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Mardi le 18 mars 2014 BONUS POSTER DUE THURSDAY +1-10. Week of March 17 th , 2014. Vos Papiers !. When I return your papers…I ask you to KEEP THEM! 1. You can study from old quizzes/work and tests 2. It’s proof you did it should any question come up! DO NOT THROW FRENCH WORK AWAY! .
VosPapiers! When I return your papers…I ask you to KEEP THEM! 1. You can study from old quizzes/work and tests 2. It’s proof you did it should any question come up! DO NOT THROW FRENCH WORK AWAY!
F 3 • Ditesvos 5 phrases! Notes: les 5 expressions! *** • L’artiste: EdouardManet** • Les poèmes: F 3 PoemRubric Demain des l aube n Sous le Pont Mirabeau.doc • Finissons le film: Cyrano de Bergerac!? TÔT: • Le projet: La poésie –jeudi/vendredi – faites le brouillon • Le sketch- Les marionettes (fait du sac en papiercomme Fandango ou des chausettes)-Nous allons les faire cettesemaine et la semaineprochaine. Les devoirs: Le poster pour les points extra! +10!
F 2 PreAP & F 3- 5 expressions: 1. OH LÀ LÀ! (The French phrase oh làlà isn't so much an expression as an interjection. It can indicate surprise, disappointment, commiseration, distress, annoyance... any moderately strong reaction to something that was just said or done. Note that there is no connotation of sexiness or impropriety in French.*) Oh La Vache! (phooey!Fiddlesticks. Darn it. Heck. Dang it! Disgusted, frustrated, annoyed, irked, fed up. It is not a curse word) 2.ENCHANTÉ (Definition: (adj) - enchanted, delighted, "nice to meet you“) 3.JE NE SAIS PAS (Definition: I don’t know. In French, negation normally requires two words: ne before the verb and something like pas or rien after it. So "I don't know" is je ne sais pas and "I didn't do anything" is je n'airien fait. In informal spoken French, however, ne is nearly always dropped, so it's perfectly normal to hear je sais pas and j'airien fait). 4.AU SECOURS! (Definition: aid, help, assistanceIl nous faut demander du secours - We need to ask for help.) 5.FÉLICITATIONS! (Definition: congratulations! Chapeau!-(more informal…like kudos!)
F 3: EdouardManet- Le Balcon • The Balcony (le balcon) is an 1868 oil painting by the French painter ÉdouardManet and was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1869. The painting depicts 3figures. On the left isBerthe Morisot, who became in 1874 the wife of his brother, Eugène.
F 3: Manet-Vase de pivoines This picture belongs to a series of peonies that Manet painted in 1864–65. Reportedly his favorite flower, Manet grew peonies in his garden at Gennevilliers.
F 3: Manet-Le déjeunersurl'herbe • ("The Luncheon on the Grass") – originally titled Le Bain (The Bath) – is a large oil on canvas painting by ÉdouardManet created in 1862 and 1863. The painting depicts the juxtoposition of a female nudeanda scantily dressed female bather on a picnic with two fully dressed men in a rural setting. Rejected by the Salon jury of 1863, the painting sparked public notoriety and controversy. The piece is now in the Musée d'Orsayin Paris
F 3: Manet- The Gare Saint-Lazare The Railway, widely known as The Gare Saint-Lazare, was painted in 1873. The setting is the urban landscape of Paris in the late 19th century. Using his favorite model in his last painting of her, a fellow painter, VictorineMeurent, also the model for Olympia and theLuncheon on the Grass, sits before an iron fence holding a sleeping puppy and an open book in her lap. Next to her is a little girl with her back to the painter, watching a train pass beneath them.
F 3-Manet- Le Fifre Manet painted The Fifer after a trip in Spain that he made in 1865, where he discovered the work of Diego Velázquez. The painting, in which Manet reflected the influence of Spanish painting, was rejected by the jury of the Paris Salon in 1866. The painting was exhibited in 1867. In 1884, it was present at the major retrospective exhibition of his work organized as a tribute, after Manet's death in 1883.
