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This study examines the effects of experiential marketing on visitor behavior at Taipei Zoo. The findings show that experiential marketing stimulates positive emotions, which in turn influence visitor satisfaction and behavioral intention. The study provides managerial implications for creating desirable experiential environments and suggests further research directions.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 授課老師:李宜玲 老師 學號/姓名:9626602游正民 9626603傅巧芸 9626605洪秀慈
一、搜尋路徑 波錠紀念圖書館 →電子資源 →電子期刊 →刊名查詢「Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing」 →點選來源的第二項EBSCO Hospitality and Tourism Index with Full Text之「看所有卷期」 →登入學號密碼→查閱2003~2007年。
2003~2007年趨勢分析 經營管理 66 70 策略分析 60 行銷管理 50 網際網路 45 40 40 消費者心理與行為 29 30 其他 21 21 20 博奕觀光 10 運動休閒 2 2 1 0 公共關係 二、2003~2007年趨勢分析圖表
三、研究取向-經營管理 • 1. González, Miguel Vida(2006). A New Environment for Coherent Heterogeneity: Commercialization and Management of Tourist Destinations Within Intermediate Regions.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(1),33-44. • 2. O'Neill, John W, Mattila, Anna S(2006). The Debate Regarding Profitability: Hotel Unit and Hotel Brand Revenue and Profit Relationships. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.21(2/3),131-135.
三、研究取向-消費者心裡與行為 • 1. Tsiotsou, Rodoula; Vasioti, Eleytheria(2006). Satisfaction: A Segmentation Criterion for "Short Term" Visitors of Mountainous Destinations. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(1),61-73. • 2. McCleary, Ken W.; Weaver, Pamela A.; Hsu, Cathy H. C(2006). The Relationship Between International Leisure Travelers' Origin Country and Product Satisfaction, Value, Service Quality, and Intent to Return.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 21(2/3),117-130.
三、研究取向-策略分析 • 1. Kun-Huang Huarng; Moutinho, Luiz; Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu(2006). An Advanced Approach to Forecasting Tourism Demand in Taiwan.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.21(4),15-24. • 2. Baltas, George(2006). Econometric Models for Discrete Choice Analysis of Travel and Tourism Demand. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.21(4),25-40.
三、研究取向-行銷管理 • 1. Pike, Steven(2007). Consumer-Based Brand Equity for Destinations: Practical DM0 Performance Measures. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.22(1),51-61. • 2. Maitland, Robert(2007). Special Issue, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing: Marketing National Capital Cities. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.22(2),35-44.
三、研究取向-網際網路 • 1. Han, Jee-Hee; Mills, Juline E(2006). The Use of Problematic Integration Theory to Assess Destination Online Promotion Activities: The Case of Australia.com in the United States Market.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(3/4),93-105. • 2. Beritelli, Pietro; Bieger, Thomas; Laesser, Christian(2007). The Impact of the Internet on Information Sources Portfolios: Insight from a Mature Market.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.22(1),63-80.
三、研究取向-博奕觀光 • 1. Henry Tsai; Zheng Gu(2006). A Preliminary Examination of the Relationship Between the Stock Market and Casino Gaming.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(2),63-73. • 2. Rosenbaum, Mark S.; Spears, Daniel L(2006). Legalization of Gambling in Hawaii: An Empirical Re-Inquiry.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(3/4),141-151.
三、研究取向-其他 • 1. Gibson, Dirk C(2006). The Relationship Between Serial Murder and the American Tourism Industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(1),45-60. • 2. Tse, Tony S. M(2006). China's Outbound Tourism: Review of the 2nd International Forum on Chinese Outbound Tourism--Beijing, China, 20-21 November 2005. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.20(3/4),157-160.
四、各趨向之摘要 (一)消費者心理行為 • Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur、Yi-Ti Chiu、Chih-Hung Wang(2006). The Visitors Behavioral Consequences of Experiential Marketing: An Empirical Study on Taipei Zoo. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.21(1),47-64.
摘要 The progression of economic value has advanced to the stage of experience economy nowadays. Firms have recognized that the establishment of desirable experiential environment is an essential source of competitive advantage which is difficult to be imitated and substituted. The purpose of this study is to examine whether experiences of experiential marketing have positive effects on the consequent visitors’ behaviors. A mean of self-administrative questionnaire on the visitors of Taipei Zoo which is suffused with various experiential marketing stimuli was employed to examine our conceptual framework. The results show that experiences of experiential marketing have positive effects on the emotion. Furthermore, the emotion also has a positive effect on the behavioral intention through the mechanism of satisfaction. This study also proposes some managerial implications and further research directions within this article.
情感體驗 滿意度 行為意圖 架構圖
四、各趨向之摘要 • (二)消費者心理與行為 • Tak Kee Hui; Wan, David(2005).Factors Affecting Consumers' Choice of a Travel Agency: The Case of Singapore.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.19(4), 1-12
摘要 • This study aims to identify the most important factors in selecting a travel agency as perceived by Singaporeans. Based on a sample of 184 respondents, this study showed that "value for money of the tour package" was the most important factor affecting one's choice of a travel agency, followed by "reputation of the travel agency. " Nine factors were derived from 27 attributes using factor analysis. With the factor scores and the parametric (t-test and one-way ANOVA) or non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test), the study also showed that when selecting travel agencies, females attached more importance on the Image factor than their male counterparts. In addition, contingency analysis further revealed that age and income levels had significant influences on the choice of preferred travel agencies.
