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Table of Contents. Background information:What every adult needsto know about animals. Benchmarks and NH State Standards. Some ideas to consider while teaching about animals. . . . Examine the research on student learning and misconceptions . . . . Essential Questions and Big Ideas. . Bibliography
1. Animals All Around for grades K-2
2. Table of Contents Background information:
What every adult needs
to know about animals Benchmarks and NH State Standards
3. Essential Questions and Big Ideas Essential Questions
What’s the difference between living and nonliving things?
How do we know that animals are alive?
What body parts does the animal have that helps it to survive?
What are all the ways that our animal babies are like their parents?
What are the different stages of our animal’s life cycle?
Where does our animal live and why does it live there?
What does our animal need to grow?
Big Ideas
Most living things need water, food, and air.
Animals eat plants or other animals for food.
Some animals are alike in the way they look and in the things they do, others are very different from one another.
There is variation in a group of the same animals.
5. Ideas to consider when teaching about Animals These essays are from Benchmarks for Science Literacy
6. Benchmarks: Identifying Concepts and Specific Ideas
7. Benchmarks: Science as InquiryBy the end of the 2nd grade, students should know that: When a science investigation is done the way it was done before, we expect to get a very similar result. 1A/P1
When a science investigation is done again in a different place, we expect to get a very similar result. 1A/P2*
People can often learn about things around them by just observing those things carefully, but sometimes they can learn more by doing something to the things and noting what happens. 1B/P1
Tools such as thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, or balances often give more information about things than can be obtained by just observing things unaided. 1B/P2
Describing things as accurately as possible is important in science because it enables people to compare their observations with those of others. 1B/P3
When people give different descriptions of the same thing, it is usually a good idea to make some fresh observations instead of just arguing about who is right. 1B/P4
8. Diversity of Life General similarities and differences among organisms are easily observed. Most children enter kindergarten interested in living things and already able to distinguish among the common ones. Children know, for example, that fish resemble other fish, frogs resemble other frogs, and that fish and frogs are different. In the beginning, children can focus on any attribute—size, color, limbs, fins, or wings—but then should gradually be guided to realize that for purposes of understanding relatedness among organisms, some characteristics are more significant than others. The teacher's task is to move students toward a more sophisticated understanding of the features of organisms that connect or differentiate them: from external features and behavior patterns, to internal structures and processes, to cellular activity, to molecular structure.
Understanding and appreciating the diversity of life does not come from students' knowing bits of information or classification categories about many different species; rather it comes from their ability to see in organisms the patterns of similarity and difference that permeate the living world. Through these patterns, biologists connect the multitude of individual organisms to the theories of genetics, ecology, and evolution.
All students, especially those who live in circumstances that limit their interaction with nature, must have the opportunity to observe a variety of plants and animals in the classroom, on the school grounds, in the neighborhood, at home, in parks and streams and gardens, and at the zoo. But observing is not enough. The students should have reasons for their observations—reasons that prompt them to do something with the information they collect. The reason can be to answer the students' own questions about how organisms live or care for their young. Some students may enjoy displaying, with drawings, photographs, or even real specimens, all the living things they can find where they live. The point is to encourage them to ask questions for which they can find answers by looking carefully (using hand lenses when needed) at plants and animals and then checking their observations and answers with one another.
The anthropomorphism embedded in most animal stories causes some worry. Students can be guided toward making distinctions between stories that portray animals the way they really are and those that do not. Differences among students over the correctness of the portrayal of animals or plants in books should lead the students to reference works, which are another source of information that students must start learning to use.
9. Heredity
Building an observational base for heredity ought to be the first undertaking. Explanations can come later. The organisms children recognize are themselves, their classmates, and their pets. And that is the place to start studying heredity. However, it is important to be cautious about having children compare their own physical appearance to that of their siblings, parents, and grandparents. At the very least, the matter has to be handled with great delicacy so no one is embarrassed. Direct observations of generational similarities and differences of at least some plants and animals are essential.
Teachers should lead students to make observations about how the offspring of familiar animals compare to one another and to their parents. Children know that animals reproduce their own kind—rabbits have rabbits (but you can usually tell one baby rabbit from another), cats have kittens that have different markings (but cats never have puppies), and so forth. This idea should be strengthened by a large number of examples, both plant and animal, that the children can draw on.
