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Checklists and activities for 4th grade language proficiency focusing on animals, colors, and self-assessment tasks. Includes vocabulary and activity sheets for each lesson.
Nombre: __________________________ Los animales4toGrado • Lección 1: Los animales • Lección 2: Los colores • Lección 3: Misgustos/favoritos
LCPS FLES Linguafolio • My Self-Assessment Checklist: 4th Grade • Use this checklist to record what you think you can do. In the columns to the right, indicate • your ability by writing the date for what you can easily do (column 1), what you can do somewhat (column 2) and what you cannot do but want to learn (column 3). • Language proficiency is developed over an extended period of study and practice. • This checklist will change over time.
Lección 1 Vocabulario Los animales This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: los animalesthe animals el perrothe dog el gatothe cat el leónthe lion la jirafathe giraffe el monothe monkey el caballothe horse el elefantethe elephant la vacathe cow la granjathe farm el zoológicothe zoo ¿Qué animal es? What animal is it? ¿Cuálestu animal favorito? What is your favorite animal? Mi animal favoritoes ____. My favorite animal is ____. ¿Cómoes _______? How is _______? grande large/big mediano medium pequeño small/little
Activity Sheet Lección 2Nombre___________________Clase________
Lección 2 Vocabulario Los colores This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: los colores the colors blanco white negro black amarillo yellow verde green rojo red azul blue anaranjado/naranja orange rosado/rosapink moradopurple café/marrón brown gris gray ¿Qué color es? What color is it? ¿De qué color es ______? What color is the ______? ¿Cuálesel color_______? Which is the color______? ¿Cuálestu color favorito? What is your favorite color? Mi color favoritoes_______. My favorite color is _______.
Activity Sheet - Lección 2Nombre___________________Clase________
Activity Sheet - Lección 2Nombre___________________Clase________
Lección 3 Vocabulario Misgustos/favoritos This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: me gusta I like no me gusta I don’t like ¿Tegusta el color _____?Do you like the color_____? ¿Tegusta _____? Do you like _______? Si, me gusta_____. Yes, I like ______. No, no me gusta______. No, I don’t like _____. favorito favorite ¿Qué color es? What color is it? ¿Qué animal es? What animal is it? ¿Cuálestu color favorito? What is your favorite color? Mi color favoritoes ______. My favorite color is _____. ¿Cuálestu animal favorito? What is your favorite animal? Mi animal favoritoes_____. My favorite animal is_____.
Animales Activity Sheet Lección 3Nombre_______________Clase__________ • Vocabulario • perro, gato, caballo, elefante, león, vaca, granja, zoológico, jirafa, mono, blanco, rojo, amarillo, • me gusta, favorito, no me gusta, negro, azul, anaranjado, verde, morado, marrón, rosado, café,
Proyecto Draft: Los animalesNombre:________________Clase:____________ • The instructions for this theme’s project are as follows: • Create a visual for your presentation: a poster, video, or PowerPoint of your favorite animal. • Using your visual, describe your favorite animal to the class. When presenting, you will need to greet the audience (hola…), state your name (me llamo…), state your favorite animal (mi animal favoritoes el perro), and describe the animal in your visual (elperroesblanco). • The script below is an example of what you need to sayin your presentation: ¡Hola! Me llamo ______________________________. Mi animal favoritoes________________________________. ______________________es_________________________. (the animal) (color) Optional: You can describe more than one animal.