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Welcome to. PROGRESSIVE AUDIO. Progressive Audio, August-Thyssen-Straße 13a, 45219 Essen, Germany. WHO WE ARE. Company Founder Ralf Koenen Born 1958 Development of the first active audio crossover at the age of 13 as a hobby Professional Training in Telecommunication
Welcome to PROGRESSIVE AUDIO Progressive Audio, August-Thyssen-Straße 13a, 45219 Essen, Germany
WHO WE ARE Company Founder Ralf Koenen Born 1958 Development of the first active audio crossover at the age of 13 as a hobby Professional Training in Telecommunication For 18 years systems engineer at IBM Founding of Progressive Audio in 1995 Objective: Development of phase linear HiFi Systems for a most natural reproduction of music
WHO ELSE? Manfred Rauschenberg Management, workshop and production Sylvia Roman Management, sale back office Petra Koenen Management, accounting Walter Grädler External Sales Other employeesShipping, production, accounting
COMPANY HEADQUARTERS With Kitty, our inspiration for inner peace and calmness
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO The Name is Program Progressive Audio is the synonym for innovative and advancedcircuit technology in unique quality Every component of a Progressive Audio chainis exclusively developed and manufactured in Essen, Germany. The unique understanding of the combination of music and electronicenables Progressive Audio to reproduce musicon a currently unmatched level.
WHAT IS UNIQUE WITH PROGRESSIVE AUDIO? • Progressive Audio manufactures HiFi Systemsin a unique phase linear design • Progressive Audio CD Players enable the reproductionof music without phase errors in a range of 1 Hz to 200 kHz • Progressive Audio Amplifier amplify the signal in a range of 2 Hz to 1 MHz,independent of load and in a phase linear manner
WHAT IS UNIQUE WITH PROGRESSIVE AUDIO? • Progressive Audio Loudspeakers have a phase linear design and an until now unmatched impedance frequency response • Progressive Audio Cables feature an unparalled degree of copper purity of 3 ppm oxygen and zero ferromagnetic particles.
DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS Digital Balanced CD Player with digital interface Analog Balanced Phono Preamplifier Balanced Integrated Amplifier Loudspeakers in phase linear design Cables Signal Cables NF – Cables, Cables for loudspeakers and digital cables High purity copper in phase linear design with up to5000 isolated single cores!
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO CD2 PLAYER • Drive CDPro2 • Drive is supported on a 80 mm high rack, milled fully out of aluminum, including the lid drive unit in a decoupled manner. • All housing parts are made of aluminum, which has the certification for the aircraft, and are manufactured in Germany . In this way we achieve a perfect standard of quality in material composition and color uniformity.
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO CD2 • Using the CD drive Pro 2 guarantees that absolutely all data on the CD will be read, no error correction is required. Because data, which can not be read, are missing for the music signal and can not be corrected by the error correction. • The supply voltage of the CD2 relates from a specially developed switching power supply. Because of the perfect galvanic isolation no interfering pulses reach from the main power supply system into the player and no tact noises get back into the main power supply system.
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO CD2 • The signal processing is digital / analog Balanced • The analog branch works with the same circuit design as the amplifiers A1 and A2, balanced in pure Class A operation • The composition is purely modular and therefore upgradeable • Investment protection through an optional USB interface, which also enables the play of Flac files of 192kHz 24-bit • Streaming is feasible at the highest level
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO CD2 Summing up, we can say about the CD2… • A perfect player for playback of CD • With lowest jitter currently achievable through tact synchronization • Upsampling to 192Khz 24Bit every time • Symmetrically in each stage digital / analog
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO CD2 Summing up, we can say about the CD2… • Pulsed power supply guarantees very stable conditions which are independent of interferences • The effect is a fantastic tranquility in the music playback • Enormous stability in the 3-dimensional imaging
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS ARE ... • Phase linear • Very broadband (2Hz – 1MHz) • Very stable upon load, up to 1 Ohm • Almost free of phase-related errors,over the entire frequency range • Low in total harmonic distortion K2 • Excellent in channel consistency • No reduction in dynamics at low levels
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO – WORLD‘S NO 1 IN APPLYING SILICON CARBIDESEMI CONDUCTORS IN HiFi AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGY In 2009, after 2 years of development, Progressive Audio was successfull in the use of Silicon Carbide in amplifier technology for the first time. Why Silicon Carbide is this eminent Semi Conductors made of Silicon Carbide are 15 times faster than all FETand V-MOS Semi Conductors. A milestone in processing of impulse, since music is impulse and not alone representation of a sinus. Only the time-correlated processing of very high momentum fluxes allows a lifelike reproduction of music.
