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Created for Sodexo by Ashleigh Ricevuto, RD, LD

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Created for Sodexo by Ashleigh Ricevuto, RD, LD

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  1. Note to presenter about Hydration.“Hydration” is a Celebrate Health Series lecture designed to support the monthly topics. It’s intended for delivery by a registered dietitian to help employees understand the importance of staying hydrated and healthy. The program details follow: Program Overview: To teach participants about the importance of hydration, the warning signs of dehydration and excellent sources of fluid and flavorProgram Goals/Objectives: To teach about role of water in the body, proper amounts for hydration, timing of hydration and good choicesStructure: The lecture will be held during lunch hour consisting of a 15 minute presentation, 5 minutes total allotted for pre- and post-test questions (split before and after the program), and a 10 minute taste test session at the end of the lecture which can also accommodate a question and answer session. Total lecture time: 30 minutes Please delete this slide before use. Created for Sodexo by Ashleigh Ricevuto, RD, LD

  2. Hydration Understanding the Importance of Adequate Fluid in the Diet Created for Sodexo by Ashleigh Ricevuto, RD, LD

  3. Agenda Pretest Water’s Role in the Body Daily Requirements Signs of Dehydration Best Times to Hydrate Good Beverage Choices Post Test

  4. Pretest- Question 1 True or False: Women and men have the same daily fluid intake requirements.

  5. Pretest- Question 2 Just by performing normal activities, the human body loses how much water per day? A- 7.5 Liters B- 5.5 liters C- 2.5 liters D- 1 liter

  6. Functions of Water in the Body

  7. Where Does Water Go? • Must replace lost water to stay hydrated • Water is lost daily doing normal activities • Sweating • Exhalation • Elimination

  8. How Much Do You Need? • Fluid Recommendations from the National Institute of Medicine • Women • 2.2 liters or 9 cups • Men • 3 liters or 13 cups • Signs of good hydration include: • Pale yellow/colorless urine • Quenched Thirst • Feeling Well

  9. When Fluid Needs Change • When you are ill • Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, infection or skin wound • Lose more water and therefore require more • Extreme Temperatures • Hot/Cold air temperature • High Altitudes • 8,200 feet and greater

  10. Fluid Needs During Exercise Fluid needs depend on: How much you sweat Duration of exercise Fluid needs increase Exercise lasting less than 1 hr Add 1.5 to 2.5 cups of water Exercise more than 1 hr Also add a sports drink containing sodium

  11. Dehydration • Signs and symptoms of dehydration include: • Dry mouth • Dizziness • Weakness • Muscle cramps • Weak or rapid pulse • Confusion • Sluggishness • Fainting • Inability to sweat • Decreased urine output

  12. What Counts as Fluid? • Water • Juice • Soft Drinks • Smoothies • Some Fruits & Vegetables • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

  13. Post test- Question 1 True or False: Women and men have the same daily fluid intake requirements. False- Women require about 9 cups of water per day and Men require about 13 cups per day.

  14. Post test- Question 2 Just by performing normal activities, the human body loses how much water per day? A- 7.5 Liters B- 5.5 liters C- 2.5 liters D- 1 liter

  15. Fluid choices in your cafe • Unsweetened water and sparkling water • Fruit juices and juice drinks • Vegetable juices and juice drinks • House made and bottled smoothies • Soft drinks • Citrus fruits and more

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