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SDI from a technological perspective: Architecture

SDI from a technological perspective: Architecture. Arnold Bregt. Do you know this building?. Architecture design. Construction. Building regulations and standards. Content. Architecture for buildings Design Components Standards Architecture for SDI Overall design Components

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SDI from a technological perspective: Architecture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SDI from a technological perspective: Architecture Arnold Bregt

  2. Do you know this building?

  3. Architecture design

  4. Construction

  5. Building regulations and standards

  6. Content • Architecture for buildings • Design • Components • Standards • Architecture for SDI • Overall design • Components • Standards

  7. Comparison bestween buildings and SDI’s • Design for Building • to • Construct • using • Material and Methods • Constrained by • Standards • Design for SDI • to • Implement • using • Software tools • based on • Standards

  8. IT Architectures • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (see Lukasz) • Client-Sever Architecture

  9. Client-server Architecture

  10. Example e-mail

  11. Service Oriented Arichtecture • Geoportal webapplication • Catalog service • Search mechanism • Source database • Metadata editor • Services • Internet explorer • GIS software

  12. Example: Cheaptickets

  13. SDI Architecture Definition: Structure of the system, which is formed by its components, their properties and the relationships and the interaction with the environment. (note link with CAS)

  14. Components (Béjar et al. 2009) • Components types (properties) • Connector Types • Constraints (we will not use it in this week)

  15. How to describe an Architecture? • It is free,but: • Try to be consistent and clear • Look at good examples (e.g. UML) • It must communicate the message

  16. Example: Geospatial portal OGC

  17. Example: EO data

  18. Example: Cyberinfrastructure

  19. Example: SDI Galicia

  20. Example: North Rhine-Westphalia

  21. Example: GeoFoss

  22. SDI Architecture INPRIRE

  23. Other examples of Architecture

  24. Software support for SDI • Geonetwork • EasySDI

  25. Easy SDI Architecture

  26. Case of the week • Your SDI as a technological infrastructure” • Please analyze the technological aspects of your case SDI. Concentrate on ICT architecture (SOA), standards and services used in your SDI case.

  27. Case of the week • With analyse we mean: • Draft an architectural picture of your SDI (design your own picture for your own SDI); • Describe the components, standards and software technologies used; • Reflect on the standards and technologies used (e.g. are they using the latest versions of the standards, what software tools are popular, etc).

  28. Case of the week • Create a Create a Table with standards and software tools used for your SDI.

  29. Case of the week • TIP 1: Study the paper of Béjar et al., 2009 • TIP 2: Use OGC and ISO as a reference source for standards (ISO) and standards and software tools (OGC).

  30. Questions?

  31. UML • UML: Unified Modeling Language • 2000 ISO Standard • Describe states and processes • Use for describing GI standards.

  32. UML

  33. Web Coverage service (WCS) • Technically, WCS Core establishes three request types, inline with the OGC Web Service definition: • GetCapabilities: delivers an XML-encoded description of service properties and the data holdings offered by the server inquired. • DescribeCoverage: delivers XML-encoded descriptions of coverages (such as their location in space and time). • GetCoverage: delivers a coverage (or part thereof), either as original data or processed, in some suitable data format.

  34. XML Aspects Example • Extensible Markup Language (XML) • Human and Machine readable • Very popular

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