10. Interdependence of Life It is not difficult for students to grasp the general notion that species depend on one another and on the environment for survival. But their awareness must be supported by knowledge of the kinds of relationships that exist among organisms, the kinds of physical conditions that organisms must cope with, the kinds of environments created by the interaction of organisms with one another and their physical surroundings, and the complexity of such systems. Students should become acquainted with many different examples of ecosystems, starting with those near at hand.
Students should investigate the habitats of many different kinds of local plants and animals, including weeds, aquatic plants, insects, worms, and amphibians, and some of the ways in which animals depend on plants and on each other.
11. Flow of Matter and Energy The study of food webs can start in the elementary grades with the transfer of matter, be added to in the middle grades with the flow of energy through organisms, and then be integrated in high school as students' understanding of energy storage in molecular configurations develops. The whole picture grows slowly over time for students. In their early years, the temptation to simplify matters by saying plants get food from the soil should be resisted.
Children should begin to be aware of the basic parts of the food chain: Plants need sunlight to grow, some animals eat plants, and other animals eat both plants and animals. The key step that plants make their own foodis very difficult for elementary students and should be saved for middle school.
An awareness of recycling, both in nature and in human societies, may play a helpful role in the development of children's thinking. Familiarity with the recycling of materials fosters the notion that matter continues to exist even though it changes from one form to another.
12. Evolution of Life
Students should begin to build a knowledge base about biological diversity. Student curiosity about fossils and dinosaurs can be harnessed to consider life forms that no longer exist. But the distinction between extinct creatures and those that still live elsewhere will not be clear for some time. "Long ago" has very limited meaning at this age level. Even as students make observations of organisms in their own environments, they can extend their experiences with other environments through film.
13. Benchmarks for Science Literacy(K-2 Life Science) By the end of the 2nd grade, students should know that
Some animals and plants are alike in the way they look and in the things they do, and others are very different from one another. 5A/P1
There is variation among individuals of one kind within a population. 5B/P1
Offspring are very much, but not exactly, like their parents and like one another. 5B/P2
Most living things need water, food, and air. 5C/P2
Animals eat plants or other animals for food and may also use plants (or even other animals) for shelter and nesting. 5D/P1
Living things are found almost everywhere in the world. There are somewhat different kinds in different places. 5D/P2
Plants and animals both need to take in water, and animals need to take in food. In addition, plants need light. 5E/P1
Different plants and animals have external features that help them thrive in different kinds of places. 5F/P1
Some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared, although they were something like others that are alive today. 5F/P2
Animals and plants sometimes cause changes in their surroundings.
14. From their very first day in school, students should be actively engaged in learning to view the world scientifically. That means encouraging them to ask questions about nature and to seek answers, collect things, count and measure things, make qualitative observations, organize collections and observations, discuss findings, etc. Getting into the spirit of science and liking science are what count most. Awareness of the scientific world view can come later.
Anticipating an eventual understanding of the scientific world view, these early science experiences can be designed to bring out one aspect of the belief in the unity of nature: consistency. Students should sometimes repeat observations and investigations in the classroom, and then, when possible, do so again in the school yard and at home. For instance, students could be asked to compare what happens in different places when an egg is cooked, or how moving objects are affected when pushed or pulled, or what a seed looks like when it starts to grow. These activities should serve to stimulate curiosity and engage students in taking an interest in their environment and the workings of nature.
Students should be actively involved in exploring phenomena that interest them both in and out of class. These investigations should be fun and exciting, opening the door to even more things to explore. An important part of students' exploration is telling others what they see, what they think, and what it makes them wonder about. Children should have lots of time to talk about what they observe and to compare their observations with those of others. A premium should be placed on careful expression, a necessity in science, but students at this level should not be expected to come up with scientifically accurate explanations for their observations. Theory can wait. Inquiry-based Science
15. New Hampshire Frameworks and Standards
16. NH Life Science K-2 Grade Span Expectations part 1
17. NH Life Science K-2 Grade Span Expectations part 2
18. NH Life Science K-2 Grade Span Expectations K-2 part 3
19. NH Life Science K-2 Grade Span Expectations K-2 part 4
20. NH Frameworks Science Process Skills K-2 part 2
21. Content and teaching standards based on the National Science Education Standards SCIENCE AS INQUIRY
Develop students' abilities to do and understand scientific inquiry.
