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Work planning at FAO. Bringing it all together. FAO Commitments to Member States. Commitments to Members collectively. Strategic Framework MTP/PWB. Commitments to Individual Member States. 2 years. National Priorities. 4-5 years. CPF. What is a work plan?. FAO’s Strategic Framework.
Work planning at FAO Bringing it all together
FAO Commitments to Member States Commitments to Members collectively Strategic Framework MTP/PWB Commitments to Individual Member States 2 years National Priorities 4-5 years CPF
FAO’s Strategic Framework Global Goals Strategic Framework (10 years) Strategic Objectives Medium-Term Plan (4 years) Organizational Results Programme of Work and Budget (2years) Organizational Outputs Products/Services Activities
Be cautious with terminology. e.g. “Outputs” in UNDAF, CPF, Projects, CWP
Strategic Objective B: Increased sustainable livestock production OR B-01 OR B-03 OR B-02 SFS and SFC also contribute!! AGA OO B01A202: Countries and RECs' livestock policies, programmes and investment plans to improve and support the productivity of meat, dairy and poultry value chain actors developed and/or implemented (Managed by RAF) RNE RAF PS B01A20201:Capacity development on value chain analysis for sustainable livestock development in Africa (RAF) PS B01A20210 - Fodder best practices for the different production systems assessed and promoted for the SFE countries. (SFE) PS B01A20218 - Provide technical support to ECOWAS Commission for the development of livestock/meat and dairy value chains (SFW)
Other examples… B01N202 - Strengthened capacity of public and private sectors for improved animal productivity in the Near East (RNE) 1. Technical manuals and guidelines elaborated in areas of sustainable livestock production and good agricultural practice (RNE) 2. Strengthened capacity of dairy sector and good agricultural practice to reduce GHG emissions (SNG) 3. Support to institutional managerial and technical capacity of the small Ruminant Producers Associations (SNE) 4. Technical assistance to member countries for the elaboration of their CPF (SNE) L03G201 - Design and supervision of effective public and private sector investments in food, sustainable agriculture and rural development (TCI) 1. Design and supervision of effective public and private sector investments in food, sustainable agriculture and rural development in the SNE subregion (SNE) 2. Support to IFI Disaster Resilience and Livelihood Sustainability Investments in Horn of Africa (TCI) 3. Support to CAADP (TCS – GCP/INT/100/ITA)
What is an Organizational Output? Thebiggerpicture The actual deliverables
Delivery foreseen during the biennium. Valid delivery estimate prepared by BH in consultation with PTF. • Principles Project Integration • Contribute to achievement of Organizational Results – integral part of the results framework • Project can be an OO, product/service or activity, defined by BH in consultation and collaboration with PTF, strategy team and head of office • Tool: FPMIS – enter data, systems will do the rest! • ONE result, unless absolutely necessary!
Project’s Timeline 2 years 2 years 3-month project 3-year project 5-year project
Project’s Scope Magnitude Global Goals Strategic Objectives Organizational Results Organizational Outputs Project delivery during the biennium Products/Services Activities
Strategic Objective A: Sustainable intensification of crop production OR A-03 OR A-01 OR A-03 AGA RNE OO A01G201: Tools and instruments, whichreflectan eco-systemapproach, forsustainablecropproductionintensificationprovidedtocountries. (AGP led) AGP P/S A01G20101: Mainstreaming Save & Grown at national/ regional levels (AGP led) P/S A01G20116: Develop guidelines and tools for sustainable crop production intensification (ESS led, TF)
FAO’s Strategic Framework Global Goals Strategic Framework (10 years) Strategic Objectives Medium-Term Plan (4 years) Organizational Results Programme of Work and Budget (2+2 years) Organizational Outputs CPF (4 -5 years) Products/Services CWP (2 Years)
Monitoring & Reporting • On-going monitoring • Mid-Term Review (MTR): mandatory, at the end of the first year of the biennium • Programme Implementation Report (PIR): mandatory, at the end of the biennium
Cape Verde: InIndi
Example Strategic Objective A: Sustainable intensification of crop production OR A-01 Policies and strategies on sustainable crop production intensification and diversification at national and regional levels OR A-02 Risks from outbreaks of trans-boundary plant pests and diseases are sustainably reduced at national, regional and global levels OR A-03 Risks from pesticides are sustainably reduced at national, regional and global levels Adoption by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) of new or revised International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Percentage of desert locust affected countries and those affected by major non-locust transboundary plant pests receiving forecasts and other information including control strategies. AGA RNE Many units contribute AGP
Example Strategic Objective A: Sustainable intensification of crop production OR A-01 Policies and strategies on sustainable crop production intensification and diversification at national and regional levels OR A-02 Risks from outbreaks of trans-boundary plant pests and diseases are sustainably reduced at nat, reg. and glob. levels OR A-03 Risks from pesticides are sustainably reduced at national, regional and global levels Adoption by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) of new or revised International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Percentage of desert locust affected countries and those affected by major non-locust transboundary plant pests receiving forecasts and other information including control strategies. AGA RNE AGP
Example Strategic Objective A: Sustainable intensification of crop production OR A-01 Policies and strategies on sustainable crop production intensification and diversification at national and regional levels OR A-02 Risks from outbreaks of trans-boundary plant pests and diseases are sustainably reduced at national, regional and global levels OR A-03 Risks from pesticides are sustainably reduced at national, regional and global levels AGA RNE AGP OO A01G201: Support to the Comm. on Phytosanitary Measures OO A01G202: Capacity building in the reduction of the risk of trans-boundary plant pests and diseases on agric. prod. and livelihoods Number of affected countries with access to regular forecast information bulletins on Desert Locust and other transboundary emergency plant pests.
Challenges Ahead Conversion to culture of accountability for results Link to performance management and incentives Enhance monitoring system and training support Further alignment of Organizational practices with RBM approach (RP & EB) Results-based budgeting (RBB) for projects Better integration of decentralized offices – results and priorities, ECP Further integration of systems support Integrated monitoring system