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Elementary District Wide PD MTSS and Math

Elementary District Wide PD MTSS and Math. November 5 th , 2013. Welcome and Introductions. District MTSS Team Elementary Principals Elementary Presenters. Today’s Meet and Twitter. http://todaysmeet.com/ mtssmath Twitter Hash Tag # Fraserschools. Agenda. I. MTSS Overview - C. Wozniak

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Elementary District Wide PD MTSS and Math

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  1. Elementary District Wide PDMTSS and Math November 5th, 2013

  2. Welcome and Introductions • District MTSS Team • Elementary Principals • Elementary Presenters

  3. Today’s Meet and Twitter http://todaysmeet.com/mtssmath Twitter Hash Tag #Fraserschools

  4. Agenda I. MTSS Overview - C. Wozniak • Math and MTSS II. Grade Level Breakout Sessions – Facilitator/Principal Team Accessing and Interpreting Your Data • MTSS Data Points (Curriculum Weebly) • Data Director (Accessing Grade Level MTSS Reports) • Easy CBM Math Reports (Access, Interpret, and Intervene) • Data Director (End of Trimester Assessments)

  5. Agenda (continued) IXL • Setting up your site • Accessing and interpreting reports • Targeted interventions Everyday Math Esuite • Accessing and using the site • Understanding and applying content • Targeted interventions

  6. District MTSS Overview • The district is committed to supporting buildings and staff as they implement RtI. The district plan outlines non-negotiable, expectations. All buildings should continue to focus on Tier 1 in reading, writing, and mathematics. • District Implementation Plan • Year 1 – Reading (Data Collection) • Year 2 – Reading Interventions (Corrective Reading, Progress Monitoring, etc.) • Year 3 - Math (Data Collection) and Writing (Rubrics and Common Core Standards)

  7. District MTSS Overview • District Wide Tiered Intervention Letters. • District Wide Curriculum Weebly for the Core (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies). • Let’s Review

  8. Grade Level Breakout Sessions • Grades DK, K, 1, and 2 (Room 101) • Facilitator: Jane Sturgell • Principal: Denis Metty • Grades 3-4 (Room 108) • Facilitator: Katie Fitzpatrick • Principal: Aaron Sutherland • Grades 5-6 (Room 106) • Facilitator: Carrie Wozniak • Principal: Kristi Weiss

  9. Grade Level Breakout Sessions(continued) • Special Education Teachers (Room 302) • Facilitator: Steve Berg • Principal: Donna Anderson • Specials – H.E.A.R.T./GYM (Room 212) • Principal: Ed Skowneski • Specials –Art/Music (Room 210) • Principal: Sam Argiri

  10. So, where is your data?

  11. Using Data Director to Guide Math Interventions • In order to understand your Math Data, remember to always refer back to the Curriculum Weebly for your Data Points. (Curriculum Updates will now be in red with an email blast). http://frasercurriculum.weebly.com/ • Password: fraser • Click on MTSS Link and access your Grade Level Math Data Points.

  12. Using Data Director to Guide Math Interventions • Accessing a report by Grade Level • Step 1: Click on Reports • Step 2: Select Grade Level Report • Step 3: Download into excel • Step 4: Save Report to your Desktop or SkyDrive • Step 5: (Label by Building/Grade Level)

  13. Access Reports(click on Reports)

  14. View all Shared Reports

  15. Select Grade Level Report

  16. Download Your Data to Excel

  17. Download your Report

  18. Save Your report

  19. Turn and Talk • On a scale of one to five, how comfortable are you feeling about pulling this data from Data Director? Share on Today’s Meet http://todaysmeet.com/mtssmath

  20. Easy CBM Math Background Information • Measures: students’ mastery of the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Focal Point Standards • Focuses more on students’ conceptual understanding than basic computational skills • Fraser’s K-6 Math Data Points include assessment in Fall (#1), Winter (#2) & Spring (#3) from each of the three focal points • Equivalent difficulty across the measures within a grade level • Math tests from a given focal point should be used NO MORE than once every 3-4 weeks for monitoring progress • K-1 students have a “read aloud” option

  21. Easy CBM MathBackground Information • Items increase in difficulty from #1-#16 with one exception • #5 is the most difficult • #16 is the 5th easiest • Note: If a student misses #16, but gets #6, 7 & 8 correct, it is likely the child stopped trying by the end of the test because the last item should be easier than the items that come before it

  22. Reporting Options in EasyCBM

  23. Reports in EasyCBM

  24. Group Reports in EasyCBM

  25. Viewing Classroom Data for a Specific Focal Point #1 #2 #3

  26. Group Summary Report Summary Bar Graph shows distribution of scores and descriptive information

  27. “Empty Lot” may indicate a big difference in skills “Near Neighbors” can easily work together Group Summary Report: Provides information helpful for grouping students

  28. Math Item Analysis Example Item Analysis Report: Provides insight into the item types on which students need more work. Rank ordered by item from highest % correct to lowest % correct for your class Note: As you interpret these data ask: Has this item type been taught?

  29. Individual Reports in EasyCBM

  30. Select Individuals and then select an individual student to view graphs

  31. Individual Student Graphs: Show a student’s performance on each assessment in comparison to “norms” over time

  32. Interpreting the Chart 90th Percentile 50th Percentile 20th Percentile 10th Percentile

  33. Interpreting the Chart Click on “View” to drill down & see the student’s specific responses on each item Note: Use results in conjunction with the Item Analysis Report to look at specific item type

  34. Specific Student’s Answer Responses This student selected “B” for Item 1 The correct response was also “B”

  35. Specific Student’s Answer Responses Continued This student selected “A” for Item 1 The correct response was “B”

  36. Individual Student Report This report can also provide information helpful for judging the effectiveness of interventions for a particular student over time.

  37. Sharing Data with other Team Members • Screen Shots (command, shift, three) • Log in as a team during a PLC Meeting and use Apple TV • Print a copy of the student results

  38. What questions might you have about the Reports Available in EasyCBM?http://todaysmeet.com/mtssmath

  39. Understanding the Data from End of 3rd Trimester Exam • Accessing the End of the Year Trimester Assessment • Step 1: Select Assessments • Step 2: Find your Assessment (make sure to access last year’s data). • Step 3: Select your Assessment • Step 4: On the right select, Student Assessment Report Complete

  40. Find Your Assessment

  41. Select the 3rd Trimester Assessment

  42. Select Student Assessment Report Complete

  43. Examine Individual Student Data

  44. Now What? • At your table, reflect and discuss how you will use this data to change your instruction? • http://todaysmeet.com/mathmtss

  45. IXL • Checking in with the group: • Have you sent home a parent letter for IXL? • Do you have classroom expectations for IXL? • Do you have “at home” expectations for IXL? • Have you run a Classroom Report?

  46. Emerson’s IXL Experiences

  47. IXL Teacher Toolbox – Math Tab on the Curriculum Weebly • IXL Standards by Grade Level and Trimester (Located on the Math Home Page) • Click on IXL Toolbox • Fraser Link (Please put this on your Weebly or Edmodo site) • https://eu.ixl.com/signin/fraserps • Sample Parent Letter • Teacher User Guide

  48. Reports

  49. Activity • Pull your Classroom Report and find your top student user. • Send he/she an email congratulating him/her on their usage. • Turn and talk with a neighbor (and post): • How will you use this information at the building/classroom level? • http://todaysmeet.com/mtssmath

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