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Discover the impact of volunteers in public schools and understand the roles and responsibilities of volunteers. Learn how volunteering enhances education, supports students, and fosters community engagement. Dive into the philosophy, goals, and requirements of school volunteerism.
Volunteerism in Schools CHAMPS Collegiates Helping As Mentors in Public Schools CHAMPS volunteer is like a big brother/big sister, a role model, an encourager, and, most of all, a caring friend.
Definition of A Volunteer • Can we just focus on activities related to students in the classrooms? • In general term: • A volunteer is anyone who without compensationor expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the agency. A volunteer must be officially accepted and enrolled by the agency prior to performance of the task. Unless specifically stated, volunteers shall not be considered as ‘employees’ of the agency
In school setting: • Persons who work without pay, usually under the direction of an authorized teacher or other school employee, in support of school objectives to enhance the education of students. It includes people who participate in some aspect of instruction as well as those who help with clerical or other support activities (Bernard Michael (Ed.) Volunteers in Public Schools, 1990)
School Volunteer Program • Lynchburg, Virginia • School Board Policy on volunteers • The administration of the schools and the instructional program are entirely the responsibility of school board employees, and this responsibility cannot be delegated in any degree. Volunteers work under the direction of principals who retain the responsibility for the instruction and supervision of students in their charge
Only the teachers may: Diagnose (identify a child’s needs) Contact parents (regarding a student’s performance/behavior) evaluate on a formal basis Prescribe (decide on a child’s program of study) Provide initial instruction (introduce new concepts and skills) Write comments on papers that go home Discipline students
Two Types of Volunteer Services • Occasional projects To help a few times or even just one time • Long-term assistance: Requires an ongoing commitment and regular schedule
Confidentiality • A volunteer operates in a position of trust • Personal information pertaining to students must be kept confidential • Children’s actions, responses, progress or problems at school are not for sharing in the community • Conversations among parents, teachers, and students in schools are confidential • The personal opinions/knowledge about staff members should never be shared in the community or anyone who has no legitimate need to know
Parents: You Have to Become Volunteers!Otherwise? • Indianapolis Public School 57 not only recognizes the value of parental involvement in education, they mandate it. It is a fundamental school, which sounds a bit like a charter school -- meaning they receive public money and follow the standard curriculum, but can make up their own rules about certain things. Among their rules: parents must sign their children's homework every day, must volunteer at the school, and must respond to teachers' calls or notes within 24 hours. Failure to abide by these rules can result in the child being kicked out of school.
Goals of A Volunteer Program Stimulates community interest, understanding and support of public education through improved knowledge about school programs and enhanced school-community communication; Enlarges and enriches the scope of the curriculum by bringing special skills, talents and experiences of the community into schools and classrooms; Assists and relieves professional personnel in such a way that they may perform their duty more effectively; Allows children more individual attention; Provides direct assistance to children in specific curriculum areas such as in reading, math and other areas of needs; and Supplies volunteer services in response to identified school needs.
Philosophy Behind Volunteering(From A Volunteer Handbook) • Structured programs in schools provide the optimum learning experience for students, teachers and parents • Benefits from research findings: enhance student self-esteem, increases academic achievement and cognitive development and improves student behavior and attendance • Teachers come to see parents as valued partners in extending and enriching the educational program • Parents come to know they make a difference in the school through contributions of time and talent • Staff recognizes volunteers as friends and partners in developing a quality learning environment
Requirements • A genuine love for children • Some free time • Willingness to work under professional supervision
1998 National Distinguished Principals • Eileen D. Woods - South School (Suburban Pre-K-5, 623 students), Andover School District, Andover, Massachusetts • Formation of an effective parent volunteer program, involving 32 PTO committees and over 250 volunteers, that has led to excellent relations between teachers and parents.
Craig H. Kay - Dassel Elementary School (Rural K-4, 350 students), Dassel-Cokato #466 School District, Dassel, Minnesota • Expanded the volunteer program, which now boasts a parent resource room, a volunteer coordinator, and a community clothing center. • Quote: "I believe that everyone is important and does make a difference, and that I can be most effective when leading by example."
Miller's Parent Center is a room in our school which has been designated for our school parents. Parents are invited to come help with teacher work, attend ESL lessons, attend parenting sessions, work on computers, learn about different cultures, or just visit and make new friends. There will be a Parent Educator working in the Parent Center from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursdays with the parents who attend. The Parent Educators are a group of trained district personnel. • In addition to our Parent Center, we have a Parent Volunteer Program. As well as helping to make teaching materials, we need assistance in the classroom, library, clinic, and office areas. Volunteering in school is a wonderful way to be in touch with your child's education. We value our Miller parents and encourage you to participate in our Parent Center and Parent Volunteer Program. • Miller's Parent Center Coordinator in Mrs. Lisa Montero. She can be reached at 498-8110 ext. 5783.
