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The SURF-Nature project – Let´s make funding for biodiversity a success story!

The SURF-Nature project – Let´s make funding for biodiversity a success story!. Peter Torkler, WWF Germany, SURF – nature coordinator 0 8 May, 2012. Content. Background The SURF Nature Interreg IVc project Environment in the future Cohesion Policy

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The SURF-Nature project – Let´s make funding for biodiversity a success story!

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  1. The SURF-Nature project – Let´s make funding for biodiversity a success story! Peter Torkler, WWF Germany, SURF – naturecoordinator 08May, 2012

  2. Content. Background The SURF Nature InterregIVc project Environment in the future Cohesion Policy SURF advocacy towards better funding opportunities

  3. Nature providesuswithmorevaluesthanwearecurrentlyinvestingin! RESOURCES RECREATION TOURISM FUEL MEDICINE FOOD, WATER CULTURAL BASE SOIL FORMATION

  4. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The legal proposals for cohesion policy include biodiversity as an investmentpriorityundertheenvironmentobjective! However - council , EP andregionsarekeyifthisopportunity will beused in thenewgeneration of programmes

  5. Cohesion for regionsandpeople ? EU funding should be allocated more to support environmentally friendly activities and developments • Commission’sconsultation on the EU budget, 2007-08: the fight againstclimatechange was a topmajorityfor a vastmajority of responses. • Commission’sconsultation on LIFE+, May 2011: 86% respondentswant to seeitcontinued and 55% want to seeitincreased. • EU taxpayersaremoreandmoreconcernedaboutthewaste of publicmoneyandwantseelongterminvestmentsthatimprovetheirquality of lifeandhelptodevelopmore environmental friendlyactivitiesfundedthroughthe EU budget. Source: Eurobarometer (May 2011) 26,825 citizens in 27 MS

  6. SURF nature, INTERREG IVc To improve regional policies and practices for nature conservation and biodiversity by increasing the opportunities for financing these measures from the ERDF

  7. Working with partners • Encouraging the project partners as well as other stakeholders across EU to take part in the post 2013 strategic discussion on the new generation of nature funding from regional funds.

  8. Expanding the knowledge • Analyse the current use of the ERDF funds for nature conservation across the regions and gather examples of successful ERDF-funded projects to determine what lessons can be learnt from the varios approaches and results

  9. Preparing for the next financial period • During the last year a handbook on future biodiversity funding from ERDF will be developed and the project will organize its final conference in September 2012, disseminating and promoting best practices collected during the project

  10. SURF challenges for 2014-2020 programmes Timing: Project duration 2010-2013, decisions on futurecohesion policy 2012-2014 Target groups: DG Environment, DG REGIO, European Parliament, Regional representatives Tools: Analysis, Presentations, Newsletter, Events

  11. Cohesion for regions and people ? The legal proposalprovidessomegoodsteps in therightdirectiontryingtomainstreamclimateaction but couldprovidestrongerincentivestoinvest in a greeneconomytakingintoaccountnaturalresourceandthevalue of ecosystemservices

  12. Basic architecture of the new legal proposals: • Common provisions for 5 funds • Fund specificregulations • Common Strategic Framework • Concentration of investments • Resultorientation • Transparencyandaccountability • Parnership

  13. Thematic concentration • 11 thematicobjectives for 5 fonds • Concentration of structuralfonds on threeobjectives (80%, 60%,50%) • Climateearmarking of 20% and 6% in poorerregions • NEW Discussion! MS ask for moreflexibilitybypooling different investmentpriorities!

  14. Partnership + governance Environmental mainstreaming Performance reserve + Categoriesof expenditure Partnershipcontracts & condition-alities Thematic concentration Ear-marking Investment priorities Performance framework+ Indicators

  15. Environmental hooks in thefuture Cohesion Policy • Art.8 on Sustainable Development asks to promote environmental requirements… • Art. 24.4 Each programme, except those which cover exclusively technical assistance, shall include a description of the actions to take into account the principles set out in Articles 7 and 8. • Art.87.3 ..Each operational programme…shallinclude…a description of specificactionstotakeintoaccount environmental protectionrequirements…

  16. Environmental hooks in thefuture Cohesion Policy • Earmarking for supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors; 20% and 6% or ca. 10%ERDF • Art.17 Ex Ante Conditionalitiesiflinkedtothe environmental aquis • Art. 19 Performance reviewandframework /indicators • Art. 20 Allocation of performance reserve • Monitoring and Evaluaion • Art. 5 Partnershipand multi-level governance

  17. Key challenges as seen by Environmental NGOs • Low carbonearmarkingis not ambitiousenoughtomeet EU targets • Concentration on fewThematic Objectivescan in some MS orregionsexcludeenvironmentprioritiesfrom OP • Strong provisionsneeded for environmental proofing (climateand biodiversity) of programmesandprojects, linkedwithfulltransparency of expenditures • Environmental authoritiesshouldsupport strong partnershipas in manyregions NGOs and environmental authoritiesworkhand in handtowardssutainabledevelopment

  18. Next stepsduringtheprogramming • 1Q/2012: Agreement on strategicprioritiesandpreparation of partnershipcontractssettingclearandmeasurablegoals; • 2Q/2012: exchange of viewwith European Commission on strategicpriorities • 1Q/2013: Negotiation of Operational Programmes with EU Commission • 2Q/2013: Approval of Operational Programmes - 2014: Start of newprogrammes

  19. SURF advocacytowardsnext EU budget 1. Ensurethatthe Environmental Objectiveandinvestmentisapplied in all regional orsectoralprogrammes! (6) protectingtheenvironmentandpromotingresourceefficiencywith (d) protecting biodiversity, soilprotectionandpromotingecosystemservicesincluding Natura 2000 andgreeninfrastructures …with good arguments that protecting your region‘s natural capital creates jobs and contributes to economic development the new programmes can include clear actions for biodiversity!

  20. SURF advocacytowardsnext EU budget 2. Explorehow biodiversity canbelinkedwithotherthematicobjectivesthrough: Goordpractices on Forest biodiversity, Tourism, Environmental education, Green infrastuctureand Natura management… …if the direct investments in biodiversity are not included your programming links should be established for indirect support through, climate adaptation, risk prevention as well as sustainable transport or support to SME in the tourism sector.

  21. www.surf-nature.eu Let´s make financing biodiversity a success story! Peter Torkler, EU-Policy peter.torkler@wwf.de www.panda.org Thank you for your attention!

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