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FORERUNNERS IN OPERANT CONDITIONING: Thorndike and Skinner. E.L. Thorndike. (1874-1949) Worked with cats and dogs in “puzzle boxes.” GOAL of animals: Escape or get food. Noticed “Law of Effect” in animal behavior. B.F. Skinner. (1904-1990) Expanded upon Thorndike’s research.
E.L. Thorndike • (1874-1949) • Worked with cats and dogs in “puzzle boxes.” • GOAL of animals: Escape or get food. • Noticed “Law of Effect” in animal behavior.
B.F. Skinner • (1904-1990) • Expanded upon Thorndike’s research. • Built more puzzle boxes later called= “Skinner Boxes” which measured response rates. • Believed animals/humans react to environment.
Operant Conditioning- Skinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtfQlkGwE2U&feature=related
Schedules of Reinforcement • Determine how and when a subject will be reinforced for a behavior. • Fixed Ratio • Variable Ratio • Fixed Interval • Variable Interval
Fixed-Ratio • Subject is reinforced after a set amount of correct responses. • You get your points after every made basket. • You get a tip for every table you serve. • You get 5 dollars for every 3 “A” grades you bring home.
Variable-Ratio • Subject is reinforced after a variable amount of correct responses. • Gambling- you “win” after a random number of times pulling lever/playing a hand. • You score a basket after approximately every 3rd shot.
Fixed-Interval • Subject is reinforced after a set amount of time after a correct response. • You get the newspaper every morning at 7am. • You get your paycheck every Friday. • You get a 15 minute break every hour, on the hour. *KEY- when the end time is known or regular/routine.
Variable-Interval • Subject is reinforced after a variable amount of time after a correct response. • You check to see if your friends are done playing basketball. • Checking to see if your sister got back from her errand to the store. • *Key- length of time for something is not known.
Learning • Clip 1: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_s9pG5CWXM&feature=fvwrel • Bandura: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCETgT_Xfzg