Value for Money of The Tour Package Choice of A Travel Agency Reputation of The Travel Agency 架構圖
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 授課老師:李宜玲 老師 學號/姓名:9626602游正民 9626603傅巧芸 9626605洪秀慈
一、搜尋路徑 波錠紀念圖書館 →電子資源 →電子期刊 →刊名查詢「Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing」 →點選來源的第二項EBSCO Hospitality and Tourism Index with Full Text之「看所有卷期」 →登入學號密碼→查閱2003~2007年。
2003~2007年趨勢分析 49 50 經營管理 行銷管理 40 綠色休閒 30 27 運動休閒 博弈觀光 18 20 網際網路 14 11 消費者心理與行為 10 6 5 3 公共關係 1 0 其他 二、2003~2007年趨勢分析圖表
三、研究取向-經營管理 • 1. Mitchell, Mark A.; Mitchell, Sheila J.; Bauer, Daniel (2003).Customer and Shareholder Development: Targeting Do-It-Yourself Investors. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.10(3/4), p133-145. • 2. Hassanien, Ahmed; Eid, Riyad.(2006).Developing New Products in the Hospitality Industry: A Case of Egypt. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.15(2), 33-53
三、研究取向-行銷管理 • 1. Pearce, Philip L.; Morrison, Alastair M.; Moscardo, Gianna M.. (2003).Individuals as Tourist Icons: A Developmental and Marketing Analysis.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.10 (1/2), p63-23 • 2. Wolfe, Kara; Kang, Soo K.; Hsu, Cathy H. C..(2005). Identifying Travel Agent User Segments.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.12(4), 73-92.
三、研究取向-綠色休閒 • 1. Formica, Sandro; Uysal, Muzaffer. (2002) Segmentation Of Travelers Based On Environmental Attitudes.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.9(3&4) , 35-15. • 2. Kidd, Jeffrey N.; King, Brian E. M.; Whitelaw, Paul A..(2004).A Profile of Farmstay Visitors in Victoria, Australia and Preliminary Activity-Based Segmentation.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing. 11(4), 45-64
三、研究取向-運動休閒 • 1. Bristow, Dennis N.; Schneider, Kenneth C..(2006).An Investigation of the Customer Orientation of Professional Sports Organizations: Development of the Sports Fan Orientation Scale (SFOS). Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.15(1), p27-44.
三、研究取向-博奕觀光 • 1. Kim, Woo Gon; Cai, Liping A.; Jung, Kwangsuk. (2004). A Profile of the Chinese Casino Vacationer to South Korea.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.11 (2/3), 65-79 • 2. Loroz, Peggy Sue.(2004). Casino Gambling and Aging Consumers: Overcoming Barriers and Reaping the Benefits of Experiential Leisure Consumption. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing11(2/3), 115-138.
三、研究取向-網際網路 • 1. Ski-Ian So & Morrison, Alastair M (2004).Internet Marketing in Tourism in Asia: An Evaluation of the Performance of East Asian National Tourism Organization Web sites.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing. 11(4), 93-118. • 2.Hudson, Simon; Gilbert, David (2006).The Internet and Small Hospitality Businesses: B&B Marketing in Canada.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.14(1), 99-116.
三、研究取向-消費者心裡與行為 • 1. Knutson, Bonnie J.; Beck, Jeffrey A.; Seung Hyun Kim; Jaemin Cha(2006).Identifying the Dimensions of the Experience Construct. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing. 15(3), p31-47 • 2. Siguaw, Judy A.; Simpson, Penny M.; Kasikci, Ali (2006).Exploratory Evidence About Differences Between Guest Types and Purpose of Stay in a Luxury Experience. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.14 (1), 3-21.
三、研究取向-公共關係 • 1. Stacks, Don W.; Carroll, Tina Bobe (2005).Travel-Tourism Public Relations: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.12(1/2), p3-8. • 2. Massey, Joseph Eric(2005).Public Relations in the Airline Industry: The Crisis Response to the September 11th Attacks. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing. 12 (1/2), 97-114.
三、研究取向-其他 • 1. Tilson, Sir Donn James (2005).Religious-Spiritual Tourism and Promotional Campaigning: A Church-State Partnership for St. James and Spain.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.12(1/2), p9-40. • 2. Levy, Stuart E.; Hassay, Derek N.(2005).Visitor Communities.Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.12(4), 57-72.
四、各趨向之摘要 • (一)消費者心理與行為 • Siguaw, Judy A.; Simpson, Penny M.; Kasikci, Ali (2006).Exploratory Evidence About Differences Between Guest Types and Purpose of Stay in a Luxury Experience. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.14 (1), 3-21.
摘要 • This study examines the differences and similarities between loyal and transient guests of a luxury hotel. The findings of the study indicate that there are no statistically significant differences overall between loyal and one-time guests in the criteria used for initial selection of a hotel. Differences, however, were found between loyal and transient guests in their criteria for selecting competitive properties and in their levels of satisfaction. Most notably, transient guests were far less likely to perceive the hotel as in need of any improvements than were loyal guests.
Selection criteria Guest type Stay purpose Satisfaction Characteristics Perceived 架構圖
四、各趨向之摘要 • (二)博弈觀光 • Kim, Woo Gon; Cai, Liping A.; Jung, Kwangsuk. (2004). A Profile of the Chinese Casino Vacationer to South Korea. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.11 (2/3), 65-79
摘要 • This study examines the differences between the two groups of Chinese tourists visiting South Korea, casino vacationer vs. non-casino vacationer, with regard to their demographic and socio-economic characteristics and travel behavioral patterns. In addition to descriptive methods, this study employed the multivariate method of correspondence analysis, making it possible to graphically illustrate the unique profile of Chinese casino vacationer in South Korea in comparison with the non-casino vacationer. The findings of the study should help destination marketing organizations in Korea and other travel-related businesses, such as tour wholesalers and operators, to differentiate between the two groups of Chinese tourists.
Casino vacationer Travel behavioral patterns Non-Casino vacationer 架構圖
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