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Chapter 6—Weather Systems. General Introduction. What is a weather system? An atmospheric circulation pattern and the weather associated with it Spatial scale: ~ 1km ~ 2000km Temporal scale: hour(s) weeks
General Introduction • What is a weather system? • An atmospheric circulation pattern and the weather associated with it • Spatial scale: ~ 1km ~ 2000km • Temporal scale: hour(s) weeks • Tornado/tornadic thunderstorms are at smallest spatial and temporal scales, while cyclones, anticyclones, hurricanes are at largest spatial and temporal scales
Air Masses • Definition: a large body of air that has fairly uniform weather attributes, mainly with respect to temperature and moisture • Horizontal and vertical extents vary from one air mass to another • Vertical temperature profile also differ between air masses • Location, season, and upper-air flow play roles in determining type of air masses affecting a region (think of San Diego vs. Tucson, or just Tucson in May vs. Tucson in July and August)
Air Masses (cont’d) • Names depend on temperature and moisture characteristics, which are determined by the source region (area where air mass develops) • Moisture: maritime (m) vs. continental (c) • Temperature: Arctic (A), Antarctic (AA), Polar (P), Tropical (T), Equatorial (E) • Combine moisture and temp letters to get various types • Most common air mass types to affect U.S.: mP, mT, cP, cT, and cA
Movement of Air Masses • Upper-level wind patterns move surface weather systems and air masses • Air masses modify from original state as change location due to: • Distance from source region • Characteristics of new location • Advection of other temp and moisture qualities ** Stability is affected by movement **
Fronts • Front: leading edge of an air mass or the boundary between different air masses • There are four main types of fronts in terms of temperature and and moisture characteristics: 1. Cold 3. Occluded 2. Warm 4. Stationary • Other types of fronts exist, but usually only occur on small scales (gust front) or in specific regions (dryline)
Cold Front • Leading edge of cool/ cold air • Designated as blue line with triangles on side of front in direction of movement • Cooler, denser air forces warm air up • Generally associated with showers and t-storms
Interaction of Cold and Warm Air front cold air masswarm air mass
Warm Front • Leading edge of warmer air • Designated as red line with half circles on side of front in direction of movement • Warmer air rides up and over cooler air • Generally associated with steady precipitation, but depends on stability
Occluded Front • Occur when cold front catches warm front • Designated as purple line with alternating triangles and half circles that indicate direction of movement • Different types • Can see steady or intense precip, depending on stability
Occluded Fronts In an occluded front, a warm front is overtaken by a cold front. the warm air is pushed aloft and it is not longer in contact with the ground Warm air Cold air Cool air
Stationary Front • Occur when boundary between air masses is not moving • Designated as blue triangles pointing into warmer air and half circles “pointing” into cooler air • If any precip is falling, it tends to be light and steady
Cyclones and Anticyclones Review from yesterday • Cyclone • Associated with low pressure • In N.H. counterclockwise motion • Convergence at surface: air spirals toward center and “piles up” (like pouring water into clogged funnel) • In general, can expect cloudy weather and precipitation • Anticyclone • Associated with high pressure • In N.H. clockwise motion • Divergence at surface: air flows away from center (like pouring water on an up-side down bowl) • In general, can expect fair weather
Types of Cyclones • Wave cyclone or mid-latitude cyclone • Large spiral of air that repeatedly forms, intensifies, and dissolves along polar front • Tropical cyclone • Smaller than wave cyclone, forms between 8-15°N and between 8-15°S • Tornado • Small area of intensely spiraling air
Wave or Mid-latitude Cyclone • Large spiral of air that repeatedly forms, intensifies, and dissolves along polar front • Life cycle: • Early: wave forms along boundary between warm and cold air (polar front); cold air moving southward, warm air moving northward • Open: wave “deepens,” cold front and warm fronts develop; precip strongly developed • Occluded: cold front has caught warm front; warm air forced aloft at center of L; precip intensifies • Dissolving: polar front distinguishable; still warm air aloft; precip slowly ends; clouds go bye-bye
Early Stage • Wave forms along boundary between warm and cold air (polar front) • Cold air moving southward, warm air moving northward
Open Stage • Wave “deepens,” cold front and warm fronts develop • Precip strongly developed
Occluded Stage • Cold front has caught warm front • Warm air forced aloft at center of L • Precip intensifies
Dissolving Stage • Polar front distinguishable again • Still warm air aloft • Precip slowly ends • Clouds go away
Variation of Weather Within a Wave/Mid-latitude Cyclone • If you stop a wave cyclone and walk/drive through it from behind the cold front to past the warm front, you would experience: • Behind cold front: NW winds, cold temps, low humidity • At cold front: stronger winds, precip (usually intense) • Between cold and warm fronts: SW or S wind, warmer temps, higher humidity • As approach warm front: still warm temps and high humidity, sometimes precip (usually light) • Past warm front: SE or E winds, cooler temps, lower humidity (but higher than behind cold front), precip As cyclone passes over a region you would experience these in reverse order