General Guidelines • Awritten request for volunteer assistance/resources must be submitted to and approved by the principal • Volunteers work under the direction and supervision of a teacher or school personnel • Volunteer service is supportive and supplemental and not substitute for professional teachers • School liability insurance includes coverage for authorized school volunteers • Students permanent records are available to employed school personnel only (state mandates)
Steps to be Taken by Volunteers • Attend the orientation at your school at the beginning of the year. On-site orientation will be given if assigned later in the year • Complete the volunteer emergency form • Volunteers who work on a regular basis need to take a tuberculin test • Be sure to sign-in and sign-out upon arrival at and departure from school
Vista schools are deeply committed to the use of volunteers to help teachers in the classroom, work in the school office, help supervise on field trips and perform many other services for the schools. Volunteers work as much or as little as they are able. District policy requires those who work over 20 hours per year to show evidence of a negative TB test. TB tests are available from the school nurse for a nominal fee.
The advantages a volunteer program • Volunteers serve as volunteers • Volunteers contribute to student learning • Volunteers expand and extend student horizons • Volunteers contribute to positive student self- concept • Volunteers provide a first-hand view of school
2000 SUFFOLK PUBLIC SCHOOLS • PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: All elementary schools encourage families to et involved. Volunteers are matched according to their talents, skills and interests with the needs of teachers, students and the school. Jobs include, but are not limited to performing clerical work, helping in the clinic, chaperoning field trips, tutoring students, reading stories to classes, leading craft projects, entertaining, or speaking on their careers -- just to name a few. Call your child's school and volunteer!
Services Provided by Volunteers(Bernard Michael, 1990) • Tutoring students in need of special help (reading, writing, and mathematics) • Listening attentively to students who need a special friend • Working to develop English Language skills in children who are immigrants • Acting as mentors and role models • Providing career guidance for disadvantaged youths • Enhancing students’ appreciation of art and literature through lectures and demonstration • Helping in hands-on application of arts and crafts • Organizing and operating computer labs • Accompanying choral and other musical events • Serving as guest lecturers • Helping students organize science fairs, school newspapers, and dramatic events
Do Classroom Volunteers Benefit Schools? Brian O. Brent A recent study of volunteers in 57 elementary schools reveals some surprises. Table 1 Who Volunteers? Gender Male 12% Female 88% Age Under 20 < 1% 20-25 4% 26-35 20% 36-55 62% 56 and over 14%
Hours Volunteered Each Year • 40 or fewer 52% • 41-80 22% • 81-200 15% • 201-400 6% • 400+ 5% Employment Status • Not employed 51% • Employed, part-time 39% • Employed, full-time 10% Education Level • Earned at least a bachelor's degree 53% • Former teacher 15%
Table 2 • What Do Volunteers Do? • Duties: • Classroom (includes tutoring) 88% • Library 6% • Administrative Office 2% • Supervisory Duties 3% • Grades*: • Kindergarten 58% • Grade 1 62% • Grade 2 53% • Grade 3 48% • Grade 4 36% • Grade 5 26% • Grade 6 9%
Tasks*: • Assist students with reading/writing activities 53% • Assist students with math activities 30% • Assist students with science activities 4% • Assist students with computer activities 3% • Help students make up work 11% • Prepare games and teaching materials 33% • Photocopy materials 22% • Assist with grading 11% • Decorate classrooms 18% • Help with field trips 53% • *Percentages add to more than 100 percent because volunteers performed multiple activities.
Table 3 • How Do Volunteers Benefit Schools? AgreeNeutralDisagree • Principals' Responses: • Improve the school's climate 97% 3% - • Improve the quality of classroom instruction 85% 13% 2% • Can increase individual student's achievement in reading 87% 13% - • Can increase individual student's achievement in math 70% 30% - • Improve school-community relations 98% 2% - • Volunteers' Responses: • I have learned more about how schools operate 89% 7% 4% • I am more interested in education issues 84% 8% 8% • I have greater respect for teachers 90% 5% 5% • I have greater respect for school administrators 71% 21% 8%
Some Bad News • Our analysis confirmed that schools in poor communities have access to fewer volunteers than schools in more affluent communities: First, schools with high percentages of poor children have fewer parents and community members who have time to volunteer. Secondly, many adults in poorer communities believe that they do not have the skills necessary to volunteer. Finally, some principals suggested that poorer schools often are located in communities where many parents and residents have had unfavorable school experiences, making them reluctant to volunteer.
