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The role of RIS3 in Cohesion Policy. Luisa Sanches Policy Analyst – Innovation DG REGIO Warsaw, 27 June 2012. Cohesion Policy p aradigm shift towards innovation. Cohesion policy contributes to unlock the growth potential of the EU by promoting innovation in all regions.
The role of RIS3 in Cohesion Policy Luisa Sanches Policy Analyst – Innovation DG REGIO Warsaw, 27 June 2012
CohesionPolicy paradigm shift towards innovation • Cohesion policy contributes to unlock the growth potential of the EU by promoting innovation in all regions. • For 2007-2013, 86 billion to innovation, of which 65 billion come from the ERDF. That is 25% of its total budget. For the less developed regions the ERDF is the most important source and enabler to leveraging national and private funds. • Our latest figures show that over 50 billion € have already been committed to operations in the R&I field.
Objectives of cohesionpolicy 2014-2020 • Deliver the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth • Focus on results • Maximise the impact of EU funding through concentration • Conditionalities (smart specialisation)
Concentrating resources to maximise impact • Concentration of ERDF investments on: • energy efficiency & renewable energy • research & innovation • competitiveness of SMEs Digital Agenda 6% 60% 44% 20% More developed & transition regions Less developed regions • flexibility – different regions have different needs • special arrangements for ex-convergence regions
Timing for RIS3 and Operational Programmes CSF & Legal frame adoption Country Specific Rec. COM position papers Discussion of COM position paper Negotiation Mandate Negotiations Draft Partnership Agreement Ex-ante cond. Draft OPs Development of RIS3 by MS and / or regions Monitoring & up-date of RIS3 Cohesion Policy
R&I Strategies for Smart Specialisation(RIS3) = place-based economic transformation agendas 1) Focus policy support and investments on key national/regional priorities, challenges and needs for knowledge-based development (= tough choices) 2) Build on each country's/region’s strengths, competitive advantages and potential for excellence (= critical mass, differentiation) 3) Support all forms of innovation 4) Get stakeholders fully involved and encourage experimentation and private sector investment 5) Evidence-based and include sound monitoring and evaluation systems http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/informat/2014/smart_specialisation_en.pdf Cohesion Policy
RIS3 is a process …and a journeyof «entrepreneurialdiscovery» What do they need? With whom to cooperate? Who are your customers / competitors? Is there critical mass / excelence? See: https://community.oecd.org/community/smartspecialisation Cohesion Policy
RIS3 : As the backbone of the OPs Synergies with Which Funds? Other EU Funds, Ex: Horizon 2020 National Regional ERDF ESF Types of strategies Rural Development Fund Research Education National Competitiveness Programs Regional Programs Innovation business market
RIS3: not about sectors but cross-cutting activities RIS3 Hypothetical example: KETs for SMEs : Tech.transfer & audits, demonstrators, pilots Fields of "specialisation": new activities that show potential and have critical mass… or rather differentiation, diversification … Not an whole sector nor one single firm Bio-Economy Forestry Technologies Renewable energy Tourism Skills: entrepreneurial, innovation management, creative … Cohesion Policy
What people ask us all the time …. • How many RIS3 do I need / allow for my country?
Relation regional – national RIS3 Hypothetical example MS without strong regional innovation competences: National level RIS3 Consolidation RIS3 Region A RIS3 Region B RIS3 Region C RIS3 Region D Cohesion Policy
Regional RIS3 only National level RIS3 Hypothetical example MS with strong regional innovation competences Coordination/synergies RIS3 Region A RIS3 Region B RIS3 Region C RIS3 Region D Cohesion Policy
Thematic guides • Incubators • Universities & regional development • Broadband • Soon available: • ► Clusters ► Social Innovation • ► Green growth ► Entrepreneurial spirit • ► Creativity ► Service innovation • ► …. • Inspiration for innovation support: • Oslo Manual (OECD) https://community.oecd.org/community/smartspecialisation • Community framework for State Aid to Research and Innovation • Analysis of regional innovation http://www.rim-europa.eu • EURADA • Directory of "No-Nonsense" Activities to Build S³-minded Regions; • All money is not the samehttp://www.insme.org/files/3019 Cohesion Policy
Supportfor RIS3development • Consultants, experts • European Commission • World Bank • JASPERS (TechnicalAssistancefacilityforthe New MemberStates) • OECD • .. Getting started with the RIS3 Key Cohesion Policy
Gathering strengths for "priority" countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Croatia
Information • Proposals for the Structural Funds 2014-2020: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/what/future/proposals_2014_2020_en.cfm • RIS3 factsheet: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/informat/2014/smart_specialisation_en.pdf • S3 Platform:http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/activities/research-and-innovation/s3platform.cfm • RIS3 guide: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/s3pguide Cohesion Policy