, 6th December 2014 Seminar 09.00 – 09.30 | Remarks H.E Le Luong Minh – Secretary General of ASEAN 10.00 – 12.00 | Panel Discussion Migration, Border and Global Peace • DEEP La Trobe University, Australia • Prof Martino Sardi– UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta • PGPF - Malaysia Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Subjects Design of the second week 07.00 09.00 – 10.00 10.15 – 12.00 13.00 14.00 Mahathir Global Peace School 2014
Honorable Guest Speakers Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Former Prime Minister of Malaysia The President of PGPF Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Dr. SusiloBambangYudhoyono (TBA) President of Republic Indonesia
Honorable Guest Speakers Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin Chairperson, Central Board of Muhammadiyah Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 H.E. Le LuongMinh (TBA) Secretary General of ASEAN
Professors and Instructors Prof. Johan Galtung Transcend International Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 General Tan Sri Mohd Azumi Mohamed (Rtd) Perdana Global Peace Foundation, Malaysia
Professors and Instructors Prof. Martino Sardi UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Prof. Dr. Tulus Warsito, M.Si Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Prof. Brenda Yeoh ARI – National University of Singapore
Professors and Instructors Hilman Latief, Ph.D. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Bilveer Singh, Ph.D. RSiS – Nanyang Technological University
Venues Sportorium UMY Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 ArFakhruddin A & B UMY
Venues the Major of Bandung Municipality Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Asia Africa Conference Museum
Accommodation for VVIP and Instructors Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Tentrem Hotel for VIP HorisonUltimaRiss Hotel for Instructors
Accommodation for Participants University Residence, 30th Nov – 7th Dec and 9th-11th Dec 2014 Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 KampungSumberAlam Cottage, 8th-9th Dec 2014
Structure Mahathir Global Peace SchoolMigration, Border, and Global PeaceUMY, 1-10 December 2014
Honorary Board Member: Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Dr. H.M. Yusuf Kalla Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin Tan Sri Norian Mai Prof. Dr. BambangCipto Advisory Board Board Members: Prof. Dr. A. SyafiiMaarif Ir. M. Dasron Hamid, MSc. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. SamsudinHitam NafiAnandaUtama Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Ph.D. Dr. GunawanBudiyanto Dr. SuryoPratolo Mahathir Global Peace SchoolMigration, Border, and Global PeaceUMY, 1-10 December 2014
Chairperson • Indira Prabasari • PGPF • Deputy Chairperson for internal affairs • RatihHerningtyas • Treasurer • Tony K Hariadi • PGPF • Executive Secretary • Mohammad Ichsan • PGPF • Program Director • Idham Badruzaman • PGPF • Deputy Program Director • Omi Ongge International Organizing Committee Mahathir Global Peace SchoolMigration, Border, and Global PeaceUMY, 1-10 December 2014
Secretariat Team HijriyahOctaviani ErwanSudiwijaya Yaufani Adam HaritsDwiWiratma CarolynaYovanty NurAzizahUswatunHasanah M. GhozyAbdussalam AtinaRosydiana Ahmad Muhammad DamasBariek DindaDarojatunSolihah NurAzizahUswatunHasanah Organizing Committee Mahathir Global Peace SchoolMigration, Border, and Global PeaceUMY, 1-10 December 2014
International Scientific Committee Chairperson: HilmanLatief, Ph.D. International Advisory Members: • Prof. Johan Galtung • Prof. TulusWarsito • Prof. Dr. YunaharIlyas Committee Members: • Dr. Surwandono • MartinusSardi, Ph.D. • Ali Muhammad, SIP, MA., Ph.D. • Dr. RiefqiMuna • Dr. ZulyQodir • Prof. Mohammad NaqibIshan Jan • Dr. MaungZarni
For Participants Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Seminar Kits : Bag/Goodie Bag, Pens, Block note Lecture Materials (Hardcopy) : Lecture Summary, Paper or Handout USB (Softcopy of MGPS materials) Assignment and Discussion Book Brochure of MGPS 2014, UMY, PGPD, IDRF Program Book Certificate of Completion and Academic Transcript for School Credits in MGPS 2014 Co Card Feedback Form
Secretariat Mahathir Global Peace School 2014 Perdana Global Peace Foundation 5th Floor, No. 88, JalanPerdana, Taman TasekPerdana, 50480, Kuala Lumpur Tel: +603 2092 7248, Fax: +603 2273 2092 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Cooperation Bureau and International Relations Office JalanLingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Bantul, Yogyakarta Indonesia Tel. +62274 387656 (188), Fax. +62274 387646 Email: mgps@umy.ac.id Official Website: http://mgps.umy.ac.id