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ASPA 63rd National Conference Panel Session Monday 25 March 2002 Diversity & the UK Civil Service: Approaches and C

ASPA 63rd National Conference Panel Session Monday 25 March 2002 Diversity & the UK Civil Service: Approaches and Challenges. Randhir Auluck Centre for Management & Policy Studies Civil Service College Larch Avenue Sunningdale Park, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 0QE England

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ASPA 63rd National Conference Panel Session Monday 25 March 2002 Diversity & the UK Civil Service: Approaches and C

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  1. ASPA 63rd National ConferencePanel Session Monday 25 March 2002Diversity & the UK Civil Service: Approaches and Challenges Randhir Auluck Centre for Management & Policy Studies Civil Service College Larch Avenue Sunningdale Park, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 0QE England Tel: +44 1344 634367. Fax: +44 1344 634370 E-mail: randhir.auluck@college-cmps.gsi.gov.uk

  2. SynopsisHaving been virtually slumbering for many years, ‘diversity’ within the UK public service has recently been subject to a dramatic reawakening. This paper will provide an overview of the UK government’s approach to the management of diversity. It will specifically describe the main initiatives that have been rolled out to support the implementation of the diversity agenda. This includes diversity targets, departmental action plans, mandatory diversity awareness training, objective-setting, diversity audits and so on. The paper will also explore some explanations for why, despite significant investment of resources, the impact of such initiatives on achieving authentic change remains shallow.

  3. THE GAUNTLET “To make a dramatic improvement in diversity within the Civil Service”

  4. “The public service must be part of, and not apart from, the society it serves. It should reflect the full diversity of society. At present it does not… Addressing this is a top priority. The Government wants a public service which values the differences that people bring to it. It must not only reflect the full diversity of society but also be strengthened by that diversity.” Modernising Government White Paper, March 1999 THE VISION

  5. “A truly effective diverse organisation is one in which the differences individuals bring are valued and used. Currently we tend to minimise differences and to expect everyone to fit into the established ways of working. We should not expect them to. We should be flexible to allow everyone to make the best contribution they can. This has to be reflected in our ways of working, our personnel practices, the way managers manage”. Modernising Government White Paper 1999. FURTHERMORE . . .

  6. BROADER CONTEXT FOR CHANGE • UK legislation: new Race Relations (Amendment) Act • European Directives • Political imperatives

  7. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT AGENDA Peer reviews Staff surveys Diversity benchmarking Equality in performance review Reviews and Surveys Development Support Mentoring Shadowing Secondments Diversity objective-setting Diversity awareness training Sponsors/Champions Target-setting

  8. BRINGING IN NEW TALENT • An annual civil service Ethnic Minority Careers Fair • Opening up more posts to direct recruitment at senior levels • Interchange initiative to provide seconments for people from diverse backgrounds • An outreach initiative to encourage more ethnic minority graduates to apply to the civil service Fast Stream

  9. BRINGING ON EXISTING STAFF • A central development programme - Pathways - aimed at providing ethnic minority staff with an opportunity to realise their potential • Elevator programme

  10. SOME RECENT CMPS DIVERSITY INITIATIVES • Post graduate programme in Managing Diversity • Emotional Intelligence + Diversity programme • Disability and Career Deficit research • Institutional Racism and the Public Service paper • Diversity Benchmarking Tools paper • Culture Guide for Civil Servants

  11. Unclear vision Reactive v. proactive Engagement v. distraction Benefits v. threat HOWEVER… RED HERRINGS AND POTENTIAL OBSTACLES

  12. Organisational culture Line manager attitudes Business pressures on line managers MAKING DIVERSITY PROGRAMMES WORK

  13. A continuous journey Political and leadership support Individual and organisational learning Integrated package of interventions Senior management/ reality check CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS

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