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A number of BSM sub-teams are participating in this effort, including:

Release Two Design Phase Kicks Off.

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A number of BSM sub-teams are participating in this effort, including:

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  1. Release Two Design Phase Kicks Off You might be wondering why some of your co-workers haven’t been showing up at work for weeks at a time. Most likely, it’s because they are members of the Design Team, which has been traveling to Washington to participate in the Release 2 Design activities. Proceeding from the Blueprinting Phase (discussed in previous The “One DLA” Connections), the team is designing the elements of the Full Operating Capability (FOC) Blueprint that will be rolled out as part of Release Two. A number of BSM sub-teams are participating in this effort, including: Solution Delivery: Responsible for translating DLA’s business requirements into software solutions. Team members include DLA business subject matter experts, supply chain consultants, and software solution architects. RICE: RICE stands for Reports, Interfaces, Conversions and Extensions. This team is responsible for implementing custom developed objects (things that are not standard to the software). Knowledge, Transfer and Training (KT&T): The KT&T team translates the blueprint requirements and process information into end user training. They are implementing new training approaches for Release 2. Organization Alignment: This team is designing the organization down to the directorate, branch and team level. They are also confirming roles, jobs, and competencies, including any new jobs that will be required as a result of BSM. Enterprise Process Support (EPS): EPS will serve as a liaison with the sites - communicating timelines, progress, roll out strategies, major changes, etc. Change Management: This team will document the major impacts to the workforce, in order to design activities, such as communications, required to manage the change effort. Concurrent with this effort, the Technology Management team is implementing new technology solutions for the program. The team is currently setting up new development systems in Dayton for Release 2 - SAP, Manugistics 7.1 (web-based), the new procurement solution (DPACS) and a data warehouse (SAP BW). Team members will return to their home sites every few weeks. During that time, they will continue to work on their Design phase deliverables, including communications and consultations with key stakeholders at the sites. Inside: KT&T Update WaveSet Lighthouse Leadership Changes Subsistence Overview BSM Puzzle. . Find the Mystery Word The “One DLA” Connection Newsletter: Feed Your Curiosity!

  2. KT & T Update – Training for Release 1.1 The Knowledge Transfer and Training (KT&T) team is currently working to ensure the Release 1.1 users receive the training and tools they need to conduct their job in BSM. The development of relevant and useful training materials, coupled with skilled instructors and effective delivery methods, should help us all reach that goal. The KT&T team has been hard at work to ensure the training courses and materials meet the needs of the Release 1.1 user audience. Using the training materials from Release 1.0 as a base, KT&T has been focused on identifying gaps in content and required updates for Release 1.1. KT&T is also focused on redesigning the delivery of some of the training courses. The key is to make training accessible while maintaining a focus on the skills users will need to be successful in their job. Over the next month, KT&T will begin scheduling and conducting introductory BSM and process area training classes. These courses supply users with a foundation on which to build their system-based knowledge and skills. Users will learn how to navigate through the system and how to perform certain tasks or transactions in the system as we get closer to go-live. Stay tuned for future training updates. If you have any questions regarding BSM Release 1.1 training, please contact your directorate BSM liaison or supervisor. Coming Soon – WaveSet Lighthouse The BSM Account Management Project will implement a new tool to make it faster and easier for BSM users to request access and manage their accounts. The tool is called WaveSet Lighthouse. WaveSet allows BSM users to request access, update account information, and reset passwords through a user-friendly web-based interface. This means that BSM users will no longer submit SAARs (Service Authorization Access Request) through MDM (Methods Delivery Manager) to request access. WaveSet will be available to support the BSM Development Team in August 2003 and to support all BSM users in October 2003. Watch for more communications on WaveSet in the future. For more information on WaveSet, refer to the website: http://www.waveset.com.

