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THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDER. The Reverend Keith Alan Mathur St. Thomas More Parish R.C.I.A. 9 February 2010. Sacramental Categories. Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist--- Sacraments of Initiation (ground the Christian in a vocation to holiness and mission of evangelization).
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDER The Reverend Keith Alan Mathur St. Thomas More Parish R.C.I.A. 9 February 2010
Sacramental Categories • Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist--- Sacraments of Initiation (ground the Christian in a vocation to holiness and mission of evangelization) • Holy Order and Matrimony--- Sacraments of Service • (ground the recipient to the service of others) • Anointing of the Sick and Penance--- Sacraments of Healing • (united the recipient to Christ’s passion in order to forgive sins and bring about strength)
What is Holy Order? • “The Sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry.”
HOLY ORDER Form of the Sacrament
Prayer of Consecration (example for Priests) • Come to our help, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God; you are the source of every honor and dignity, of all progress and stability. You watch over the growing family of man by your gift of wisdom and your pattern of order. When you had appointed high priests to rule your people, you chose other men next to them in rank and dignity to be with them and to help them in their task; and so there grew up the ranks of priests and the offices of Levites, established by sacred rites. • In the desert you extended the spirit of Moses to seventy wise men who helped him to rule the great company of his people. You shared among the sons of Aaron the fullness of their father's power, to provide worthy priests in sufficient number for the increasing rites of sacrifice and worship. With the same loving care you gave companions to your Son's apostles to help in teaching the faith: they preached the gospel to the whole world. • Lord, grant also to us such fellow workers, for we are weak and our need is greater. • Almighty Father, grant to this servant of yours the dignity of the priesthood. Renew within him the Spirit of holiness. As a co-worker with the order of bishops may he be faithful to the ministry that he receives from you, Lord God, and be to others a model of right conduct. May he be faithful in working with the order of bishops, so that the words of the Gospel may reach the ends of the earth, and the family of nations, made one in Christ, may become God's one, holy people. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. R. Amen.
HOLY ORDER Matter of the Sacrament
Why is this sacrament called “order”? • Latin word --- “ordo” meant an established civil body • “Ordinatio” meant an incorporation into an “ordo.” • Since ancient times the church has had 3 levels of ordo into the church: 1.) Bishop, 2.) Priest, 3.) Deacon • Integration into one of these bodies was established by a rite called “ordinatio”/ ordination! • Sacred power from Christ through His Church
“Priesthood” of the Old Testament • Exodus 19:6 ---The chosen people was constituted by God as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” • God chose the 12 tribes of Israel from within the whole group. • Tribe of Levi--- set apart for liturgical service • Leviticus 8--- appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God; to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. • 1.) Proclaim Word of God • 2.) Restore communion with God by sacrifices and prayer • 3.) Need to repeat sacrifices ceaselessly. • 4.) Unable to achieve a definitive sanctification, which only the sacrifice of Christ brings about. • Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Levi
Summary of Old Testament Priesthood • Everything that the priesthood of the Old Testament prefigured finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ-> the one true mediator between God and man. • Melchizedek---King of Salem; serves in OT as the prefiguration of the priesthood of Christ. • “offered bread and wine” for sacrifice • “You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek of old.” KEY= “to offer sacrifice”
Priesthood of the New Testament • Selection of the 12 apostles • Preach, teach, and baptize • Laying on of hands (Apostolic succession) • Essential component of the sacrament • Letter to the Hebrews--- close connection to Melchizedek • Jesus Christ High Priest • The model of the priesthood • Priest is ordained : “In persona Christi Capitis” • In the person of Christ, the Head.
Two Participations in the One Priesthood of Jesus Christ • Ministerial Priesthood • Priests/Bishops • At the service of the people • At the service of the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians. • Means by which Christ builds up and leads the Church. • 3 fold office: 1.) Teach, 2.) Worship, 3.) Govern • Confers a sacred power-> sacrament • Common Priesthood • AKA- Baptismal Priesthood • We are all baptized priest, prophet, and king. • Unfolding of baptismal graces--- called to live a life of faith, hope, love. • The 2 priesthoods are ordered to each other… built each other up, yet they differ essentially.
