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First results on CHIBIS VLF monitoring operation - Space Weather application

Csaba FERENCZ, Péter SZEGEDI , Péter STEINBACH , J á nos LICHTENBERGER, Melinda DÓSA , Orsolya E. Ferencz. First results on CHIBIS VLF monitoring operation - Space Weather application. CHIBIS meeting 3 th – 7 th February 201 4 , Moscow

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First results on CHIBIS VLF monitoring operation - Space Weather application

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Csaba FERENCZ, Péter SZEGEDI, Péter STEINBACH, János LICHTENBERGER, Melinda DÓSA, Orsolya E. Ferencz First results on CHIBIS VLF monitoring operation-Space Weather application CHIBIS meeting 3th– 7thFebruary 2014, Moscow Eötvös University, Dept. of Geophysics and Space Sciences, Space Research Group H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A. Hungary; spacerg@sas.elte.hu and BL Electronics Ltd. H-2083 Solymár, Sport u. 5. Hungary; info@bl-electronics.hu

  2. WhySpaceWeather? • Increasing dependancy on satellites → exposed to the Sun’s activity • Ground effects Microsatellite in the ionosphere Chibis: the only satellite in its height-range measuring waves

  3. Chibis-Mand SAS3-Chibis SignalAnalyser and Sampler • SAS3-Chibis instrument and sensors • Range: 20 < 100 Hz to ≤ 40 kHz • Sensitivity: 78125 Hz Measuredparameters: • Bx and By magnetic sensors • Bz and E data Operationmodes: • monitoring mode: EM spectra of selectedchannelswithoutaveraging – one FFT line every 16 seconds • waveform (burst) recording mode • event detection mode

  4. Results in monitoring mode Quiet days 8th May 2012

  5. Results in monitoring mode Active days 1st April 2012

  6. Results in monitoring mode Geomagneticstorm 13th Oct 2012

  7. Results in monitoring mode PhenomenaappearinginQuicklooks: • Periodicitiesinbackground E fieldintensity • Periodicenhancementsinlowerfrequencies • Vertical patches • Oblique patches • Signalsfrom VLF transmitters ←Depends on geomagnetic latitude, time of the day, season ←Space Weather related ←Treated as noise

  8. Results in monitoring mode PossiblereasonsfordynamismatEquatorialregions: 1. Source of emission: wavesfromlowerheights UWB Theory of wavepropagation (Ferencz et al.) Obliquewave: arbitraryexcitation realfullwave (UWB) anisotrope homogeneousmedium multi-componentplasma Dependsonmagneticlatitute (L value), notspaceweatherrelated.

  9. Results in monitoring mode Possiblereasonsfor patches of enhancedintensity: 2. Wave-particleinteractions - precipitatingparticlesintheauroralzone - particlesfromtheradiationbelt emitting VLF waves • crossingdifferent B fieldlines – precipitatedelectronswithdifferentenergies - oblique patches • reachingmaxgeomlatitude – vertical patches ~ 

  10. Ourobjective: • Understandionospheredynamismduringcalmperiods • Modelling effects of spaceweather ↓ Developon-boardsignalprocessingtoolsthatareabletodetectspaceweathereffectsNear-Real Time

  11. Modeldevelopment Step 0. Data: E field intensity 0-5 kHz 5-10 kHz 10-20 kHz 20-40 kHz Step 1. Take out: noise (VLF transmitters) all identified non-SW related effects (time of the day/ year , orbit)

  12. Modeldevelopment 1.Remove non-SW related effects

  13. Modeldevelopment Step 3.Investigate the relation between Intensity and ap index

  14. Modeldevelopment: Casestudies • Selection of events: • calm and intensive periods • measurements both during day and night • full coverage of latitudal ranges

  15. Casestudies

  16. Casestudies  

  17. Modeldevelopment

  18. Casestudy Effect is not dependandt on the time of the day.

  19. Questions • Bad correlation in case of lower frequencies – when and why? • Correlation gets worse at certain events for all frequencies - what is behind? • Difference between Southern and Northern passsages? • Quest for the unidentified parameter(s) How to proceed? • Systematic, regular investigation on the whole dataset Results and futuresteps

  20. Thank you for your attention

  21. Back-upslides


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