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Understanding Organizational Behavior and Management Challenges

Explore the fundamentals of organizational behavior and management, including roles, skills, challenges, and ethical considerations. Learn how to navigate diverse workforces and implement new technologies effectively. Presented by School of Educators.

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Understanding Organizational Behavior and Management Challenges

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  2. 2 What is an Organization? An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve individual and organizational goals. www.schoolofeducators.com

  3. 3 What is Organizational Behavior? Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of factors that affect how individuals and groups act in organizations and how organizations manage their environments. www.schoolofeducators.com

  4. 4 Insert Figure 1.1 here www.schoolofeducators.com

  5. 5 Insert Figure 1.2 here www.schoolofeducators.com

  6. 6 What is Management? Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s human, financial, material, and other resources to increase its effectiveness. www.schoolofeducators.com

  7. 7 www.schoolofeducators.com

  8. 8 Managerial Roles • Manager: Any person who supervises one or more subordinates. • Role: A set of behaviors or tasks a person is expected to perform because of the position he or she holds in a group or organization. • Managerial roles identified by Mintzberg (see Table 1.1): Figurehead Leader Liaison Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Entrepreneur Disturbance handler Resource allocator Negotiator www.schoolofeducators.com

  9. 9 Managerial Skills • Conceptual Skills: The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect. • Human Skills: The ability to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of other people and groups. • Technical Skills: Job-specific knowledge and techniques. www.schoolofeducators.com

  10. 10 Challenges for Organizational Behaviorand Management • Using new information technology to enhance creativity and organizational learning. • Managing human resources to increase competitive advantage. • Developing organizational ethics and well-being. • Managing a diverse work force. • Managing the global environment. www.schoolofeducators.com

  11. 11 Challenge 1:Using New Information Technology toEnhance Creativity and Organizational Learning • Information technology: The computer systems and software that organizations use to speed the flow of information around an organization and to better link people and subunits within it. • Creativity: The decision-making process that produces novel and useful ideas that lead to new or improved goods and services or to improvements in the way they are produced. www.schoolofeducators.com

  12. 12 www.schoolofeducators.com

  13. 13 New Ways to Increase Performance • Reengineering: A complete rethinking and redesign of business processes to increase efficiency, quality, innovation, or responsiveness to customers. • Restructuring: Altering an organization’s structure (e.g., by eliminating a department) to streamline the organization’s operations and reduce costs. • Outsourcing: Acquiring goods or services from sources outside the organization. • Freelancers: Independent individuals who contract with an organization to perform specific services. www.schoolofeducators.com

  14. 14 Challenge 3Developing Organizational Ethics and Well-Being • Ethics: Rules, beliefs, and values that outline the ways in which managers and workers should behave when confronted with a situation in which their actions may help or harm other people inside of or outside an organization. • Well-being: The condition of being happy, healthy, and prosperous. • Social responsibility: An organization’s moral responsibility toward individuals or groups outside the organization that are affected by its actions. www.schoolofeducators.com

  15. 15 www.schoolofeducators.com

  16. Fairness and Justice Decision Making and Performance Flexibility 16 Diversity Challenges www.schoolofeducators.com

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