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Allocation of F&A Earnings in CNR and University - Summary Explanation for FY’09-10

This summary explains how F&A earnings are earned and allocated in the College of Natural Resources (CNR) and the University. It provides details of the allocation process and the funds used for strategic purposes. It also discusses the returns received by CNR and the mandated reductions to the allocation base.

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Allocation of F&A Earnings in CNR and University - Summary Explanation for FY’09-10

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  1. CNR F&A SUMMARY EXPLANATION for FY ’09-10D. Robison, Jan. 2010 Total value of NC State sponsored F&A bearing C&G activity in FY’08-09 = $212,118,573 (grand total all sources ~$360M, 40% federal) Total value of NC State earned F&A in FY ’08-09 for use in FY ’09-10 = $30,411,206 • 14.3% F&A earned by NC State (max allowed=49% on-, 26.5% off-campus) Total value of CNR F&A bearing C&G activity in FY’08-09 = $7,347,884 (3.5% of NC State total)(CNR has 4 to 5% of all NC State faculty) Total value of CNR earned F&A in FY’08-09 for use in FY’09-10 = $815,478 (2.7% of NC State total ) (In ‘07-08 CNR earned ~17% more) • 11.1% F&A earned by CNR Then what happens to “our” $815,478 of earned F&A……?

  2. How is the F&A earned by CNR (and every other unit on campus) used by upper administration and how is the amount returned to CNR determined? $815,478 = total CNR F&A earnings “plus” cash basis adjustment by VCRGS = +$8,671 = $824,149 “less” cash basis adjustment by VCRGS = - $11,144 =$813,005 Cash basis adjustments are to bring actual F&A earnedin line with the budgeted F&A use, which for FY’09-10 is ca. $30 million. This is an accounting mechanism to make sure all the accounts balance, since projected and actual F&A earned can differ, due to things like $ not used in a project and therefore no F&A earned on it, or $ moved from an F&A bearing line (e.g., supplies) to a non-F&A bearing line (e.g., equipment). THEN…….

  3. THEN….. • Adjusted Cash Basis of CNR Earned F&A = $813,005 “less” VCRGS 1% contingency reserve for audit& disallowed expenses = -$ 8,130 [mandated] = $804,875 Total Allocated Base for CNR This amount is 99% of total, and becomes the new “base” for subsequent calculations (“College allocation base”) “less” 15% of new base (=College allocation base) for VCRGS strategic purposes = $120,731 Therefore The CNR “Adjusted College Allocation Base” = $684,144 This amount is 84% of the total CNR earned F&A and 85% of the (New) College allocation base after the VCRGS takes out funds for strategic purposes/investments….

  4. The CNR “Adjusted College Allocation Base” = $684,144 • How does the VCRGS use 15% taken from each College (from CNR = $120,731) • for strategicpurposes/investments? In FY 08-09 the VCRGS used these funds for the following -- new initiatives and start-up/retention 32% grant match and cost-share 26% faculty research funding 12% research administration support 11% memberships 8% centers/institutes/initiatives 6% student support 5% other – such as waived F&A in best interests of the university • Across the University, on average, each College gets about 45% of this 15% back

  5. What has CNR gotten back from the VCRGS strategic funds taken from College F&A? In FY’07-08, From VCRGS to CNR for - FR&PD $27,000 (all Depts) M2 equipment cost match $7,500 (WPS) Start-Up $75,000 (FER) Greenhouse $149,944 (FER/WPS) Nanotech initiatives $10,000 (WPS) Time of Flight Spectroscopy equipment cost match $40,000 (WPS) Total = $309,444 In FY’08-09, From VCRGS to CNR for -- FR&PD $27,000 (all Depts) Research Office staff support $20,000 Start-Up $50,000 (FER) Project cost match, ethanol from biomass $50,000 (WPS/FER) Total = $147,000 In FY’09-10, From VCRGS to CNR for – Anticipated, Still open for requests FR&PD $27,000 (all Depts) Dionex Ion Chromatograph $15,000 (WPS) Spectrophotometer $75,000 (FER/WPS) Total thus far = $117,000 We’re doing pretty well!