Ask and answer questions.
Plan and conduct simple investigations.
Employ tools and techniques to gather data.
Use data to construct reasonable explanations.
Communicate investigations and explanations.
Understand that scientists use different kinds of investigations and tools to develop explanations using evidence and knowledge.
Develop students' understanding of the properties of materials.
Objects can have many properties, including size, weight, shape, color, and texture.
Develop students' understanding of the properties of earth materials.
Solid rocks and soils are earth materials. The physical properties of earth materials make them useful in different ways, such as for building materials or for growing plants.
Develop students' understandings about changes in the earth.
Natural forces such as ice, rain, wind, landslides, and volcanoes can break apart or smooth the surfaces of rocks.
Develop students' understandings about science and technology.
Scientists use tools and scientific techniques to make betterobservations.
Develop students' understanding of natural resources.
Resources are things that we get from the environment, suchas rocks and soil.
22. What is FOSS? FOSS is a research-based science curriculum for grades K–8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley. FOSS is also an ongoing research project dedicated to improving the learning and teaching of science. The FOSS project began over 20 years ago during a time of growing concern that our nation was not providing young students with an adequate science education. The FOSS program materials are designed to meet the challenge of providing meaningful science education for all students in diverse American classrooms and to prepare them for life in the 21st century. Development of the FOSS program was, and continues to be, guided by advances in the understanding of how youngsters think and learn.
Science is an active enterprise, made active by our human capacity to think. Scientific knowledge advances when scientists observe objects and events, think about how they relate to what is known, test their ideas in logical ways, and generate explanations that integrate the new information into the established order. Thus the scientific enterprise is both what we know (content) and how we come to know it (process). The best way for students to appreciate the scientific enterprise, learn important scientific concepts, and develop the ability to think critically is to actively construct ideas through their own inquiries, investigations, and analyses. The FOSS program was created to engage students in these processes as they explore the natural world. (http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/foss/introduction/index.html)
23. NH Frameworks Science Process Skills K-2 part 1
24. NH Frameworks Science Process Skills K-2 part 5
25. NH Frameworks Science Process Skills K-2 part 3
26. NH Frameworks Science Process Skills K-2 part 4
27. Benchmarks: Science as InquiryBy the end of the 2nd grade, students should know that: People can often learn about things around them by just observing those things carefully, but sometimes they can learn more by doing something to the things and noting what happens.
Tools such as thermometers, magnifiers, rulers, or balances often give more information about things than can be obtained by just observing things without their help.
Describing things as accurately as possible is important in science because it enables people to compare their observations with those of others.
When people give different descriptions of the same thing, it is usually a good idea to make some fresh observations instead of just arguing about who is right.
28. Assessment The following formative assessments will help you to assess your students’ level of understanding as you progress through the investigation. (Look for them in your folder. If you need another copy, ask Terry.) At this level, you may want to use pictures and do an oral assessment of the children in small groups. Some teachers find placing a tape recorder nearby helps them to remember what the children are saying.
Is it Living?
Is it An Animal?
Functions of Living Things (You may want to revise this to change the language)
29. K-12 Broad Goals of Science Education Students will use inquiry strategies to investigate and understand the natural world.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and principles central to the biological, physical, and earth sciences, and engineering, while recognizing the interrelationship of all the sciences.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic laws which govern and explain phenomena observed in the natural world
Students will demonstrate an understanding of, and be able to practice, the basic processes which scientists use to obtain and continually revise knowledge about the natural world.
Students will perceive that scientific and technological knowledge is the result of the cumulative efforts of people, past and present, who have attempted to explain the world through an objective, peer-tested, rational approach to understanding natural phenomena and occurrences.
Students will display a sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world, and demonstrate an increasing awareness of the interdependence between all living things and the environment.
