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TUNISIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF MEDICAL ETHICS. Pr Majed ZEMNI Comité National d’Ethique Médicale Institut Pasteur B.P.74- Place Pasteur-1002- Tunis Belvédère - Tunisia. CREATION. Law n° 91-63, 29 July 1991, relative to the sanitary organization Decree n° 94-1939 , 19 September 1994.
TUNISIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF MEDICAL ETHICS Pr Majed ZEMNI Comité National d’Ethique Médicale Institut Pasteur B.P.74- Place Pasteur-1002- Tunis Belvédère - Tunisia
CREATION • Law n° 91-63, 29 July 1991, relative to the sanitary organization • Decree n° 94-1939 , 19 September 1994. • CNEM.
MISSION • To give its opinion on moral problems raised by research in the domains of the biology, medicine and health. • To decree the main principes permitting to reconcile the technological progress in the domains of the science with ethical and legal norms, human values, human rights and the social, economic and cultural realities.
COMPOSITION (29 members) • President. • A member of the constitutional Council. • A member of the Islamic Superior Council. • A member of the Superior Committee for the human rights and the fundamental liberties. • A counsellor to the High Court.
COMPOSITION • A counsellor of the administrative Courthouse.•A professor of philosophy, a professor of sociology and a law professor.•Two researchers interested in the questions related to the domain of Committee activity.
COMPOSITION • The presidents of the national councils of the associations of doctors, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists or their representative. • The deans of the faculties of medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy or their representative. • Six personalities belonging to the domain of health.
COMPOSITION A personality of the social sector - Social affairs Ministry. A personality of the sector of information – Primary Ministry. The direction of the tutelage of the hospitals at the Ministry of Public Health assures the secretariat of the Committee.
NOMINATION OF THE MEMBERS The President and the Committee members are nominated by decree of the Minister of the Public Health for a renewable period of three years.
TECHNICAL SECTION • Created within the Committee, it’s role consists in studying the recorded files on the agenda of the works of the Committee. • it is composed of seven members chosen among the personalities constituting the Committee which are designated by the Committee upon it’s President’s proposal. • The President of the section is designated by decision of the Minister of the Public Health among its members.
SEISINS • The Committee can be held by the President of deputies room, a government's member, the President of the Constitutional Council, the President of the economic and social Council, as well as by an establishment of higher education or scientific research or an association of the health sciences. • The Minister of the Public Health is kept informed of all opinions given out by the Committee.
AUTO-SEISINS Decree n° 2001-2133, 10 September 2001, CNEM can grab office of the questions related to the domain of its activity.
YEARLY REPORT The Committee draws up a yearly report including all its works and activities. This report is transmitted to the Minister of Public Health before the end of the following year.
YEARLY CONFERENCE • The Committee is assigned to organize a yearly conference during which the important questions related to the medical ethics are tackled publicly. • It can also organize symposia and seminar dealing with questions relating to the medical ethics.
UNDERTAKEN ACTIONS • Formulation of six opinions on seisins. • Formulation of seven opinions on auto – seisins. • Organization of ten yearly conferences opened to the public. • Organization of local and regional scientific demonstrations.
UNDERTAKEN ACTIONS • Organization of an International Meeting on bioethics. • Organization of a “Maghreb” Meeting on Bioethics . • Formation in Bioethics. • Documentation in Bioethics available to students.
UNDERTAKEN ACTIONS • Participation in the international meetings of bioethics organized by the national authorities of ethics and the international manifestations organized by the UNESCO. • Participation in televised debates, interviews, etc. • Creation of seven national and regional commissions for the survey of different themes.
ACTIVITIES • Abortion after the first term : medical, ethical and legal aspects. • Tests of new treatment on man : ethical and legal aspects. • Struggle against the diffusion of the infection by VIH : ethical and legal aspects. • The use of the DNA analysis techniques in search of fatherhood (genetic print techniques) : ethical and legal aspects.
ACTIVITIES Non merchandising of human genome: ethical and legal aspects. Internet and medicine : ethical and legal aspects. Stop of the cares in intensive care.
OPINION • Medically Assisted Procreation. • Local Ethical Committees. • Cloning. • Ethical - Technological Progress - Health Expenses. • Organs Transplantation.
IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CNEM • Opinion on the MAP has largely inspired the tunisian legislator for the development of the law on medicine of reproduction. • Creation of Local Committees of Ethics : currently all hospitable structures have established their local committees of ethics. • The formation in bioethics : to sensitize the deans and the teachers to introduce modules of theoretical and practical formation in bioethic.
IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CNEM The emergence of the ethics culture: yearly conferences, national, regional and international meetings organized by the CNEM, the televised debates, the interviews, the large diffusion of the publications of the CNEM, the involvement of the members in scientific manifestations of ethics contributed to the emergence of a culture of ethics.
IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES ON THE CNEM The incitement to the creation of ethics committee in the Arabian countries : Since its creation, the CNEM invited personalities from several countries to participate in its internationals and North Africain scientific meetings.
IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES ON THE CNEM Meeting of the Arabic Ministers of Public Health held in Beirut (on 28th March, 2000), the Tunisian Minister of Public Health presented the example of the CNEM. During this meeting, it has been decided to create an Arab Committee of Medical Ethics composed of the countries members of the Arab League and to recommend teaching medical ethics in the institutions of medical formation.
SUMMARY The impact of the CNEM on : Health professionals. Public opinion : Media, yearly conferences, sensitization. Society : inspiration of legislative and regulatory texts.