1 SACRAMENT(1 ORDER)3 DEGREES • Bishop • Priest • Deacon • Bishop and Priest Exercise ministerial participation in the priesthood of Christ. • Deacon Service
THE BISHOP Official Title: The Most Reverend John O. Barres, D.D., S.T.D., J.C.L. Ways of Addressing Him: (Formal – Your Excellency), (Informal– Bishop), (Friendly– Johnnie )
Bishop • Ordained to the “Episcopacy”; not to be confused with Episcopalian. • “The fullness of the sacrament of Holy Order” • Established first. 12 apostles (Apostolic succession) • The area grew too large and deacons were appointed to help serve the Bishop. • Each bishop has pastoral care of the territory entrusted to him. • Bishops act in a collegial nature. • Pope--- Vicar of Christ on Earth • Cardinal--- Elevation; College of Cardinals • Not a 4th degree of the Sacrament • Archbishop--- Bishop of large diocese
The Priest Official Title: The Reverend Keith A. Mathur, M.A., M.Div. Unofficial Title: Father Keith A. Mathur How to Address: Father Official Title: The Reverend Monsignor John P. Murphy Unofficial Title: Monsignor John Murphy How to Address: Monsignor
Ordination of Priests • “Co-workers of the Episcopal Order” • Preach the Gospel • Shepherd the faithful • Perform the sacraments • Pastoral care of parishes and other ministries • Promise of respect and obedience • Celebrating Eucharist--- key function of the priesthood • Share in the mission of Christ
2 Types of Priests • Diocesan • Committed to a particular geographical area (diocese) • Serve the needs of a parish, school, office, prison, high school, etc. • Make promises of obedience and celibacy at ordination. • 6-9 years to become a Diocesan priest. • Religious • Member of a religious community. • Different calling than diocesan priesthood. • Calling to poverty, chastity, and obedience. • E.g.- Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Oblates, etc. • Each have a unique charism. • Typically 10-12 years to become a religious priest.
What is the difference between a Monsignor and a Father? It is an ecclesiastical honor. Named by the Holy Father, recommended by the Bishop. Not an ordination or sacrament. Just an honorary title. The three awards or offices most often associated with the style "monsignor" are Protonotary Apostolic, Honorary Prelate, and Chaplain of His Holiness.
Universal Patron of All PriestsSt. John Marie Vianney “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus Christ.”
The Deacon Official Title: Mr. Thomas Shubella or Deacon Thomas Shubella Transitional Deacon: Rev. Mr. How to Address Him: Deacon
The Ordination of Deacons • Greek word: “diakonia”-> “service” • Configured to Christ the Deacon or Servant. • Intended to help and assist the priest/bishop • Ordained by a bishop • What can they do? Baptize, Proclaim Gospel, Preach homily, bless marriages, preside at funerals. • “Ministers of the cup” • “Sacred character imposed on them”
Two types of Deacons • Permanent • Must be 35 years or older • Can be single or married • Once ordained, they can not remarry if wife dies or annulment. • Once ordained, if single they are to remain single. • Transitional • Celibacy • Last year of seminary • Preparation for the priesthood
Who can confer the Sacrament of Order? • The Sacrament of Holy Order is the sacrament of the apostolic ministry, it is for the bishops as the succesors of the apostles to hand on the “gift of the Spirit.” • “The Apostolic line”
The Effects of the Sacrament • 1.) Indelible character • Ontological character --- configured to Christ • Speak with authority, governance, jurisdiction • Cannot be repeated or conferred temporarily • 2.) The Grace of the Holy Spirit • Configuration as Priest, Teacher, and Pastor • Grace of strength • Grace to guide and defend the Church • Gratuitous love for all • Preferential love for poor • Sanctification of souls
Who may be ordained to the priesthood? • “Only a baptized male validly receives sacred ordination.” • Connects with the Lord Jesus choosing twelve men to be the apostles who were his successors. • Some say: Well, the culture of the time was anti-woman. • Jesus is counter-cultural. • The Church is bound by the choice the Lord himself made. • Key notion: “No one has a right to receive this sacrament.” • It is a calling by God and one must humbly submit to proper authority. • Gift from God
Why can men only be priests? • Just as bread and wine are matter of the sacrament of Eucharist, a baptized male is the matter of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. • Jesus chose 12 men to be his successors. • Priest is an icon of Christ. Christ was a man. • Symbolic understanding: • Church is the Bride of Christ… Holy Mother Church • Male priest marries the female Church. Nuptial imagery
Oppressive Theology??? • Absolutely not! • The Church teaches that women play an integral role in building up the life of the Church. • Goal: Salvation of souls • Priest is not more guaranteed salvation. Rather greater burden on him. • Greatest human being to ever live: Mary, a woman. • Yet never once does Jesus call her an apostle or make her a priest. • She has a specific role in salvation history. • Equality before the Lord is NOT sameness. • Acknowledges distinction/both have unique roles. • You don’t call a plumber to fix your roof.
Priestly Celibacy… “Clerics are obliged to observe perfect and perpetual continence for the sake of the kingdom of heaven and therefore are bound to celibacy which is a special gift of God by which sacred ministers can adhere more easily to Christ with an undivided heart and are able to dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and humanity.”