Students will demonstrate their abilities to identify human needs and concerns and to engage in problem-solving processes to define the problem, research and generate solutions, and develop simulations and prototypes to test their ideas before implementation.
Students will be able to apply rational, creative-thinking, and investigative skills and use scientific and technical knowledge in their roles as citizens, workers, family members, and consumers in an increasingly technological society.
Students will use oral and written communication, mathematical representation, and physical and conceptual models to describe and explain scientific concepts and ideas, and will be able to apply scientific and technical knowledge.
Students will know and employ safe practices and techniques in the laboratory, in field work or any other scientific investigation, and when using scientific or technological materials at home or work.
30. The Earth We live on a fairly small planet, the third from the sun in the only system of planets definitely known to exist (although similar systems are likely to be common in the universe). Like that of all planets and stars, the earth's shape is approximately spherical, the result of mutual gravitational attraction pulling its material toward a common center. Unlike the much larger outer planets, which are mostly gas, the earth is mostly rock, with three-fourths of its surface covered by a relatively thin layer of water and the entire planet enveloped by a thin blanket of air. Bulges in the water layer are raised on both sides of the planet by the gravitational tugs of the moon and sun, producing high tides about twice a day along ocean shores. Similar bulges are produced in the blanket of air as well.
Of all the diverse planets and moons in our solar system, only the earth appears to be capable of supporting life as we know it. The gravitational pull of the planet's mass is sufficient to hold onto an atmosphere. This thin envelope of gases evolved as a result of changing physical conditions on the earth's surface and the evolution of plant life, and it is an integral part of the global ecosystem. Altering the concentration of its natural component gases of the atmosphere, or adding new ones, can have serious consequences for the earth's life systems.
The distance of the earth from the sun ensures that energy reaches the planet at a rate sufficient to sustain life, and yet not so fast that water would boil away or that molecules necessary to life would not form. Water exists on the earth in liquid, solid, and gaseous forms—a rarity among the planets (the others are either closer to the sun and too hot or farther from the sun and too cold).
31. The Earth (page 2) The motion of the earth and its position with regard to the sun and the moon have noticeable effects. The earth's one-year revolution around the sun, because of the tilt of the earth's axis, changes how directly sunlight falls on one part or another of the earth. This difference in heating different parts of the earth's surface produces seasonal variations in climate. The rotation of the planet on its axis every 24 hours produces the planet's night-and-day cycle—and (to observers on earth) makes it seem as though the sun, planets, stars, and moon are orbiting the earth. The combination of the earth's motion and the moon's own orbit around the earth, once in about 28 days, results in the phases of the moon (on the basis of the changing angle at which we see the sunlit side of the moon).
The earth has a variety of climatic patterns, which consist of different conditions of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, air pressure, and other atmospheric phenomena. These patterns result from an interplay of many factors. The basic energy source is the heating of land, ocean, and air by solar radiation. Transfer of heat energy at the interfaces of the atmosphere with the land and oceans produces layers at different temperatures in both the air and the oceans. These layers rise or sink or mix, giving rise to winds and ocean currents that carry heat energy between warm and cool regions. The earth's rotation curves the flow of winds and ocean currents, which are further deflected by the shape of the land.
The cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important part in determining climatic patterns—evaporating from the surface, rising and cooling, condensing into clouds and then into snow or rain, and falling again to the surface, where it collects in rivers, lakes, and porous layers of rock. There are also large areas on the earth's surface covered by thick ice (such as Antarctica), which interacts with the atmosphere and oceans in affecting worldwide variations in climate.
32. The Earth (part 3) The earth's climates have changed radically and they are expected to continue changing, owing mostly to the effects of geological shifts such as the advance or retreat of glaciers over centuries of time or a series of huge volcanic eruptions in a short time. But even some relatively minor changes of atmospheric content or of ocean temperature, if sustained long enough, can have widespread effects on climate.
The earth has many resources of great importance to human life. Some are readily renewable, some are renewable only at great cost, and some are not renewable at all. The earth comprises a great variety of minerals, whose properties depend on the history of how they were formed as well as on the elements of which they are composed. Their abundance ranges from rare to almost unlimited. But the difficulty of extracting them from the environment is as important an issue as their abundance. A wide variety of minerals are sources for essential industrial materials, such as iron, aluminum, magnesium, and copper. Many of the best sources are being depleted, making it more and more difficult and expensive to obtain those minerals.