Parent Volunteer Views on Volunteering in Schoolsby Charlie NaylorBCTF Research • What has been a success in your work with teachers? Flexibility Teacher and school openness to volunteers A recognition and an acceptance of role Taking some time to gauge the culture of the school’ Recognizing that being a volunteer meant helping more than one’s own child Patience Respect the children
Have there been any areas of tension or conflict in your work with teachers? Lack of information and communication • Some teachers did not want volunteers in their class Where the roles became blurred As a result of staff cutbacks When appreciation appeared limited
What would you recommend to other parents who are about to volunteer, in terms of how to work successfully with teachers? Make some effort to find out more about the culture of the school Take some time to be receptive to teachers’ views and instructions Avoid imposing your own values on children Recognize that student progress can be very gradual Take cues from the teacher Talk to teachers and the principal Keep a volunteer list Be receptive to students and students’ needs
Responsibilities of volunteers as an example to students appropriate behavior, speech and dress every task performed in the school is important to the education of students be willing to serve under professional supervision and direction be punctual and reliable in fulfilling volunteer assignments become familiar with individual school’s policies and practices respect the confidential nature of school records and relationships between staff members and students
mutual respect and confidence (with staff members) accept willingly the tasks assigned inform the community in a positive manner about the school be dependable in attendance work toward a team relationship
Volunteers: Always keep in mind: Dependability Volunteer only for the time you can realistically expect to fulfill Time The school looks forward to seeing volunteers when they are scheduled Confidentiality Bound to hear privileged information when they come into school Need to establish a positive and mutually respectful relationship with the school Adaptability To what exists rather what would be ideal
Responsibilities for teacher/staff member Make the volunteer feel welcome Make sure the volunteer feel comfortable in the school Learn about the volunteer’s talents, special interest, and abilities so that he/she is utilized Plan specific and clearly defined duties for the volunteer Be patient and diplomatic while supervising the activities of the volunteer Provide regular opportunities for interchange and feedback with the volunteer Work toward a team relationship
Responsibilities of the principal encourage commitment from staff to participate in the volunteer program Appoint annually a volunteer chair person to lead and coordinate the program School principals report that having a coordinator is critical to their ability to support and maintain a successful volunteer program. The Volunteer Coordinator can focus on recruiting, training, maintaining records, and supporting volunteers as they come to the school. Principals also respond that by having a person dedicated to coordinating volunteers, it has made a significant impact on their ability to attract and maintain new volunteers. City of Seattle Human Services Department http://www.cityofseattle.net/humanservices/fys/Family/CommunityInvolvProgram.htm discuss volunteer program possibilities with the school staff and the volunteer chair person
assist in the orientation of volunteers to the school building, its policies and practices provide adequate space for volunteer program needs review and evaluate the volunteer program periodically with staff, school chair person and division coordinator provide recognition for those involved in the volunteer program work toward a team relationship Be sensitive to the legal requirements
Factors That Foster/InhibitSuccessful School Volunteer Program • Factors foster: • On-going needs assessment • Multiple recruiting strategies: Brochures, posters, newspaper articles/advertisement, announcements on radio/television, and word of mouth (effective) • Training Most teachers had received no training in the use of volunteers during their professional preparation They gained experience through trial and error Minimal training is needed when volunteers are aiding elementary teachers by reading/listening to students or during craft work activities Extensive training is needed when volunteers are involved in thinking and writing skills
Factors inhibiting • Prevent the establishment of volunteer programs and/or inhibiting them from flourishing • 40% of schools surveyed reported no use of volunteers (National Center for Statistics) • Reasons been: • Lack of awareness • Lack of know-how to go about getting started • Suspicious • Negative attitudes of school administrators: Perceived volunteers as outside intruders and trouble makers • Teachers viewed volunteers as someone watching their perforamnce
Legal issue: Volunteer Drivers • ANYONE TRANSPORTING CHILDREN ON A FIELD TRIP MUST COMPLETE A "VOLUNTEER AUTOMOBILE DRIVER AUTHORIZATION" FORM. Drivers must have third party liability insurance of $1,000,000.00. Seat belts must be used for each child being transported in the vehicle. Parents are reminded that children who weigh less than 40 pounds are to be transported in approved car seats. Volunteer drivers must have less than six demerit points. A copy of the drivers’ insurance and passenger endorsement must be provided to the school office. In order to obtain passenger endorsement, drivers must inform insurance companies that they will be occasionally transporting students. Some insurance companies may indicate that you do not need a passenger endorsement in addition to your current coverage.