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EAEMDR Status Report Bulgaria

EAEMDR Status Report Bulgaria. Vukovar, December 12 - 13, 2012. General Information.

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EAEMDR Status Report Bulgaria

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  1. EAEMDR Status ReportBulgaria Vukovar, December 12 - 13, 2012

  2. General Information The establishment of GPS network is one of the components within the project “Improvement of the navigational systems and topohydrographic measurements along the Danube River”, included in Operational programme on Transport 2007 - 2013 The project aims at improvement of the navigational systems being an important element for ensuring of safety inland waterway navigation. General objective:

  3. Specific Objectives • Modernization of the monitoring networks and methods for collection, processing and analyzing of data for quantitative assessment of the Danube waters in accordance with the requirements set by WMO, WFD and ICPDR. • Achieving the international standards for implementation of topographic measurements, including hydrographical and hydrological activities necessary for studying the changes along the inland waterways.

  4. Specific objectives • Improvement and unification of the marking quality of the fairway along the common Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube River • Decreasing of the time for delivery of information to the users as one of the services related to the fairway conditions and the waters of the river • Rehabilitation and improvement of the basic infrastructure being supporting geodetical network along the Bulgarian section of the Danube River

  5. Project components Component 1: Establishment of GPS geodetic network along the Bulgarian Danube riverbank and its connection with EUREF Component 2: Modernization of the navigational systems in the Bulgarian section of the Danube River Component 3: Delivery of equipment

  6. Component 1 Through the first component supporting GPS geodetic network along the Bulgarian Danube riverbank will be established which will serve as basis for implementation of topohydrographic surveys in the common Bulgarian-Romanian section of the river. The supporting network will also be basis for caring out activities for development of infrastructure in the river – engineering facilities such as quay walls, bank protection, etc. The contract for elaboration of detailed design of the GPS geodetic network was signed in August 2011 with duration for its implementation 4 months.

  7. Component 1 The geodetic points will be established along the existing Danube polygon using the same approach for their construction using concrete blocks with dimensions of 50/50/80 cm and volumeof 0,20 m³. The average distance between the geodetic points is 5 km and at the area of Hydrometeorological stations and the hydrometrical profiles of EAEMDR for quantitative monitoring of the Danube waters they are obligatory situated. Each of the geodetic points will be established three times. Two of the points will have center under and above the ground and the third one will be only with center above the ground for safety reasons.

  8. Component 1

  9. Component 1

  10. Scheme of thegeodetic network

  11. Scheme

  12. Silistra

  13. Topographic description

  14. Component 1 The new supporting geodetic network along the Bulgarian riverbank will be coordinated with the European Terrestrial Reference System 89 (ETRS 89) and connected with the European Geodetic Reference Systems (EUREF)

  15. Component 2 Within the second component modernization of the coastal and floating signalization is planned. The following is foreseen: • Design and delivery of 200 buoys • Delivery of equipment for solar light and sensors for control of the floating and coastal signs along the Bulgarian riverbank • Positioning of the floating and coastal signs in accordance with the established GPS geodetic network

  16. Component 2 Buoys and vessel traffic monitoring center

  17. Component 2 Scheme of the buoys

  18. Component 3 Through the third component will be delivered equipment for improvement of the quality of the surveying activities in compliance with the modern technologies for data collection and processing The following is foreseen: • Delivery of equipment for modernization of the permanent hydrometric stations • Delivery of one surveying vessel for topographical and hydrological surveys

  19. Component 3 Surveying equipment for geodetical and hydrographical activities: • Geodetic dual frequency GPS equipment – a set with options for stationary regime, in real and not real time: • Accuracy in stationary regime 5mm±1.10-6 from the distance between the reference and the mobile station • Accuracy in RTK regime – 2cm ±1.10-6 from the distance • Surveying mulibeamechosounder with accuracy of 1cm±0,1% of the measured depth with frequency of 200kHz and 5cm±0,1% at 33kHz as well as dual frequency transducer, stationary located on the vessel. The scope of the depth measurement is in the range from 0,20 mto 100 m.

  20. Component 3 Surveying equipment for geodetical and hydrographical activities: • Profiler for measuring the velocity of the sound at water and the water temperature for more accurate calibration of the surveying echosounder with interface for data transfer in a laptop • Mobile gauge for water level measurement • Mobile equipment – GPS + echosounder + laptop for boat which will be used for measurements in shallow and narrow sections of the river

  21. Thank you for your attention Mario Pavlov – EA EMDR RUSE pavlov@appd-bg.org

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