  6. THEN…… • CNR “Adjusted College Allocation Base” = $684,144 (=85% of total earned after 1% contingency) • But, then….. “less” 63.1% of Adjusted College Allocation Base for University use = $431,695 This is the % and “basis” mandatedby our federally calculated F&A rate of 49%, and is renegotiated every 3 years • How does the university use this 63.1% • Building Use 5.4% = infrastructure, rental subsidies • Building Interest 3.9% = debt service on buildings • Ops & Mainten. 28.7% = of buildings and research infrastructure • Gen Administration 15% = F&B, UNC-GA, Chan, OIT, RGS, EEED, Grad Sch, Legal, Provost • Research Admin 6.8% = SPARCS, PDU, Federal Relations, C&G • Library Support 2.7% • Student Services 0.6% • Sum = 63.1% • Therefore 36.9% of Adj. College Allocation Base is returned to CNR = $252,449 (only sort of) • ca. 31% of the total F&A earned by CNR ($815,478) is returned for College allocations • But we’re not quite there yet; THEN…..

  7. THEN….. Other mandated reductionsto the Adjusted College Allocation Base (from ‘09-10 returns) “less” $5,756 to help match GSSP (CNR generally accrues about $500,000 value in GSSP) • university-wide about $21 million goes into the GSSP each year, and this small amount • from F&A (about $500K total from all College earnings each year) helps to cover • discontinuities in State funding for GSSP “less” $76 for access to high performance computing “less” $701 for F&A waived in best interests of the College as requested by the College (this year charged to FER for Wildlife projects requiring waived F&A) “less” $6,567 for hazardous chemical and radioactive waste disposal in CNR (charged to WPS and FER by proportionate use) “less” $4548 for occupational medical costs (the University health service “travel clinic” used by faculty and staff) (charged back to Depts; this year all to FER – there’s a story here…) Thus the total adjusted F&A from ‘08-09 earnings available for internal College allocation in ‘09-10 = $239,349 DONE! Now, how was this F&A earned across CNR and how is it allocated in CNR & Depts?

  8. Where did the F&A earned by CNR in ‘08-09 for ‘09-10 come from? Total No. F&A F&A $ % of Projects Active Earned Total In CNR overall 90 $815,478 100 In FER 37 $377,229 ~46.3 In WPS 29 $294,926 ~36.2 In PRTM 24 $143,323 ~17.6 Total No. No. Faculty No. Faculty Who Earned Faculty Earning F&A 80% of the F&A by Unit In CNR overall ~91 55 18 In FER ~48 26 9 In WPS ~21 20 7 In PRTM ~22 9 2

  9. How is the F&A Returned to CNR Used? -- The ~ ‘09-10 CNR F&A Budget • F&A returned to CNR for ‘09-10 $239,349 (~30% of original total) • Uncommitted carryover from ‘08-09 9,966 • Committed carryover from ‘08-09 31,520 • Expenses • Research Office Staff • (Amanda 13%, Julie 4%, Ellen 100%) 70,731 • IT Group Support 12,500 • Strategic Development Unit 6,813 • Centennial Campus Rent 0 • Undergraduate Research 0 • Matching for FRPD Grants 9,313 • Research Office Supplies/Phone/Post/Misc 3,800 • Research Office Travel 3,000 • Research Office Strategic Investments 73,979 • FER 3,104 • WPS 60,500 (incl. the committed carryover) • PRTM 0 • CNR 375 • Uncommitted 10,000 • Balance Available to Depts. 100,699 (~12% of original total)

  10. Of the F&A Returned to CNR ($239,349), the Balance Available to Depts. in FY’09-10 • =$100,699 (~12% of original total of $815, 78) • Allocated to CNR Depts. • ~$46,624 to FER in ‘09-10 (~46.3% of CNR total)($62,063 to FER in ‘08-09) • ~$36,400 to WPS in ‘09-10 (~36.2% of CNR total) ($53,754 to WPS in ‘08-09) • ~$17,675 to PRTM in ‘09-10 (~17.6% of CNR total) ($19,277 to PRT in ‘08-09)

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