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The role of DN in education policy

The role of DN in education policy. CHALLENGE & OPPORTUNITY. Enormously challenging funding environment for public education (first time in 40 years total education funding is less than year before)

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The role of DN in education policy

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  1. The role of DN in education policy

  2. CHALLENGE & OPPORTUNITY • Enormously challenging funding environment for public education (first time in 40 years total education funding is less than year before) • Movement towards directing funding at evidence based programs and ultimately evidence based budgeting at Federal Dept. Level (OMB circular) • Through the i3 study, we have the opportunity to change the way that education funding is allocated and used in this country (ex: Title I). • Strong implementation and sustainability are critical to our ability to influence policy.

  3. In each city, we’re advancing policy reform with the work that we’re doing every day in schools.

  4. NATIONAL VALIDATION OF THE i3 STUDY • Having the strongest validated impact possible will: • show that the DN concepts of whole school reform, enhanced & integrated student supports, full-time national service and EWI systems are among the most cost effective &highest impact investments governments can make in the secondary schools which drive the dropout crisis • provide other nonprofits and CBOs with replicable components that they can use to turn around schools

  5. Example of Diplomas Now alignment with current legislative proposals Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act of 2011-Senate Bill-Title I Part B – Pathways to College Section 1201 – Secondary School Reform • Grants to districts in partnership with an external organization (nonprofits with track record) to reform secondary schools so that students graduate on-time and college & career ready. • Competitive grants will be awarded for a period of three years (option for two additional based on performance)

  6. Example of Diplomas Now alignment with current legislative proposals Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act of 2011 Title I Part B – Pathways to College - Section 1201 – Secondary School Reform • All feeder middle schools are required to use funds to: • Use early warning systems; • Create a personalized learning environment; • Provide high-quality professional development; • Create school schedules that provide for collaborative planning time. • All high schools are required to use funds to: • Personalize the school environment; • Increase student engagement; • Improve curriculum and instruction; and • Implement one of 3 school reform strategies (Graduation Promise Academies, Career Academies, Early College) • Allowable uses of funds: • Improve parent and family engagement; • Provide extended learning opportunities; • Increase student supports; • Create smaller learning communities.

  7. POLICY IMPORTANCE OF STRONG LOCAL RESULTS • By having strong DN results locally, we will encourage legislators to find ways to invest in DN nationally. • For example, if a US Senator hears about the great work DN is doing in his or her state, he or she can advocate that federal funds be channeled to evidence-based whole school reform program models with enhanced student supports guided by an early warning system.

  8. school improvement grants DN is working with legislators to encourage districts to leverage School Improvement dollars to implement evidence-based, whole school reform models. Senators Harkin and Landrieu are among a group of Senators working to ensure SIG dollars are invested in comprehensive school reform models with I3 validation levels of evidence of effectiveness.

  9. Opportunities to Shape Local and State Policy • Growing Interest among Mayors to combat chronic absenteeism • Dropout Prevention retains bi-partisan appeal among Governor’s even in tight financial times • DN National partnership with United Way Worldwide can provide a strong policy coalition partner at state and local level • Most DN states have or likely will receive waivers from NCLB-which provides state and local level flexibility on how some federal funds are spent to turnaround the lowest performing schools

  10. Waivers from NCLB • Among DN States, FL, LA, NY, MA,WA, and OH have received waivers. DC, IL, and MI are under review. PA has not submitted yet. TX and CA are likely to take a pass. • To Get Waivers States had to agree to • Implement College and Career Ready Standards (i.e. the Common Core) • Have State Accountability System which reports school progress each year-most are Multi-Measure Indexes • Have aggressive reforms for the lowest performing 5% of schools (Priority Schools), have targeted reforms next lowest 10% (Focus Schools) • Implement teacher and principal accountability systems which use student test scores as one measure

  11. What This Means for DN • Need to know what is in each DN State Waiver Plan and be able to explain how DN will help schools and districts meet the targets in the new state accountability systems (in these states AYP is gone) • Waivers are for two to three years • States need reform plans for all bottom 5% schools (High Schools with Graduation Rates below 60% are automatically Priority or Focus schools). This is a greater number than SIG schools • There is no explicit additional funding source for this expanded work. States can choose to use funds spent in past on tutoring and transportation for students in low performing school • Teacher and Principal evaluation systems will cause angst. Need to again show how DN can help teachers and principals succeed in these systems.

  12. alignment with ESEA Flexibility Turnaround Principles • Diplomas Now has a demonstrated record of helping districts and schools to implement these reforms, including: • extending learning time; • ensuring that the instructional program is research-based, rigorous, and aligned with State standards; • using data to inform instruction; • establishing a school environment that improves school safety and discipline; and • providing ongoing mechanisms for family and community engagement.

  13. Race to the top district competition • Federal DOE has launched a Race to the Top District competition that: • offers nearly $400 million in grants • invites school districts to create plans for individualized classroom instruction aimed at closing achievement gaps and preparing each student for college and career • DOE posted draft guidelines that were open to public comment • DN submitted a comment that suggested revisions to the definitions of: • on-track indicator • recommendation: include specific metrics for on-track • student attendance • recommendation: include chronic absenteeism as an attendance measure • turnaround strategy • recommendation: DOE should encourage districts to partner with i3 grantees and other programs with similar rigorous standards

  14. Panel Discussion

  15. Local Executive Teams can support and advance the DN policy work by: Ensuring high-quality implementation at the school and city level Engaging key stakeholders through school visits, meetings and events Superintendents & District Staff State Education Departments Elected Officials Media Building coalitions with Mayor, City Council, School System, Media (PBS), Local United Way, Business and Grassroots organizations in Campaign to increase graduation rates-(Civic Marshall Plan) What role can exec teams play?

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