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Grand Knights Training & Member Management. We will now sign by clicking on officers. If you do not have a username & password: Please Contact: FS Appointments/MemberManaement Access Email: Ann.Moran@kofc.org Phone: 203 752 4717.
We will now sign by clicking on officers If you do not have a username & password: Please Contact: FS Appointments/MemberManaement Access Email: Ann.Moran@kofc.org Phone: 203 752 4717
We will now enter Member Management by clicking on the member Management Tab This tab is not available to the Grand Knight This is your name, Officer position, council #, Location & District number.
This page has several help hints take time to explore and become familiar with these helps and hints. We will now continue by clicking on one the proceed tabs.
Before Continuing with your actual Data Base in Member Management we will now click on the Expert Logo. This will get us to the Training Data Base. Where you can practice using all the processes that are available to make your job easier. Please note that changes made in this Data base are NOT reflected in your permanent data base.
We will now enter the Officer Training Data Base by clicking on the Sign In Tab. Here again are some helpful tips and other information
We will now enter the Member Management Training Application by clicking on the this tab. This tab is not available to the Grand Knight! It is only accessible to the Financial Secretary
On this page will search for a member of the council. There are two ways to find a member’s record. 1 - type in the Last Name box; the members last name or the first letter of the last name or the first two (2) letter of the last name. 2 – type in the member’s membership number.
S We are looking for a member whose last name begins with a “S”. Then click the search button or “enter” from the key board.
The Third Degree Emblem shows that he is an active member of the council. If there is no emblem he maybe inactive, suspended or deceased. If he is a Fourth Degree Member both emblems will appear. We will go to Fraternal Info by clicking Link Use these Links to scroll between sections
We will go to Personal Info by clicking Link 4th Degree Information is entered by the Assembly Comptroller
This is a Partial View of this page. This information is add by the Council Financial Secretary This member has an E-mail Address. We will be able to send this member an e-mail directly from Member Management
We will now open the Member Info Report by clicking on the link.
It is best to open and then save. This way you can save to a location of your choosing.
We will take a 10 minute break. When we return from the break We will be viewing Chapter 2 of the Supreme Council Grand Knight Training
We will now open Council Administration by clicking on the Council Administration Tab
These positions are generated by Supreme for you with the change in Officers on July 1st every year. The Council Financial Secretary has the responsibility of keeping all this information updated: phone & ext, Primary Email and Secondary Email, fax number and website address in this area.
The Council Financial Secretary has the responsibility of keeping all this information updated; Council Meeting Address, Mailing Address, Billing/Remittance in this area.
The Council Financial Secretary has the responsibility of keeping all this information updated; Business Meeting Location, Meeting Date, Meeting Time, Officers Meeting Location, Meeting Date, Meeting time, Social Meeting Location, Date and Time in this area. 6:00 Next we will work on Officers
If an Officer where to vacate his Office, and when the new Officer is elected to that role. We can change that Office Position during the current year by using the drop down menu under “choose role:” tab The Council Financial Secretary has been Trained how to make this type of change be sure to use him to do this. Once the Officer change has been submitted it is effective immediately at Supreme.
After the election of new officers in May or June we will work on the Next Year Officers: The Council Financial Secretary has been Trained how to fill out and submit this form to the Supreme Council, State Council and the District Deputy. When using Member Management, this submission takes the place of Supreme Form 185. We now open the Service Program Personnel by clicking on the link.
We can update the current Service Program Personnel the same way we updated the Officer Position If an Director where to vacate his Office, and when the new director is appointed to that role. We can change that Program Position during the current by using the drop down menu under “choose role:” tab
The procedure for Changing Service Program Personnel for the next Fraternal Year is the same changing Officers Rolls for next Fraternal Year. The Council Financial Secretary has been Trained how to fill out and submit this form to the Supreme Council, State Council and the District Deputy. When using Member Management, this submission takes the place of Supreme Form 365
Your council can create additional Service Program Personnel Positions here.
Before we go to Member Interests. Let’s look at the bottom of the Form 100 above. All Applications should have the Applicant’s Interests/Preferences filled out so that this information can be enter into the new member’s record which can be used later. The two questions should be filled out at the interview with the potential new member.
We will click on the Print Center tab. To work on the Reports for officers Chosen Next Fraternal Year
I prefer to open and then save after reviewing. For me it seems less complicated and cleaner.
The report for Officer Chosen Next Fraternal Year has opened in Adobe. We now can save the report by Clicking on the Save Tab under File Tab.
We have clicked file tab We will highlight the save as tab.
Note; file name change. We will send this report to the State Deputy & District Deputy.
The Council Financial Secretary has been Trained how to fill out and submit this form to the Supreme Council, State Council and the District Deputy. When using Member Management, this submission takes the place of Supreme Form 185. Be sure to use your Financial Secretary in doing this process. We will now send a copy of the Officers Chosen for Next Fraternal Year to The State Deputy and to your District Deputy. A - The State Deputy’s Copy goes to forms@mikofc.org B – The District Deputy’s Copy goes to (i.e. w.jones@mikofc.org)
We will take a 10 minute break. When we return from the break We will be viewing Chapter 3 of the Supreme Council Grand Knight Training
This the opening page of the “Print Center – MM”. We have learned how to generate the first four reports. You should take the time to explore the other nine available reports. We can look at “Labels” by clicking on the Link.
We are going to Print Labels for all Members We will be using the 30 labels per sheet.
We will now generate the Our Labels by Clicking on Generate Labels Tab.
After a few seconds this screen will refresh. It may take longer depending on the size of your council. Then click here to open the label report.
I prefer to open and then save after reviewing. For me it seems less complicated and cleaner.
We will now save this PDF to file of our choosing so that the labels can be used later.