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Lakelands Park Middle School Presents:

Lakelands Park Middle School Presents:. High School Magnet Programs: What is Available and How to Apply September 23, 2013. Outcomes. By the end of today’s presentation, students will be able to: List the high school magnet opportunities for Lakelands Park’s rising 9 th graders

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Lakelands Park Middle School Presents:

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  1. Lakelands Park Middle School Presents: High School Magnet Programs: What is Available and How to Apply September 23, 2013

  2. Outcomes By the end of today’s presentation, students will be able to: • List the high school magnet opportunities for Lakelands Park’s rising 9th graders • Describe the magnet program application process • Recall the workshop dates and deadlines for application

  3. MCPS Magnet Programs • International Baccalaureate (IB) at Richard Montgomery High School • Global Ecology Studies Program at Poolesville High School • Humanities Program at Poolesville High School • Science, Mathematics, Computer Science Program at Poolesville High School

  4. Richard Montgomery High School International Baccalaureate (IB) Program • Interdisciplinary in nature and seen through a global & international lens; NOT simply a humanities program, although strong reading & writing skills are important. • Students earn an MCPS diploma, a Maryland Certificate of Merit, and the internationally recognized IBDiploma • Grade 8 students from any MCPS high school cluster are eligible to apply • Same IB curriculum as those found in other IB high schools; difference is highly competitive process

  5. Eligibility for the Richard Montgomery High School IB Program • Students must be enrolled in Algebra 1 or higher and at least Level 1 of Spanishor French by grade 8 • Grade 8 students not in Foreign Language may apply for IB if they are qualified bilingual students who are already fluent in Spanish, French, or Chinese.  (These students do not need to be currently enrolled in Spanish or French, but they must be enrolled in at least Algebra 1)

  6. Poolesville High School Houses • Global Ecology • Humanities • Science, Mathematics, Computer Science

  7. Global Ecology House • Focus on environmental issues • Major emphasis on Science and Social Studies areas • Courses provide students with a broad background of ecological information from which they may pursue a variety of environmental perspectives • Offers a unique computer assisted approach which includes networking with students and schools, locally and around the globe • Students are challenged to develop a global ecological perspective as they investigate historical and current issues related to the earth's natural resources

  8. Humanities House • Study of the human experience through historical events, literature, and the arts • Connection among English, Social Studies, Communication, and Fine Arts • Opportunity to participate in media productions • Work with peers to develop top quality print, photo, and video products • Develop and deepen skills in written and oral communication

  9. Science, Mathematics,Computer Science House • Offers accelerated, courses in Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science in an extended day program • For highly able students particularly interested in these subjects • Develop and deepen skills in problem-solving, analysis, and laboratory investigations • Emphasis on developing research and sharing findings • Peer work to solve mathematical, science, and engineering problems.

  10. Eligibility for the Poolesville High School Houses • Current grade 8 students enrolled in Algebra 1 or higher

  11. Applicant Characteristics Ask yourself: To an exceptional degree, do I… • Show curiosity about ideas, events, and how things work or have a questioning attitude? • Demonstrate initiative and intellectual curiosity? • Have an ability to learn at a faster rate? • Have an unusual understanding and use of language? • Have strong critical and creative thinking abilities? • Show empathy and sensitivity towards others? • Have an ability to see relationships and detect patterns? • Have a positive self-concept? • Understand my strengths AND know when and how to ask for help? • Prefer long-range goals to short-term or immediate needs?

  12. Application Steps • Gather Information - Each program has an Information Night • Use Your Resources - pages 2-3 in the application describes all that you need to do • Adhere to Deadlines

  13. Important Links http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/specialprograms/admissions/applications.aspx

  14. Important Dates • October 7th- Poolesville HS Information Night • Last name A-M = 5 – 6:30 p.m. • Last name N-Z = 7- 8:30 p.m. • October 21st - Richard Montgomery HS Information Night • 7- 8:30 p.m. • October 14th- LPMS Student Application Workshop • During Fly Time & lunch • October 24th- LPMS Student Application Workshop • After school 3:00 – 4:00

  15. More Important Dates • November 8th - Application Deadline (postmarked or delivered to the appropriate school by 3:00 pm) • December 7th - Magnet Program Testing Day at Poolesville HS • 8 – 11 a.m. • December 8th - Magnet Program Testing Day at Richard Montgomery HS for students with testing accommodations (must submit 504, IEP or ELL documentation with application) • 8 – 11 a.m.

  16. Magnet Program Coordinators • Richard Montgomery HS – Ms. Jennifer Hoover • 301-610-8100 • Poolesville HS – Ms. Billie Bradshaw • 301-972-7976

  17. Magnets By The Numbers The above chart represents the high school magnet program application outcomes for Lakelands Park’s outgoing 8th grade class from 2013.

  18. What Else is Available? • Visual Art Center at Einstein High School • Thomas Edison School of Technology • School Based Career Pathway Programs • School Based Signature Programs http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/specialprograms/ http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/northwesths/academics/signature/ http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/qohs/signature/

  19. Questions?

  20. Thank you for coming!

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