F 3-Manet- En Bateau Boating (en Bateau)is a picture painted by ÉdouardManetin 1874 signed lower right of the canvas, "Manet", and now preserved at the Metropolitan Museum of Artin New York city. It marks the point of view of how and themes, turning a - temporary - in the work of the artist, and as such can be considered a "manifesto of the new allegiance Manet to Impressionism
F 3-Manet-Le Grand Canal à Venise In the autumn of 1874 Manet spent a couple of months in Italy, where, according to artist Mary Cassatt, “he was thoroughly discouraged and depressed at his inability to paint anything to satisfaction”. However, in the painting we can see how the artist’s variety of colors and dense interplay of strokes. Venice, le Grand Canal (Blue Venice), Cassatt claimed that Manet painted the piece en plein air on his final afternoon in Venice.
F 3: Manet-Un Bar aux Folies-Bergère A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, painted and exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1882, was the last major work by French painter ÉdouardManet. It depicts a scene in the FoliesBergère nightclub in Paris.
F 2 All • PreAP ONLY: Any early Borrowed words Sentences? Posters? +10 on any major grade! • Read sentences! • Verb review: Vouloir, “Je Veux” by ZAZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELldNApj60k Pouvoir, Devoir, Boire** 4. Food review *** 5. Finish “Butterfly” (Makeup Poem oral grades-per. 4) H/W: PreAP: Borrowed words sentences Reg: none ALL: Poster for bonus if you’d like..due Thursday! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjjHNiF8OKc&list=PL358891FD40D3E290&index=65 (grocery shopping video)
F 2-Vouloir…to want Nous voulons Je veux Tu veux Vous voulez Il Elle veut On Ils Elles veulent PP: VOULU
F 2 Pouvoir-to be able, can, may Nous pouvons Je peux Tu peux Vous pouvez Il Elle peut On Ils Elles peuvent PP: PU
F 2-Devoir…to have to, must, should, or owe Nous devons Je dois Tu dois Vous devez Il Elle doit On Ils Elles doivent PP: Dû
F 2-Boire…to drink Nous buvons Je bois Tubois Vousbuvez Il Elle boit On Ils Ellesboivent PP: Bu
F 2 Food review A Quiz jeudi!
La table to set the table mettre la table un verre une cuillère une tasse une serviette une assiette un couteau une fourchette
a meal un repas le petit déjeuner le déjeuner le dîner la cuisine cooking, cuisine la nourriture food prendre le petit déjeuner to have breakfast déjeuner to have lunch dîner to have dinner
Pour commander: to order: Vousdésirez? May I help you? And for a drink/dessert? Et commeboisson/dessert? Je voudrais/Je prends… I’d like/I’ll have… Pour payer: to pay: l’addition the bill/check/tab le service tip/service charge compris included
Au café: un plat un croissant un croque-monsieur un sandwich… au saucisson au fromage au jambon
uneomelette nature uneomelette aux champignons un steak-frites une pizza une pizza aux anchois unesaladeverte unesalade de tomates
uneboissona drink un café un chocolatchaud un thé un théglacé un soda unelimonade une eau minérale
un dessert un yaourt un yaourt à la fraise une glace une glace au chocolat une glace à la vanille
F 1 • Warmup: Conjugate ALLER • Any early borrowed words sentences? +5 Posters? +10 on any major grade! • Makeup quizzes: Jimenez, Tanaka Carerra/others: 10X written out for quiz? 3. Review ALLER: slides/youtube/audio file 4. Finish movie: Desperaux Tomorrow: NOTES ON ADJECTIVES! H/W: Borrowed words “E” in sentences that make sense! Please check your spelling! For 100!
F 1- Aller= to go je vais nous allons tu vas vous allez ils/elles vont il/elle/on va
On utiliseallerpour… 1) going somewhere: ex: Je vais à la bibliothèque. 2) expressing how someone is: ex: Çava? Oui, çava! Comment vas-tu? Je vaisbien,merci. 3) expressing a future activity: ex: Nous allonsjouer au foot samedi. Vousallezjouerlundi? Marc ne va pas jouer!
F 1-ALLER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOafFb0ZNdM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zRAjXA8uJg 4 verbs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxYaUXcH-Uo&list=PL9H5kNWOLQU9ocyBbHEJ9RyTjLUrAdRel