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Fungi – Introduction. Are eukaryotic Are heterotrophic organisms called saprobes , absorbing their food from decaying matter – thus, they are decomposers ! They release digestive enzymes into their environment and these enzymes break down dead organic matter around them
Fungi – Introduction Are eukaryotic Are heterotrophic organisms called saprobes, absorbing their food from decaying matter – thus, they are decomposers! They release digestive enzymes into their environment and these enzymes break down dead organic matter around them Fungi then absorb the digested food through their cell walls – different from slime moulds that use endocytosis
Fungi - Introduction Bodies of most fungi consist of threadlike filaments called hyphae As hyphae grow they branch, forming a tangled mass called mycelium that can absorb nourishment
Fungi – Caselike Fungi Division Zygomycota Common moulds, like bread moulds!! As their hyphae contact food, they extend into the food source like roots on a plant
Fungi – Saclike Fungi Division Ascomycota Fungi in this division are characterized by their formation of a sac structure used in reproduction Mildews, moulds, yeasts
Fungi – Clublike Fungi Division Deuteromycota Known as imperfect fungi Are parasitic fungi and fungi that cause diseases like athlete’s foot and yeast infections Found that a chemical produced by the fungus inhibited the growth of bacteria Penicillin!! The first antibiotic to fight infectious diseases caused by bacteria Penicillin prevents the formation of cell walls in reproducing bacteria
Fungi – Clublike Fungi Antibiotics are substances produced by a fungus or other micro-organism that inhibits the growth of microbes; not all antibiotics work in the same way The mould Trichophytonrubrumcauses athlete’s foot This fungus thrives in warm, damp places like floors of showers, swimming pools and gyms Get reddened, cracked and peeling skin, itching or burning
Let’s youtube it... • The Private Life of Plants – BBC Wildlife • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDkLFcCZyI&feature=fvw • The Fungus Amungus • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Fnt-wq_jg&feature=PlayList&p=61A1B6BF76AD0D80&index=4 • Night of the Fungus • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcRp6P0A75o • The Story of Penicillin • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwM5JI78xSo&feature=related • Mushroom Madness (Planet Earth) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvTvaxVySlE&feature=PlayList&p=61A1B6BF76AD0D80&index=5