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e-Beams Systems Update

e-Beams Systems Update. David Schultz. Linac Injector Undulator Production MMF commissioning ARR. LCLS Diagnostics and Controls Physicist. Joe Frisch Joining Paul Emma on the LCLS Physics and Commissioning Team

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e-Beams Systems Update

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  1. e-Beams Systems Update David Schultz • Linac • Injector • Undulator Production • MMF commissioning • ARR

  2. LCLS Diagnostics and Controls Physicist • Joe Frisch • Joining Paul Emma on the LCLS Physics and Commissioning Team • Brings extensive experience with diagnostics, RFBPMs, bunch length monitors, timing systems, laser systems, …

  3. 2006 Installation Sector 21 Sector 20 Laser stopper BLM BC1 LX L1 Ins/SAB Wall

  4. Linac Status • Downtime installation work is underway • Removal of accelerator structures is done. • Next few weeks - installing • Wall region components (this week) • L1 and LX accelerator regions (this week) • BC1 supports (next week) • Insertion region installation 11/6 (week 12) • Table due 10/16 • BLM region installation 11/6 (week 12)

  5. Linac Accelerator Section Removal Before After Making room for the Insertion, L-1 and L-X regions

  6. The X-band accelerator section Klystron, modulator being power tested prior to installation.

  7. Inj/Linac quad magnets ready for installation

  8. Diagnostic devices ready to install. Wire scanners and profile monitors

  9. Linac Downtime Issues • BPM feed-through welding, many leak. • Leak at ceramic, need UHV QC before welding • Late components: • BC1 Instrument package • BLM 11 (BLM 12 will be in) • Toroids (in several locations) • Vacuum chambers in insertion region. • Spool pieces are being fabricated to be installed temporarily. • Time will be needed to install these components as they become available.

  10. LCLS Injection LCLS Insertion region Critical vacuum chambers which may be late. Linac beam Linac integrity needed for ESA program in Jan.

  11. Injector Installation Status • Injector installation has taken second priority to Linac installation. • Injector vault: • Floor and cable plant installed • Injector beamline: • Accelerator structures, L0a ready, L0b to final bake • RF waveguide needs to go through bake • Gun is in hot test, RF on 10/5 • 2nd gun is in brazing • then final cold-test, final braze. • Support stands are in the vault ready • except for the GTL table

  12. The LCLS Drive Laser • Drive Laser installed, operating • LSS installed in laser room • Now working on temporal shaping, • Streak camera • Cross correlator

  13. The Injector Vault Cable plant, vault ready for beamline components.

  14. L0A on the MMF CMM

  15. The LCLS photocathode electron gun

  16. Injector Installation Issues • Water system needs to be installed, installation reqs. out, • BPM feed-through welding, toroids • Late: • The GTL stand released to purchasing. • Estimate it will be here 11/16 for installation 11/20. • Laser table installation begins 11/27 • The Gun will be ready by then, needed later. • GTL is late, now moving to machining. (next slide) • Working to advance the schedule. What is competing? What can be sent out? Critical path.

  17. Gun-to-Linac area Laser table uv Gun L0a Spectrometer GTL

  18. Controls • Magnet power supplies, vacuum controls, installed in racks and tested. Racks now being installed. • Ethernet backbone to the Computer Center installed and connected. • Wire scanners controls tested. • Linac cable plant phase 2 installation is underway. • Coordinating hardware installation schedule now with Controls checkout.

  19. Magnets power racks assembled, tested, prior to installation

  20. Vacuum system racks assembled, tested, prior to installation

  21. Controls - PPS • Personnel Protection System is in the review process with the SLAC RSC. • PLC design conditionally approved! • The Committee wants to see the certification procedure. • Beam loss and shielding design approved. • Beam Containment System, LCLS FDR 10/6, RSC review 10/12.

  22. Undulator Systems Design • Quadrupole Order placed, vendor designs, 1st article 2/07 • Fixed Support/Mover Final Design Review - September 13/14 • Go ahead given for production. • Beam Finder Wire Final Design Review - September 20, 2006 • Go ahead given for production of BFW, except wire card. • RF Beam Position Monitor Final Design Review - October 4 • Testing program has been interrupted by RF gun failure. • Vacuum Chamber Final Design Review - September 27/28 • 42" chamber welded, machined, to be coated. • 2 other prototypes in hand for QC, permeability measurements. • Plan D design effort initiated at SLAC.

  23. Undulator vacuum chamber 4-Weld Prototype Issues: flatness, permeability, vacuum, Al coating, surface finish Vacuum Chamber Design Review - September 27/28

  24. MMF Status • Measurement benches installed and commissioned. • CMM installed and in use. • Quad measurement station operational. • Eight finished undulators are here at SLAC. • Six to eight more to be shipped to SLAC by October 20th • Issues: • Air cond. mixing valve (new) failed. Now repaired. • New breaker panel wiring needed to be worked on. • Compressed air system does not meet spec. • Looking for a work-around. • Need to move to production fine-tuning.

  25. Undulator magnets at the MMF Six undulator magnets in crates awaiting tuning at the MMF. Six to eight more to arrive at SLAC by October 20th.

  26. Injector Accelerator Readiness Review • Safety Assessment Document • Draft LCLS SAD for Injector Commissioning under internal review. • Operating procedures are being written with AD Ops. • Commissioning • LCLS Commissioning Workshop October 9-11 • Includes a Commissioning Readiness Review. • Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) • LCLS ARR for Injector Commissioning scheduled for October 31st. • Committee members, speakers on board.

  27. Issues • The downtime schedule is very tight. • We got off to a good start. • Not all parts are in hand. • Injector installation will delay commissioning. • Controls checkout (last) is at risk. • The Undulator vacuum chamber is still in the design/prototype stage. • On the critical path. • Adding engineering resources from SLAC. • The MMF is late and needs attention.

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