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The Waterless Pro Zone with Bob Bender of Green Valley Car Care.
Hey Everyone, Welcome to Episode #4 of the Waterless Pro Zone, Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. The Waterless Pro Zone is where we help you create, grow and monetize your waterless car wash & car care business. Do you want to make more money, reach more people and build a long term/ sustainable business? Listen and learn from the things we talk about here, take action on your plans and success is inevitable. Last Episode, we talked to Jay Salinas of Eco Wash Hawaii and our listeners loved what jay had to say. This week we are talking to Bob Bender from Frenso, California. His business is all about taking car of car dealerships vehicles until they sell. Dozens and Dozens of locations all over California. Just Wait until you here how he does it. But Before we jump into my conversation with Bob, let’s first talk about preparing for Spring. It has been a mild winter on the west coast and a brutal one (still is) east of the Rockies. The good news is that Spring is almost here and business will be booming again. What are you doing to prepare for it? Do you have the best equipment and products? How about your website? Is it up to date and showcasing your best work? Should you raise your prices or add to your services?
Doing a quick Spring cleaning of your business, business paperwork, tools and even the things that bring you business. Your website, marketing, Facebook, email marketing and so on. Don’t put this stuff off. Get it done because once things heat up, you will have no time to slow down. As we used to say in the Air Force…Fail to Prepare/ Prepare to Fail. Don’t Fail. If you need help with your website, marketing tactics, lead generation or social media, let us know here and we will fit you in on our schedule. Dave@WaterlessPro.com Ok, Now we will go on a quick break and the it is On to the show: Today’s podcast is brought to you by audible.com – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/WaterlessProZone .Over 150,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player. I spend about $100 per month here, per month on my own books. If you don’t already subscribe to Audible, please head on over to AudibleTrial.com/WaterlessProZONEand sign up for your Free Trial and get your Free Audio Book Today! Ok, We already talked about developing a Spring Cleaning plan and taking action on those “need to do” items. Now it is time for my quick list of Marketing Tactics, Technology Tools, Awesome Books and inspiring Podcasts that you should consider taking advantage of.
1. Marketing Tactic: an A-Frame Sign! Seems very simple and not really a tactic but it is a tactic. people are busy and do not pay attention to things around the. If you have a shop, working in a garage or even a parking structure, make sure your A-Frame Sign is where people can see it. They will make a mental note and possibly take action, if they like what they see. On this sign should be your logo, a HUGE phone number and a simple call to action. Get Your Free Evaluation/ Free Demonstration/ Visit our website or Call us to make an appointment usually works the best. Something that get them moving your way. Get a High Quality sign and use it every day. 2. The Book of the week – The 10X Rule – Grant Cardone – This guy is a Sales & Money making Machine. he tells you all about it in his 4 books. He talks about not doing things at 1X, but do it at 10 Times the effort and you won’t be disappointed when all is said and done. It is motivational and inspiring all at once. After reading this, you may have the urge to cold call about 100 of your local businesses, just to do it. Like my old realtor in Hawaii used to do every morning. I Guess that is why he sold 100’s of millions worth of homes every year. Anyway. Grant Cardone is all about the Hustle and making stuff happen. He lives and breathes this stuff.
Please Pick this book up and read it – I have finished this book over 10 times. Head on over to WaterlessPro.com/audio to find the link to this book.
3. Technology – This a technology tool that I use every single day – It’s called Evernote – Evernote is a note taking app for your phone, computer and/ or tablet. Store the awesome ideas that pop into your head before they fly back out, To Do Lists, business plans, pictures, audio, even video. It goes with you everywhere you go and on any device. Evernote. I use it and you should too.
4. Lewis Howes and The School of Greatness Podcast is our featured Podcast – Lewis Howes – Former Pro Athlete, turned internet marketer, podcaster and all around nice guy – he talks about business and interviews fascinating entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins and Marie Folio. Check out Lewis over at Lewishowes.com and the School of Greatness Podcast. 5. Now for today’s guest – Bob Bender from Frenso, California Know him for many years. He is totally crushing it by focusing on only car dealerships. Something I normally advise people not to even try. He has proven me wrong and he tells us all about it. Please welcome my friend Bob Bender, and we will see you on the other side. Next week we will have Jorge Duca from Miami Beach via the country of Columbia on the Waterless Pro Zone podcast – Until then, please be sure to check out out sponsors, Pearl Car Care and AudibleTrial.com/WaterlessproZone. We all need car care products to do our work. Please consider the Pearl products as the solution in your business. Thanks Please stop by iTunes and give us review. This helps us move up the rankings on iTunes. Thank you and we will see you next time on the Waterless Pro Zone! Thanks Dave
About the Author David Elliott Since 1998, I have been involved with waterless car wash product & car cleaning business ventures. I have cleaned many cars and have sold millions of dollars worth of waterless/ car care products…to companies in over 100 countries. Today, my team and I manage the Online Visibility and Content Marketing for companies. Some of those companies are in the Eco Car Care cleaning and/ or product realm. This Website, Blog and Podcast is apart of a Professional Car Care Community that is dedicated to helping other like-minded people create, grow and monetize their businesses.– David Elliott, Chief Visibility Officer – Waterless Pro Zone Podcaster – WaterlessPro Community LeaderEmail: Dave [at] Davesurf.com or Dave[at]WaterlessPro.com