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Report by SOT Technical Coordinator

Report by SOT Technical Coordinator. 1 February 2005 – 31 January 2007 Etienne Charpentier & Hester Viola. TC role. Etienne Charpentier was the SOT TC until 31 st January 2006 Hester Viola commenced in July 2006

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Report by SOT Technical Coordinator

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  1. Report by SOT Technical Coordinator 1 February 2005 – 31 January 2007 Etienne Charpentier & Hester Viola

  2. TC role • Etienne Charpentier was the SOT TC until 31st January 2006 • Hester Viola commenced in July 2006 • During the last intersessional period the role of the SOOP coordinator was expanded to support the whole SOT. • ~30% of the TC time will be allocated to SOT.

  3. Meetings • Etienne Charpentier • Steve Cook and Derrick Snowden at JCOMMOPS, March 2005 • Julie Fletcher and John Burman at JCOMMOPS, March 2005. • OCO System review meeting and OCG informal meeting, Silver Spring, April 2005 • SIO, revised SVPB design manual; visit Pacific Gyre; discussed SOOPIP issues with Steve Cook, San Diego, May 2005, • JCOMM-II meeting , Halifax; September 2005 • IOC Ostend, MLA2 meeting, Nov 2005 • IOC Paris, JCOMM issues, TC/DBCP recruitment, DBCP users and technology workshop preparation, Nov. 2005. • ET on Data Representation and Codes. Represented IOC and JCOMM, Dec. 2005, Oman • Washington-DC. Attended POGO Research cruise database workshop. Met with Mike Johnson, Steve Piotrowicz, and Stan Wilson to discuss future of JCOMMOPS. Meet with Gary Soneira to discuss SOOPIP issues. Met with Bill Woodward to discuss Service Argos issues, Dec. 2005 • Hester Viola • IOC, Paris, July 2006 • WMO, July 2006 • NOAA (PMEL, OCO, AOML and NDBC) CLS America, Pacific Gyre and Navoceano in USA, Oct-Nov 2006 • Meteo France (SHOM) and IFREMER and IRD, December 2006

  4. Priority tasks • SOOP Semestrial Surveys • finalised up to December 2005 • some (unchecked) data for 2006 available on http://wo.jcommops.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/SOOPIndicators • User consultation and meetings (e.g. OSMC, JCOMM II) • Monthly reports and Maps (updates and additions) • JCOMMOPS information system – metadata loading, reporting • Argos related issues, user assistance • Metadata - ODAS, Meta-T (SOOP and VOS streams) • VOS Quality monitoring mechanisms • BUFR templates and Codes • Recruitment, documentation for new TC • Training and “Catch up” once TC position was filled.

  5. JCOMMOPS database and reporting • Reports • SOOP Survey data uploaded annually instead of twice a year • Data loaded from WMO PUB 47 for each quarter • SOOP GTS monthly BATHY reports loaded – output in excel and via JCOMMOPS web page • Etienne checked JJYY and MEDS QC reports, reporting any problems to the originators. • Upper Ocean Thermal Review maps were developed by Etienne and produce bi-annually • JCOMMOPS database is not up-to-date or complete for Ship metadata. • Feedback sought on reports produced (are they appropriate, useful, effective…)

  6. Monthly Maps

  7. New Map products • Dynamic (ArcIMS and WMS) • http://w4.jcommops.org/WebSite/SOTM • http://w4.jcommops.org/WebSite/JCOMM • Monthly Maps – VOS, ASAPP

  8. Communications • Mailing lists • vos@jcommops.org • pmo@jcommops.org • sot@jcommops.org • soopip@jcommops.org • vosclim@jcommops.org • Websites • JCOMMOPS http://www.jcommops.org/ • redesigned with sections for Implementation, Monitoring, Maps, Instrumentation and Data – plus shortcuts to Contacts, Platform search, meetings, documents etc. • News section of JCOMMOPS website not widely utilised - input sought • SOT: http://www.jcommops.org/sot/ - Cosmetic changes made • SOOPIP: http://www.jcommops.org/soopip/ - Cosmetic changes made • ASAPP: http://www.jcommops.org/sot/asapp/ - New (draft) website created • VOS: Maintained by Australian BOM

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