Fresh water is an essential resource for daily life and industrial processes. We obtain our water from rivers and lakes and from water that moves below the earth's surface. This groundwater, which is a major source for many people, takes a long time to accumulate in the quantities now being used. In some places it is being depleted at a very rapid rate. Moreover, many sources of fresh water cannot be used because they have been polluted.
Wind, tides, and solar radiation are continually available and can be harnessed to provide sources of energy. In principle, the oceans, atmosphere, topsoil, sea creatures, and trees are renewable resources. However, it can be enormously expensive to clean up polluted air and water, restore destroyed forests and fishing grounds, or restore or preserve eroded soils of poorly managed agricultural areas. Although the oceans and atmosphere are very large and have a great capacity to absorb and recycle materials naturally, they do have their limits. They have only a finite capacity to withstand change without generating major ecological alterations that may also have adverse effects on human activities.
33. Some misconceptions students have about studying soil and how to avoid them Students of all ages may hold the view that the world was always as it is now, or that any changes that have occurred must have been sudden and comprehensive (Freyberg, 1985). The students in these studies did not, however, have any formal instruction on the topics investigated. Moreover, middle-school students taught by traditional means are not able to construct coherent explanations about the causes of volcanoes and earthquakes (Duschl, Smith, Kesidou, Gitomer, & Schauble, 1992).
34. NH FrameworksIdeas to Consider: Science in the Grade Spans Elementary Grades K-4 Children in grades K-4 observe, describe, and interact with the world around them. At this level effective learning environments provide opportunities for developing awareness of and involvement with the world around them through:
Playing with, exploring, collecting, handling, sorting, and classifying objects.
Using graphic organizers and other strategies to motivate, organize, and identify the questions children ask about the world. [Test Guess]
Using tools (for example: non standard measures, rulers, and magnifiers) to enhance observations, collect, represent and interpret data.
Organizing and manipulating data in multiple ways, which may include tools of technology, e.g., calculators, and computers.
Communicating (through reading, writing, speaking, listening, movement and viewing) to describe their observations of the world.
In summary, the K-4 classroom should provide students opportunities to engage with concrete manipulative activities that will lead children to construct the desired concepts through investigation and analysis of experience. At this level in particular, science should be integrated with other curricular areas (e.g., reading, writing, math, social studies, technology, art, music, or physical education).
35. Inquiry-based Science From their very first day in school, students should be actively engaged in learning to view the world scientifically. That means encouraging them to ask questions about nature and to seek answers, collect things, count and measure things, make qualitative observations, organize collections and observations, discuss findings, etc. Getting into the spirit of science and liking science are what count most. Awareness of the scientific world view can come later.
Anticipating an eventual understanding of the scientific world view, these early science experiences can be designed to bring out one aspect of the belief in the unity of nature: consistency. Students should sometimes repeat observations and investigations in the classroom, and then, when possible, do so again in the school yard and at home. For instance, students could be asked to compare what happens in different places when an egg is cooked, or how moving objects are affected when pushed or pulled, or what a seed looks like when it starts to grow. These activities should serve to stimulate curiosity and engage students in taking an interest in their environment and the workings of nature.
Students should be actively involved in exploring phenomena that interest them both in and out of class. These investigations should be fun and exciting, opening the door to even more things to explore. An important part of students' exploration is telling others what they see, what they think, and what it makes them wonder about. Children should have lots of time to talk about what they observe and to compare their observations with those of others. A premium should be placed on careful expression, a necessity in science, but students at this level should not be expected to come up with scientifically accurate explanations for their observations. Theory can wait.
36. Agriculture: General Essay A majority of people never see food or fiber before those products get to retail stores, and primary-school children may have only vague ideas about where their foods and fabrics come from. So the first steps in teaching children about agriculture are to acquaint them with basics: what grows where, what is required to grow and harvest it, how it gets to the stores, and how modern-day U.S. agriculture compares with agriculture in other places and other times. Such comparisons prepare students to consider how agriculture can be improved, what resources are needed, and the consequences for society and the environment.
