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First Baptist Church Ottawa, Kansas. Sesquicentennial Celebration FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE May 2-4, 2014. First Baptist Church History.
First Baptist ChurchOttawa, Kansas Sesquicentennial Celebration FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE May 2-4, 2014
First Baptist Church History • Franklin County was organized in 1855. When Kansas became a state in 1861, a good part of the county was occupied by various tribes of Native Americans. The reservation of the Ottawa Tribe occupied a tract of about 10x12 miles on both sides of the Marais Des Cygnes River and contained about 73,000 acres. The First Baptist Church had been established by Rev. Jotham Meeker during his more than 20 years of work at the Ottawa Mission about 5 miles northeast of the city.
First Baptist Church History • June 1860- at the 1st state convention of the Kansas Baptists in Atchison, John Tecumseh Jones, a delegate from First Baptist- Ottawa, proposed that the “Indian Baptists would like to unite with their white brethren in establishing and maintaining a school for both races.” • 1862- Congressional provisions began the process for apportioning the Ottawa reservation land and for the establishment of a school with a large endowment of land.
First Baptist Church History • May 2, 1864 – Exactly 150 years ago- The church organized in Lathrop Hall at 2nd and Main, and was originally known as the Second Baptist Church. Rev. Isaac Kalloch was the first pastor. • June, 1864- The Kansas Baptist Convention was held in Ottawa and the final decision was made to build a Baptist college in Ottawa
First Baptist Church History • February 27, 1867- A Gothic stone chapel was erected at 417 S. Main at a cost of $4,000 • An addition was built on the chapel in 1871 to accommodate the growing Sunday School
First Baptist Church History • 1886- A new chapel was built to accommodate the Sunday School. This is the west wing of the present edifice. The Sunday School numbered 637 at this time. • 1886- Miss Harriet M. Brown, a church member, was commissioned as a missionary to Sendai, Japan, the first woman from Kansas to go to a foreign field. Since that date at least two dozen others have gone out from First Baptist.
First Baptist Church History • 1888- The North Baptist Church organized from a mission Sunday School class that began in 1886 at First Baptist • April 28, 1895- The main auditorium addition to the present edifice was dedicated. George P. Washburn was the architect and First Baptist deacon L.R. Crawford was the general contractor. The addition cost $200,000 and was debt free when dedicated. • 1896- Second Baptist officially changed its name to First Baptist after the original Baptist Mission had “passed from the scene”
First Baptist Church History • 1904- The first pipe organ was installed in the sanctuary • 1906- When Dr. Silas Eber Price left the pastorate to become president of O.U. membership of FBC was 767 • January 1, 1907- Dr. William A. Elliott began a forty year pastorate
First Baptist Church History • 1914- In honor of the church’s 50th Anniversary, L.H. Holt wrote the “History of the First Baptist Church Ottawa, Kansas 1864-1914,” published by The World Co. Printers of Lawrence, KS. • 1918- A Mexican Mission begun by the congregation- • The mission later had its own chapel built in 1948, and First Baptist contributed a small sum to its annual support until it closed in 1963. • 1928- Prof. Edgar Kerr began a long career at O.U. , and also directed music at First Baptist for over 26 years. After 50 years of membership, Prof. Kerr wrote a tribute to First Baptist-
From Prof. Kerr’s “A Tribute to ‘Good Old First Baptist’”- Oct. 1979 • 1939- “the Kilgen Organ Co. rebuilt and modernized the mechanical part of the old (1904) organ but used the old pipes.” • 1951- “the flood filled the basement, but the Church was above water. The Church’s front steps, to the Northeast were used as a landing dock for boats, bringing stranded people from the stairway inside the North American Hotel, up Hickory Street to safety.”
First Baptist Church History • 1954- Alcoholics Anonymous chapter begun by the church. AA continues to meet in the church basement in 2014… • 1959- Education Building dedicated. The cost of the building and furnishings was $270,000. This was the culmination of five years of planning and fundraising, and was considered a highlight of Dr. Roger Fredrikson’s service as pastor.
Dr. Roger Fredrikson at a church dinner during construction of Education Building / Elliott Hall
First Baptist Church History • 1964- FBC celebrated its Centennial with a week-long celebration- The 1964 total budget was $63,617 including over $17,000 missionary budget, and there were 614 resident active members of the church • 1964- Franklin County Day Care was started by the congregation and served the community until December 2011 • 1974- Sanctuary refurbished and new organ installed- remodeling contract with Loyd Builders was for $150,975 and the new organ cost $13,076.
First Baptist Church History • 1989- Celebrating our 125th year, it was noted that First Baptist counted 627 members, ranked 36th nationally in our giving to American Baptist missions, and operated on a budget of $232,000 • 1990- FBC joined community churches in establishing Hope House, a non-profit Christian emergency relief organization working closely with local churches, county and city agencies to provide physical and spiritual assistance to individuals and families through Christ-centered giving and caring • 1995- First Baptist celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Sanctuary Building
First Baptist Church History • 1998- FBC established a two service format on Sunday mornings with the traditional 9am “Alleluia” service and “Celebration” service at 11am featuring contemporary music • 2005- Rev. Joel Fredrikson, son of former FBC pastor Dr. Roger Fredrikson, began service as our pastor
First Baptist Church History • 2007- First Baptist embarked upon the “Rebuild, Renew, Rejoice”Capital Campaign and raised approximately $900,000 for the first significant improvements to either building since 1982.
First Baptist Church PRESENT • 2014- Sesquicentennial Celebration Year- Statistics • Membership: 513, Assoc. Members- 2, Non-members- 280 • Average Attendance: Church: 251; Sunday School: 45 • Annual Budget: $382,688 • CPI Inflation Calculator: (calculated buying power) • U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics CPI Calculator- • 1959 Education Building- $270,000 = $2,192,409 in 2014 • 1964 Budget- $63,617 = $484,911 in 2014; Missionary support of $17,000 = $129,580 in 2014 • 1974 Sanctuary Remodel- $150,975 = $723,617 in 2014 • 1989 Budget- $232,000 = $442,096 in 2014 • 2007 Capital Campaign- $900,000 = $1,025,665 in 2014
First Baptist Church FUTURE • 2014- As we celebrate our church’s 150th Anniversary, we are challenged to consider what “history” we will make as a congregation. First Baptist Church has an incredible foundation for the future…
A Tribute to First Baptist • “Good old First Baptist has stood on this corner for almost a hundred years, pointing its steeple upward, to help lift the lives and spirits of all who came, and to go out and help others. Everyone isn’t happy with everything, or everyone else. Some come, some go, but this Church never had a split. It stands staunch and tall…. Good old First Baptist. Our place of Worship, and the great experiences of our lives, and I love every stone in this old building.” ~ Prof. Edgar Kerr, October 14, 1979
Sesquicentennial • SPECIAL THANKS to: • Natalie Roberts- FBC Administrative Assistant- for countless thoughtful and creative acts of service in organizing this weekend • Sesquicentennial Committee: • Miriam Lemp, Mattie Willhite, Jane Smith, Angela Audiss, Pastor Joel Fredrikson • FIRST BAPTIST FOUNDATION COMMITTEE • Doug Loyd for his generous gift of specially framed historical postcards • Don & Alex Currier- Video; Lilly Coultis- Photos • Fellowship Committee, many other volunteers of time, service, and financial support to make this weekend possible • Bella Cucina Catering • L.H. Holt, B. Smith Haworth, Prof. Kerr, Doug Loyd and numerous others who have preserved the history of First Baptist Church • Respectfully Submitted May 2, 2014- Wendell Smith, Church Historian