1. OSHA Survey ResultsThe Next Step
2. Preferred Delivery Method
3. Which type of combination is best
4. # of Directors interested in the“SHAPE”
5. # of Directors interested in the “Alliance Program”
6. # of Instructors per OSHA course
7. Next Step? Instructors select an OSHA Teaching Pathway
Construction “Train the Trainer”
General Industry “Trainer the Trainer”
Instructors can select Non-Teaching Pathway
Construction 30hr card
General Industry 30hr card
Construction 10hr card
General Industry 10hr card
8. Instructor OSHA Data collection Instructors complete the online form
Form will gather the following information:
Contact information
Past OSHA coursework
OSHA Pathway of choice
Personal preference time of courses
Personal delivery method preference
9. To become an OSHA Trainer General Industry
Able to issue OSHA General Industry 10hr or 30hr cards
Courses and steps involved:
5 years or 3 years + degree*
Course 511
Course 501
Construction Industry
Able to issue OSHA General Industry 10hr or 30hr cards
Courses and steps involved:
5 years or 3 years + degree*
Course 500
Course 510
10. Cost to MACTE/CTE Members 30hr Card –may be free
General Industry
10hr Card –may be free
General Industry
Train the Trainer—hopefully around than $300.00 per
General Industry
11. What are the Benefits of an Alliance between OSHA & MACTE.
Build trusting, cooperative relationships with the Agency.
Network with others committed to workplace safety and health.
Leverage resources to maximize worker safety and health protection.
Gain recognition as proactive leaders in safety and health.
Alliance Implementation
OSHA and the Alliance participants form implementation teams. The teams, consisting of representatives from OSHA and the organizations, are responsible for developing strategies and implementing programs or processes that meet the defined goals.
12. Links for more information
Link to free OSHA classes: http://www.maine.gov/tools/whatsnew/index.php?topic=Safetyworks_Classes&v=ListAll
(currency none listed, will be updated soon)
Link to this presentation:
Link to online instructor assessment survey
Link to MDOE-CTE OSHA resource page:
13. Top 15 Penalized Violations in Maine
Training on Work Zone Setup and Flagging
Written Lockout/Tag out program
Training on Lockout/Tag out
Written Confined Space Program
Trenching and Excavation Training
Written Hazard Communication Program
Written Exposure Control Plan
Training on written Exposure Control Plan
Hepatitis Shots/Waivers
Written Respiratory Protection Plan
Training on Written Respirators
Medical Clearness
Fit Testing for Respirators
Maintenance of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Fork Lift Training
14. More information?
Feel free to contact Shawn with OSHA related concerns