For most students, media resources about agricultural production in the United States and elsewhere may have to supplement firsthand experiences. Projects to trace locally available food and fiber back to their origins are helpful in providing at least some personal experience. As students become better able to handle complexity, they can undertake projects that require planting, fertilizing, selecting desirable features, and adjusting the amount of light, water, and warmth.
Projects for older students can involve the preservation of food and fiber, requirements for good nutrition, comparing energy efficiency of different products, and long-term changes in water, soil, and forest resources. They should expand their sense of what agriculture is to include the planting and harvesting of materials for use as fibers and fuel and for building shelters. When students are able to grasp the interdependent elements of the agricultural system, including fuel, roads, communications, weather, and prices, they may assess what disasters do to an agricultural system and possible ways of recovering or even reducing their likelihood.
37. Agriculture:K-2 Grade Span Essay The basic experiences for primary-school children include seeing plants grow from seeds they have planted, eating the edible portions of the mature plants, and noticing what plants and other things animals eat. Comparisons can be made to see what happens if some plants don't get water or light, but carefully controlled experiments should be delayed until later, when students will know better how to conduct scientific investigations. Some of the earliest stories to be read to and by small children can tell about life on the farm and what happens to food between the farm and the store.
By the end of the 2nd grade, students should know that:
Most food comes from farms either directly as crops or as the animals that eat the crops. To grow well, plants need enough warmth, light, and water. Crops also must be protected from weeds and pests that can harm them.
Part of a crop may be lost to pests or spoilage.
A crop that is fine when harvested may spoil before it gets to consumers.
Machines improve what people get from crops by helping in planting and harvesting, in keeping food fresh by packaging and cooling, and in moving it long distances from where it is grown to where people live.
38. The following is a list of resources for you to gain some background information.
39. Earth and Space Science K-4 Grade Span Essay As a result of their activities in grades K-4, all students should develop an understanding of
Properties of earth materials
Objects in the sky
Changes in earth and sky
Young children are naturally interested in everything they see around them--soil, rocks, streams, rain, snow, clouds, rainbows, sun, moon, and stars. During the first years of school, they should be encouraged to observe closely the objects and materials in their environment, note their properties, distinguish one from another and develop their own explanations of how things become the way they are. As children become more familiar with their world, they can be guided to observe changes, including cyclic changes, such as night and day and the seasons; predictable trends, such as growth and decay, and less consistent changes, such as weather or the appearance of meteors. Children should have opportunities to observe rapid changes, such as the movement of water in a stream, as well as gradual changes, such as the erosion of soil and the change of the seasons.
Children come to school aware that earth's surface is composed of rocks, soils, water, and living organisms, but a closer look will help them identify many additional properties of earth materials. By carefully observing and describing the properties of many rocks, children will begin to see that some rocks are made of a single substance, but most are made of several substances. In later grades, the substances can be identified as minerals. Understanding rocks and minerals should not be extended to the study of the source of the rocks, such as sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic, because the origin of rocks and minerals has little meaning to young children.
Playgrounds and nearby vacant lots and parks are convenient study sites to observe a variety of earth materials. As students collect rocks and observe vegetation, they will become aware that soil varies from place to place in its color, texture, and reaction to water. By planting seeds in a variety of soil samples, they can compare the effect of different soils on plant growth. If they revisit study sites regularly, children will develop an understanding that earth's surface is constantly changing. They also can simulate some changes, such as erosion, in a small tray of soil or a stream table and compare their observations with photographs of similar, but larger scale, changes.
40. NH Frameworks Earth Space Science K-2
41. Video Resources for Grade 1Annenberg Media is a wonderful resource for you to use access background information. Not only will you watch a video to gain general background information, you’ll also see how some teachers are teaching science in their classrooms using exemplary practices. The following resources are from their website: http://www.learner.org/resources/series179.html. The videos are free to view via your computer. You just have to set up a login and password. When you get to the webpage, just scroll down the page and you’ll see the different videos. Background informational videos in Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science: Essential Science For Teachers
Case study on videos: http://www.learner.org/resources/series21.html
*Patricia, a first-grade teacher, wants to increase her students' role in their learning.