Small area of intensely spiraling/rotating air May only last short time (20-30 minutes), but are very destructive Can occur just about anywhere when conditions are appropriate (topography does not necessarily preclude development) All states in US have tornadoes Tornado
Small vortex with very intense winds that extends from base of thunderstorm to the Earth’s surface Visible due to dust, debris, and condensed moisture Diameter: 100s of meters to > 2 km at base Usually short-lived (20-30 minutes) Most common in US, especially during spring and summer, due to appropriate ingredients Tornado Alley – region from west-central Texas to western Great Lakes Tornadoes
Fujita Scale (or F-scale) Rating Category Estimated wind mph km/hr F0 Weak 40-73 65-118 F1 74-112 119-181 F2 Strong 113-157 182-253 F3 158-206 254-332 F4 Violent 207-260 333-419 F5 261-318 420-513 F6* Catastrophic > 319 > 513 * hypothetical
A Few Examples • Tri-State Outbreak (March 18, 1925) • Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana • 7 tornadoes over ~ 440 mi (700km), 695 deaths • Palm Sunday Outbreak (1965) • Midwest US • 30 tornadoes in 5 states, 256 deaths • Topeka, KS (June 8, 1966) • 16 deaths, hundreds of houses destroyed or damaged, Washburn University badly damaged
A Few More Examples • Lubbock, TX (May 11, 1970) • 26 deaths, > $100 million in damage • Weather observer records • April 3-4 Outbreak (1974) • 13 states (central AL to s. MI, central IL to central VA) • 16 hrs, 148 tornadoes, 307 deaths, > 6000 injuries, approximately $600 million in damage • Central Oklahoma Outbreak (May 3, 1999) • ~ 74 tornadoes through Oklahoma • In OKC, estimated$1.2 billion in damage, 41 deaths, 675+ injuries (winds estimated at 300 mph)
Cyclone Tracks • Wave cyclones tend to form in certain areas and travel common paths • Mid-latitude wave cyclones tend to travel eastward • Tropical cyclones tend to move westward
Tropical Cyclones • Development involves 3 stages • Tropical Disturbance (Easterly Wave) • Tropical Depression • Hurricane • Actually have different names in different region during stage 3 • Hurricane: Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans • Typhoon: western Pacific • Cyclone: Indian Ocean
Storm Life Cycle • Tropical Cyclones or Tropical Disturbance (Easterly waves) are troughs of low pressure moving eastward with a mass of thunderstorms and counterclockwise flow • Tropical Depression: winds up to 38 mph (33 knots) • Referred to as TD and Number • Tropical Storm: wind range from 39-73 mph (34-63 knots), isobars “packed,” • Referred to with Name • Hurricane: wind exceeds 74 mps (64 knots) then ranked based on central pressure, storm surge height, wind speed using Saffir-Simpson scale
Hurricanes • the most powerful and destructive tropical cyclone in the western hemisphere • Hurricane=Tropical Cyclone
Hurricanes • Intense tropical cyclone containing strong winds and excessive precipitation • Energy from latent heat release, loses energy over land or cooler water • Diameter—Average approximately 300 miles wide • Hurricane force winds extend 25 miles (small) to 150 miles (large) and tropical storm force winds (300 miles) • Associated problems include: strong winds, tornadoes, heavy rain, storm surge (most devastating aspect), death, water and food supply
Hurricanes characteristic central “eye” (clear skies and calm winds) air descends from high altitudes, warming wind speeds are highest at the “eye wall” winds spiral outward creating high wind speeds
Ingredients for a Hurricane • 1. Pre-existing disturbance with thunderstorms (Easterly wave) • 2. Warm (80ºF) ocean temperatures (150 ft) • 3. Light upper level winds (which provide little wind shear) • 4. Convergence of moisture and heat
Hurricanes (cont’d) • Different names throughout globe • Hurricane in Atlantic and eastern Pacific • Typhoon in western Pacific and Philippines • Cyclone in India and Australia • Official hurricane seasons • N. Atlantic Ocean: June 1 – November 30 (peak occurrence from mid-August to late October) • N. Pacific Ocean: May 15 – November 30 (peak occurrence from July through October)
Simpson-Saffir Scale of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Categories 1 to 5 (5 is the most intense and devastating) categorized by central pressure, storm surge wave height and mean wind speed
Simpson-Saffir Scale of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Category Central Storm Mean Pressure Surge Wind (mb) (ft) (mph) 1 (weak) > 980 4-5 74-95 2 (moderate) 965-979 6-8 96-110 3 (strong) 945-964 9-12 111-130 4 (very strong) 920-944 13-18 131-155 5 (devastating) < 920 >18 > 155
Naming Hurricanes • Before 1953: used latitude and longitude (or location of damage) • 1953 – 1977: used only female names (in alphabetical order) • 1978: alternate between male and female names for eastern Pacific Ocean • 1979: alternate between male and female names for Atlantic Ocean • Also: • In Atlantic, begin at start of alphabet each year • In Pacific, continue where left off previous year • Names retired if causes much devastation (life, property) • See http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/B2.html for recent and upcoming names