SILICON CARBIDE IN AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGY Thanks to the successful usage of Silicon Carbide, we at Progressive Audio are fastly approaching our objective to reproduce music in its most natural way. With the controlabillity of Silicon Carbide, we at Progressive Audio expand our unique characteristic and make a huge step ahead to meet our objective to effortlessly drive loudspeakers independent of their design.
CIRCUIT DESIGN AND TONAL CONSEQUENCES OF SILICON CARBIDE • The design of the amplifier is symmetrical on every level. • Every level works in pure A-mode until clipping. • Volume control is realized with a matrix of relays (consisting of rhodium-plated contacts) which operate 0.1% instrument shunts. Hereby you can accomplisha full-bodied representation and finely tuned dynamics of the acoustic patterneven at very low levels, which is without equal. • At low and also at high levels, independent of the impedance frequency responseof the loudspeaker.
CIRCUIT DESIGN AND TONAL CONSEQUENCES OF SILICON CARBIDE • The impression is always the same, even with very complex signals... • It seems as if every instrument had its own amplifier, the control is outstanding. • Control is one important prerequisite – another one is the ability to naturally fade out instruments. This is achieved by an output circuit without negative feedback and a frequency range of 1 MHz A popular nickname for our A1/A2 is Power Pump!
Innovation Award 2012 of editor stereoplay The Stereoplay ranks the two integrated amplifiers A1 and A2 as the best transistor amp models on the market at the top of the leaderboard as the reference.
PHONO 1 Progressive Audio phono preamplifiers are characterized by… • The sensitivity of 50 uV • Impedance of the pickup from 5 Ohm • Wideband 2-300Khz • Considering the Neumann cutting characteristics
PHONO 1 Progressive Audio phono preamplifiers are characterized by… • Passive RIAA equalization • Modular composition / Upgradeable • Via optional module, all 50 RIAA equalizer characteristics could be considered
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO SPEAKERS • The housing is made of solid acrylic up to 25mm thickness • The speakers will be calculated as a filter unit toachieve the following objective: To allow that all Progressive Audio Speakers currently have the lowest feasible phase error
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO SPEAKERS This means... • Progressive Audio develops and manufacturesspeakers with the best currently availableCeramic und Diamond Chassis • That all frequencies arrive exactly at the same time at the ears of the listener • The perfect sound stage in all 3 dimensions
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO SPEAKERS This means... • Bass buffeting noise is significantly reduced, because the bass is not running after • Music reproduction is possible in large and reverberant spaces
PROGRESSIVE AUDIO SPEAKERS Are characterized by... • Best impulse response (step response) • Linear impedance response( 6,8 Ohm over the entire range) • Providing for all amplifiers always an equal load(of course, we do not need this for our electronics,but we would like, that our speakers work also very good with the electronics of the competitors)
THE ACHIEVED SOUND RESULTS • A radiation pattern that ensures in its field perfect dynamic pressure conditions • Finest dynamic resolution in the depth of the imaged area • Three-dimensional imaging in perfection • Easy listening to music without any artifacts • No phase distortion by temporal artifacts of speaker chassis with each other Radiation pattern Correct! Wrong!
FOR EXAMPLE Surely you have ever wondered why in a 100 piece orchestra playing with full volume, you never have the impression of a high volume, although there is a sound pressure of 120 dB effortlessly produced. But when listening music with high volume in your own 4 walls, you more often prefer to turn the volume down due to ear pain. The reason is the time offset in the reproduction of high to low frequencies. If the pulse is temporally offset, our highly sensitive pressure transducer, the human ear, feels that as an annoyance rather than a musical enjoyment.
THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE • Phase linear electronics and phase linear speakers require an interconnecting wiring , which with pulse proper reproduction, makes the smallest possible error.
THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE Criteria for NF and speaker cables from Progressive Audio • High purity copper with a residual oxygen content of sensationally low 3PPM (which is nothing, that copper is so pure and soft that it caused problems during drawing and manufacturing process, which we were able to eliminate only with deep cooling) • No Ferromagnetic particles in copper
THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCE Criteria for NF and speaker cables from Progressive Audio • This is for the purpose, that through the smallest OFFSET DC voltages, which are often subordinated to the useful signal, and through magnetized conductor material no phase shift due to eddy currents arise. • The structure, 1000 - 5000 individual cores, all isolated from each other, guarantee equal resistances for the deepest and the highest frequencies of 1HZ-500 Khz
I hope, that I could give you an impression of the products produced by Progressive Audio Thank you for your attention!