*Ingrid, a first-grade teacher, works with students' ideas while focusing on specific learning goals.
(These are just a a few samples of what Annenberg Media offers. There are many more free videos about exemplary teaching of science and other curricular areas.)
42. Agriculture A majority of people never see food or fiber before those products get to retail stores, and primary-school children may have only vague ideas about where their foods and fabrics come from. So the first steps in teaching children about agriculture are to acquaint them with basics: what grows where, what is required to grow and harvest it, how it gets to the stores, and how modern-day U.S. agriculture compares with agriculture in other places and other times. Such comparisons prepare students to consider how agriculture can be improved, what resources are needed, and the consequences for society and the environment.
For most students, media resources about agricultural production in the United States and elsewhere may have to supplement firsthand experiences. Projects to trace locally available food and fiber back to their origins are helpful in providing at least some personal experience. As students become better able to handle complexity, they can undertake projects that require planting, fertilizing, selecting desirable features, and adjusting the amount of light, water, and warmth.
Projects for older students can involve the preservation of food and fiber, requirements for good nutrition, comparing energy efficiency of different products, and long-term changes in water, soil, and forest resources. They should expand their sense of what agriculture is to include the planting and harvesting of materials for use as fibers and fuel and for building shelters. When students are able to grasp the interdependent elements of the agricultural system, including fuel, roads, communications, weather, and prices, they may assess what disasters do to an agricultural system and possible ways of recovering or even reducing their likelihood
43. Processes That Shape the Earth: General Essay Students should learn what causes earthquakes, volcanoes, and floods and how those events shape the surface of the earth. Students, however, may show more interest in the phenomena than in the role the phenomena play in sculpting the earth. So teachers should start with students' immediate interests and work toward the science. Students may find it harder to take seriously the less-obvious, less-dramatic, long-term effects of erosion by wind and water, annual deposits of sediment, the creep of continents, and the rise of mountains. Students' recognition of those effects will depend on an improving sense of long time periods and familiarity with the effect of multiplying tiny fractions by very large numbers (in this case, slow rates by long times).
Students can start in the early grades with the ways in which organisms, themselves included, modify their surroundings. As people have used earth resources, they have altered some earth systems. Students can gradually come to recognize how human behavior affects the earth's capacity to sustain life. Questions of environmental policy should be pursued when students become interested in them, usually in the middle grades or later, but care should be taken not to bypass science for advocacy. Critical thinking based on scientific concepts and understanding is the primary goal for science education.
44. . Essential Science for teachers: Life Science: These video lessons are an excellent resource. They include background information, panel discussions, and examples of how the basic principles are taught in the classroom.
Life Science link: http://www.learner.org/resources/series179.html
Case study on video—Grade 1
Patricia, a first-grade teacher, wants to increase her students' role in their learning: http://www.learner.org/resources/series21.html
(These are just a a few samples of what Annenberg Media offers. There are many more free videos about exemplary teaching of science and other curricular areas.)
45. What is the philosophy behind the frameworks? How do the new frameworks differ from the old ones?
Science should not be approached as a collection of isolated abilities and bits of information, but as a rich fabric of mutually supported ideas and skills that must develop overtime. From primary school to high school what students learn should build on what they learned before, makes sense in terms of what else they are learning, and prepare them for what they will learn next[1].This framework looks at how kids perceive and interact with the world.
One of the major changes from the earlier framework can be seen the structure of the new frameworks reflecting the developmental stages of children. To help districts develop curricula for all grade levels, the new Frameworks for Science Literacy includes Grade Span Expectations (GSEs) that break down the content into specific grade spans (K-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-12). Each span lists proficiencies which indicate what all students should know and be able to do by the end of that grade span.
The old framework had six strands: 1) Inquiry; 2) Science, Technology and Society; 3) Life Science; 4) Earth Space Science; 5) Physical Science; and 6) Unifying Themes. Many district curricula had little to no emphasis on strands 1, 2, and 6. In the new edition, Science is divided into three content domains (Earth Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science) and one Science Process Skills domain. Ideas and objectives which correspond to the 1995 Science Framework strands 1, 2, and 6 have been rolled into each of the new strands.
