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For more information, Visit us at: http://www.shakuntalavidyalaya.edu.in/<br><br>For latest update, Visit our social media at: https://www.facebook.com/shakuntalavidyalaya/<br><br>Source: https://svschoolgroup.livejournal.com/2675.html
How Students can improve Study Habits Studying is one of the most tedious tasks that you have to perform to achieve good results. But the sad part is that, even if you study for hours, you still don’t get the kind of fulfillment that you want. This may be because your study habits are not efficient enough to help you achieve good results. It is never too late to develop great study habits. If you're starting a new school year, or you just want to improve your grades and school performance, take a look at this list of good habits and start making some changes in your routine. How long does it take to form a habit? Surprisingly, not that long, you just have to stick to it! 1.Never forget to Bring Your Homework daily to School: It sounds simple enough, but many F's come from students forgetting to bring a perfectly good paper to school with them. Does your homework have a home? Is there a special place where you always put your paperwork each night? To avoid forgetting your homework, you must establish a strong homework routine with a special homework station where you work each night. Then you must get in the habit of putting your homework where it belongs right after you finish it, whether this is in a special folder on your desk or in your backpack. Prepare every night before bed! 2.Avoid social media. Speaking of distractions, nothing can sap away your time for a good 20-30 minutes like good old social media! Emails used to be the necessary evil in order to keep life going, but now people are communicating through social media platforms more than email or even talking on the phone! As a result, it’s pretty common to have a browser tab open just for social media. The problem with this is the alerts! As much as you may try to ignore it, you won’t be satisfied until you follow through with the alert—an alert that will most likely require a reply! In all likelihood, it will end up being a conversation that could’ve waited an hour—and now you’ve just added another 20-30 minutes to your study time! Congratulations! 3.Stay away from your phone. Distractions also include avoiding your phone. The best thing you can do is either put your phone on silent, turn off the alerts and flip it over so that you can’t even SEE them, or just turn the thing off! If it helps, place the phone out of sight so that you’re not even tempted to check your messages. The world can wait. Your education is a priority and anyone who’s in your circle of friends should understand this. If you are absolutely adamant on keeping your phone nearby in case of an emergency, then allow yourself some study breaks so that you can dedicate a certain amount of time just for checking your alerts and messages. 4. Have a Balanced Life: Some students spend all of their time studying, particularly coming up to exam time. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for students to crash and burn when they do this. When it comes to studying, quality is far more important than quantity. Long study makes room for counterproductivity; your mind wanders, you feel sleepy, you become bored, and you’re easily
distracted. You’re far more likely to retain information if you do your studying in short bursts, fitting those bursts around your other daily activities. 5.Think Positively: Being in the right mindset can make all the difference. Encourage your child to think positively when studying or heading into an exam and by all means, avoid catastrophic thinking. Help your student turn negative statements like, “I’ll never have enough time to get a good grade on this exam,” into positive ones like, “I began preparing later than I should have but I put together a comprehensive study plan and will be able to get through the material prior to the exam.” 6. Take Notes for future term: Everybody has their own way of taking notes, and this will be influenced by the type of learner you are. Visual learners, for instance, find using color and different sized headlines more useful than auditory or kinesthetic learners do. 7. Review: It is normal for your son or daughter to feel stressed when taking an exam. However, there are certain strategies that will help him or her manage the stress and do his or her best on the exam. First, make sure that your child arrives on time and tries to stay relaxed. Students should be sure to read all of the directions on the exam and pace themselves so as not to feel rushed. You can let your child know that it’s OK to skip around on a test, if allowed, as he or she may be more comfortable with certain topics than others. School Information Initiative by Shakuntala Vidyalaya For latest update, Visit out Social Media. Source: https://svschoolgroup.livejournal.com/2675.html #BestCbseSchoolsinBhilai, #Bestschoolinbhilai, #CbseschoolwithhostelfacilityinBhilai, #Cbseschoolsinchhattisgarh, #studyhabits, #improvement, #studentsinaction