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Advancing Chaplaincy Research: Core Ingredients and Paths

Explore three pathways and core ingredients for advancing chaplaincy research. Enhance your research literacy to improve patient outcomes in spiritual care.

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Advancing Chaplaincy Research: Core Ingredients and Paths

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  1. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Small, Medium and Large: Three Approaches for Advancing Chaplaincy Research George Fitchett, DMin, PhD, BCC Department of Religion, Health and Human Values Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL george_fitchett@rush.edu

  2. A Research Agenda for Spiritual Care in Palliative Care Selman et al 2014, n=807 clinicians

  3. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Outline • A New Paradigm: Evidence-Based Chaplaincy Care • Chaplains Involvement in Research • A Research Agenda for Chaplaincy • Three Paths for Chaplaincy Research, with Examples • Core Ingredients for Advancing Chaplaincy Research • Summary & Discussion

  4. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Objectives After this presentation, you will be able to: Describe 3 pathways for advancing chaplaincy research Identify the pathway for advancing chaplaincy research that is most appropriate for your interests and resources Outline next steps needed to advance chaplaincy research in your setting

  5. The Changing Chaplaincy Paradigm Gleason, 1998; Fitchett et al., 2014

  6. Evidence-Based Chaplaincy Care Standard 12: Research The chaplain practices evidence-based care including ongoing evaluation of new practices and when appropriate, contributes to or conducts research. (http://www.professionalchaplains.org)

  7. What is Evidence-Based Spiritual Care? “Evidence-based spiritual care is the use of scientific evidence on spirituality to inform the decisions and interventions in the spiritual care of persons” Tom O’Connor (2002). Journal of Religion and Health

  8. The European Network of Healthcare Chaplaincy Statement: Healthcare Chaplaincy in the Midst of Transition Although it is not straightforward to evaluate spiritual care practice it is important to conduct research in order to improve the quality of care. Sharing research findings will also inform healthcare providers and faith communities of the role and importance of chaplaincy and thus promote chaplaincy services. (Salzburg Statement, 2014; www.enhcc.eu)

  9. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Health Care Chaplaincy Improving our Care and Making our Case Through Research

  10. Levels of Chaplain Involvement in Research

  11. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Chaplaincy: A Research-Informed Profession A research-literate chaplain has the ability to critically read, understand, and summarize a basic research study and to explain its relevance for his/her spiritual care.

  12. Reviews of Chaplaincy Research Mowat, Harriet (2008). The potential for efficacy of healthcare chaplaincy and spiritual care provision in the NHS (UK): A scoping review of recent research.

  13. A Research Agenda for Chaplaincy

  14. A Research Agenda for Chaplaincy

  15. Chaplaincy Care and Patient Outcomes Snowden et al., 2013

  16. 3 Paths for Advancing Chaplain Research

  17. 3 Paths for Chaplaincy Research: Selected Examples

  18. Chaplain Case Studies

  19. Chaplain Case Studies Spiritual Care in Practice: Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy George Fitchett and Steve Nolan, Editors 2015, Jessica Kingsley Publishers http://www.jkp.com/usa/spiritual-care-in-practice.html

  20. Lothian PROM, Snowden et al., 2013

  21. Patient Feelings after Talking with a Chaplain 39 discharged patients, Scotland Table shows correlation with items about how it felt when meeting with the chaplain. Snowden et al., 2013

  22. Satisfaction Scores for Patients Visited and Not Visited by Chaplains (New York City) Marin et al. 2015 *p < .05. **p < .01.

  23. FamilySatisfaction when Loved One Dies in the ICU

  24. Spiritual Care Providers’ Activities (n=285 svys) Johnson et al., 2014

  25. Association of Spiritual Care Activity and Family Rating of Satisfaction with ICU Decision-Making Johnson et al., 2014

  26. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Advancing Chaplaincy Research: Core Ingredients • Deep Commitment: Personal and Institutional • Time • Persistence 2. Education • Research literate (eg methods) • Familiarity with existing research 3. Partnerships

  27. Deep Personal and Institutional Commitment: Time and Persistence

  28. Becoming literate - familiar with the existing research Reviews of Chaplaincy Research Mowat, Harriet (2008). The potential for efficacy of healthcare chaplaincy and spiritual care provision in the NHS (UK): A scoping review of recent research.

  29. Becoming Research Literate – familiar with the existing research

  30. Webinar Journal Club V, 2015-2016

  31. TRANSFORMING CHAPLAINCY Promoting Research Literacy for Improved Patient Outcomes Co-led by George Fitchett (Rush) & Wendy Cadge (Brandeis) Together these initiatives will create over 800 research literate chaplains strengthening understandings of religion, spirituality and health and transforming chaplaincy as a profession. Core activities • 16 Templeton Chaplain Research Fellowships • Research literacy curriculum development grants to 70 CPE residency program • Free online continuing education Introduction to Research course for members of chaplaincy organizations Phase 1 – July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Phase 2 – July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2019 www.researchliteratechaplaincy.org

  32. Partnerships: The importance of mentors and partners

  33. The Role of Our Professional Organizations

  34. Summary – Two Models for Advancing Chaplaincy Research The 5 x 5 Model • 5 chaplains with research PhDs • working at 5 endowed centers for chaplaincy research • We All Play Our Part • small, medium & large efforts to advance chaplaincy research • beginning where you are

  35. Hopelessness -.46*** Religious Belief .69*** .17** ***p<.001, **p<.01. N = 271 Depression Health Care Chaplaincy Improving our Care and Making our Case Through Research

  36. Source: Anton T. Boisen Explorations of the Inner World: A Study of Mental Disorder and Religious Experience (Willett, Clark & Company, 1936)

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