Science Process Skills (SPS) is a new addition to the Frameworks. It reflects the need to make sure that in the early years students develop specific skill sets that will help them be successful in future science experiences. The last section of the skills strand, SPS4, looks at goals for Information and Computer Technology standards in Science. This was included to help districts meet the needs of all students and to meet the new ICT requirements for K-8 and 9-12 digital portfolios.
Everything in the old framework could be the subject of the state assessment in science. In the new framework, only specific proficiencies will be part of the NECAP Science Assessment. These “NECAP Science Targets” are clearly marked in bold boxes throughout the GSEs for each grade span. They are also referenced in the Science Process Skills documents as they connect to Inquiry and the Unifying themes of science. The other proficiencies should become part of each districts local science assessment system.
[1] Atlas of Science Literacy, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001, page 3
46. What is the philosophy behind the frameworks (cont.) Why include Design Technology in Science?
Science comprises our knowledge about the natural world and the processes by which that knowledge is acquired, synthesized, evaluated, and applied. Therefore, science education must emphasize hands-on exploration and direct experience with the natural world. Students should be engaged in the observation of these phenomena whenever possible. Science is, above all, an inquiry activity that seeks answers to questions by collecting and analyzing data in an attempt to offer a rational explanation of naturally-occurring events. The knowledge that results from scientific problem solving is most useful when it is organized into concepts, generalizations, and unifying principles, which lead to further investigation of objects and events in the environment.
Science and technology are practiced in the context of human culture, and therefore, dynamic interactions occur among science, technology, and society. Each component-- inquiry and problem solving, and how these relate to each other and to society-- is critically important to instruction at every grade level.
Technology concerns the human-made world. Technology is much older than science, and has its roots in the very early use of tools by our human-like ancestors. Enabling our children to understand how humans modify the natural world to solve problems and to meet human needs and desires is equally as important as teaching them how to inquire about the natural world. And of course, these two endeavors are related. The reason for including technology along with science in the curriculum is stated in the National Science Education Standards: “Although these are science education standards, the relationship between science and technology is so close that any presentation of science without developing an understanding of technology would portray an inaccurate picture of science.” [1] The National Standards goes on to define technology and its relationship to science as follows:
“As used in the Standards, the central distinguishing characteristic between science and technology is a difference in goal: The goal of science is to understand the natural world, and the goal of technology is to make modifications in the world to meet human needs. Technology as design is included in the Standards as parallel to science as inquiry.” [2]
In order to broaden our students’ career opportunities and awareness it is also important that they learn distinction between the occupations of scientist and engineer: Scientists propose explanations for questions about the natural world, and engineers propose solutions relating to human problems, needs, and aspirations. Scientists and engineers frequently work together in teams, along with people from other fields, to tackle the essential issues facing our society.
[1] National Science Education Standards, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996, page 190.
[2] Ibid. page 24.
47. ReferencesThe following sources were used in the development of this curriculum. Books with online tools:
American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1994). Benchmarks for science literacy. NY, NY: Oxford University Press. http://www.project2061.org/publications/toolWeb.htm
American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1990). Science for all Americans. NY, NY: Oxford University Press. http://www.project2061.org/publications/toolWeb.htm Books without online tools:
American Association for the Advancement of Science/Project 2061. (2001). Atlas of Science Literacy, AAAS and National Science Teachers Association, Washington, D.C.
Driver, R., et. al (1994). Making sense of secondary science: Research into children's ideas.pp.23, NY, NY: Routledge Press..Hazen, R. and Trefil, J. (1991). Science matters; Achieving scientific literacy. NY. NY: Anchor Books.
Keeley, Page (2005) Uncovering Student Ideas in Science 25 Formative Assessment Probes. Vo. 1. Arlington,VA: NSTA Press
Keeley, Page. (2005). Science Curriculum Topic Study. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
NH Dept. of Education, (2006). NHEON. Retrieved June 29, 2009, from Curriculum Frameworks Website: http://www.ed.state.nh.us/education/doe/organization/curriculum/CurriculumFrameworks/CurriculumFrameworks.htm