  3. BSM Smart….The Subsistence Directorate As many of you read in the May, 2003 issue of The “One DLA” Connection, this coming November, 2003, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) will be launching interim Release 1.1, affecting the Subsistence and Clothing & Textile (C&T) classes of supply. Last month, we explored what Release 1.1 will entail, and the resulting reengineering of the Defense Integrated Systems Management System (DISMS) and Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs). Next month, we will discuss BDUs in more detail, but for now, let’s take a closer look at the Directorate of Subsistence. The Subsistence Directorate serves as the key link between the Armed Forces and the U.S. food industry. Its mission is to provide subsistence needs for U.S. Military personnel and their dependents and provide produce for resale to the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), and to other federal agencies worldwide. The Subsistence Directorate supports these agencies through Commodity Business Units (CBUs). There are three major business units that make up the Subsistence Commodity: Food Service, Produce, and the Operational Rations Commodity Business Units (CBUs). The Food Service CBU provides food for military base mess halls and ship galleys to support the war fighter. Through the Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV) Program and direct vendor delivery, customers can receive food 48 hours after placing an order. The National Allowance Pricing Agreement (NAPA) Program allows DSCP to form partnerships with manufacturers, to capture rebates based on purchasing volume. The Food Service Equipment Team provides full life cycle support for a complete range of equipment, to include supplies, parts, and incidental services, such as design, layout, and warranties. The Produce CBU is the worldwide provider of choice for fresh fruits and vegetables to various organizations such as DeCA, the Military Services, Military Exchanges, and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) facilities, Job Corps Centers, Veteran’s Administration (VA) Hospitals, and Federal Prisons. Some interesting non-traditional customers include Indian Reservations and the School Lunch Program, in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Operational Rations CBU is the worldwide provider of choice for military specific Operational Rations Program/Items. Operational Rations meets the needs of individual and group war fighters by providing them with Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MREs), Unitized Group Rations, and Survival Rations. Operational Rations also provides essentials such as Health and Comfort Packs, water, and emergency sterilization equipment to the war fighter. The modern battlefield calls on Subsistence to adequately feed US military personnel in extremely intense and highly mobile combat situations. The Product Services Team provides technical support in the acquisition of subsistence items, to ensure DSCP remains the food supplier of choice. This takes place by tracking and resolving critical food safety issues in conjunction with the Veterinary Command (VETCOM), liaison responsibility, specification writing, standardization and cataloging projects/initiatives, and quality assurance/technical oversight.

  4. BSM Leadership Changes At his retirement ceremony on June 5, 2003, BSM Program Manager Mr. Jim Kimberly was presented with the DLA Meritorious Civilian Award by Vice Admiral Keith Lippert for his longtime service to the Defense Logistics Agency. Mr. Kimberly is being succeeded by Mr. Paul Peters, who has been serving as Program Manager for Release 2. To read some of Mr. Kimberly’s reflections on his long involvement with BSM, please visit, https://today.dla.mil/initiatives/bsm/200306/article7947.htm. In addition to Mr. Kimberly and Mr. Peters, several other personnel changes have recently been announced among the BSM leadership team: • Mr. Frank Lotts retired as Deputy Director, Logistics Operations (J-3) on June 2, 2003 after 30 years of service to the DLA. • Ms. Scottie Knott assumed the position of Deputy Director, Logistics Operations (J-3) on May 19, 2003. • Ms. Kathy Cutler will be promoted into the ranks of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and will be assuming the position of Executive Director, Logistics, Policy and Acquisition Management (J-33). • Mr. Mike Kelley will be moving from his current position in the Business Modernization Office, J-32, as Chief, Business Operational Architecture, Organizational Alignment, and Release 1 Stabilization, to the position of the BSM program’s Process Integrator (PI) in J-33. • Mr. Mike Scott will move from his current role as Chief, Planning Branch (J-3322) and BSM Planning Process Owner, to the position being vacated by Mike Kelley as Chief, Business Operational Architecture , Organizational Alignment, and Stabilization of Release 1, located in J-32. • Mr. Doug French will be moving from the position of Chief, Order Fulfillment Branch (J-3321) and BSM Order Fulfillment Process Owner to that of Acting Chief, Planning Branch (J-3322) and BSM Planning Process Owner for a period of 60 days. • Ms. Lynn Fulling will be moving from her current position of Deputy, Order Fulfillment Process Owner to Acting Chief, Order Fulfillment Branch (J-3321) and BSM Order Fulfillment Process Owner, also on a temporary basis for 60 days. • Ms. Lynne Allen will be moving from her current role as Team Lead, User Training Documentation and Delivery, KT&T IPT, to the Organizational Alignment Team in HQ, J-32 Congratulations to all, and good luck in your new roles! For additional comments, questions or concerns please contact your Sponsorship & Communications team member. The Sponsorship team is comprised of the following individuals: DDC- Thom Bettinger (717) 770-5802, DSCP- DSCC- Ron Elliott (614) 692-3759, Nancy Chester (215) 737-0416, DSCR-Amy Gonzalez (804) 279-3887, HQ- Brenda Miller (703 ) 767-4340.

  5. Did you read the last edition of The “One DLA” Connection? Did you find the MYSTERY WORD? The mystery word(s) was “Supply Chain” Here is a list of the first people inducted into The “One DLA” Connection Winners Circle for being BSM Smart. Dewey Darley-DSCP, Carl Breya-DSCP, Drew Elsasser-DSCP and J.J. Johnson-HQ. Congratulations to our Winners! Can You Find These BSM Terms? * Don’t know what some of these acronyms stand for? Visit the BSM Glossary at: https://bsm.hq.dla.mil/Members/references/glossary/index.htm * This is the mystery word. The first five people to find it, and email the word to BSM.WEB@dla.mil , with subject line: “BSM Puzzle” will be honored in the next edition of The One DLA Connection.

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