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ARRA Update MASSACHUSETTS WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD MEETING MARCH 10, 2010. Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary, EOLWD. EOLWD ARRA Funding Streams. 2. ARRA Workforce Development Funds (1512 reportable)

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  1. ARRA Update MASSACHUSETTS WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD MEETING MARCH 10, 2010 Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary, EOLWD

  2. EOLWD ARRA Funding Streams 2 ARRA Workforce Development Funds (1512 reportable) WIA Adult $10,073,668 WIA Youth $24,838,038 WIA Dislocated Workers $21,223,446 Wagner Peyser $ 3,023,796 Reemployment Services $ 5,039,660 TOTAL $64,198,608

  3. EOLWD ARRA Funding Streams Additional ARRA Funds (1512 reportable) • BYRNE/JAG Youth Jobs (EOPSS) $3,100,000 • NEG – Jabil Circuit, Inc. $ 827,616 • NEG – Metro Central 9 $1,906,964 • NEG – MSW Financial $1,294,864

  4. EOLWD ARRA Funding Streams Competitive Grant Awards • SESP $5,973,657 • Labor Market Info (VT DOL) $3,999,923 • CBO Capacity Building (CommCorp) $ 249,140 • Through USHHS

  5. EOLWD ARRA Funding Streams ARRA Unemployment Funds (no 1512 reports) • UI Modernization $162,683,341 • UI Administration* $11,620,239 • FAC Benefits $500,000,000 • FAC Administration $211,532 • EUC Administration $4,626,743 • *$2.9M+ directed to Reemployment Services

  6. EOLWD 15% Discretionary Funds for Statewide Programs • $5.3M Rapid Response • $5.73M Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund • $1M Pre-Apprenticeship Training • $3.36M Skills Gap services (health care) • $1.36M Skills Gap services for demand occupations specific to regions • $1M Workplace Education Fund • Plus $400K from DESE • $1.3M for staffing/TA – DCS and CommCorp

  7. Changes to ARRA Reporting • OMB • Jobs data not cumulative; expenditure data is cumulative • Changes to the FTE calculation • State • New web-based reporting tool • New data fields • Headcounts, Beneficiaries

  8. January Report Outcomes • Results for all states on www.Recovery.gov • 594,754 jobs for Oct 1- Dec 31 quarter • MA FTE calculation: 4,809 jobs created or saved • Headcount for FTE calculation was13,882 • Indirect jobs calculated at 6,941 • 20,823 - total estimated employment impact for ARRA-funded positions for reported quarter

  9. Job Numbers for EOLWD programs for reporting quarter • FTEs - 364 • Headcount 1,949 • Does not include Byrne youth jobs - 864 • Beneficiaries – 571,464 • Includes WIA, W/P and UI participants/claimants

  10. ARRA Data for the Commonwealth As reported for quarter ending December 31, 2009 • $4.3 billion in awards to state agencies • 72% - $ 3.1 billion of awards committed by state agencies • 77% - $ 2.4 billion of committed awards spent by state agencies • $1.7 billion spent on direct benefits (Unemployment Insurance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid, and other Safety Net Programs) • $675 million spent on programs and infrastructure projects through state agencies • Top 10 in the Nation for percentage of announced funds spent

  11. On the Horizon • OMB report due July 10 • Changes to state reporting tool • New processes for reporting on use of EOLWD’s discretionary funds, NEGs and SESP grants • Determining reconciliation process

  12. Questions, comments, further information: Pamela Lomax Economic Recovery Project Coordinator pamela.lomax@state.ma.us 617-626-7166

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